Chapter 12 Clazzies, Passionate Tails, 3262DYs 20 Years Old 

"Bitch, quit being called up first!" A feminine dog snarled in hatred.

"You shouldn't really be calling me a bitch, hun." I chuckled teasingly while I'm looking at myself in the mirror to reflect my young and beauty the horny dogs are eagerly waiting for, my red and blue eyes gleaming cutely. "Every horny dog out there wants to see me way more than you, and besides, I'm doing y'all a favor, and Cloo's liking it so far."

"Y- You just CAN'T just make him suddenly like you within a month and just become the star, this has to be some joke!"

"A joke? It ain't a joke, if he wanted a GOOD young boy to treat him and this club well, then he got himself one, besides, even before I ended up 'ere I didn't expect my fine ass to look younger suddenly, no grey hairs at all!"

"So, you're some old fuck in disguise is what I'm getting at?"

"Naaaah, I say it's Legend's gift and the New World's weird biological-youth-time-change type shit, but who cares!" I squeaked before hopping off a small chair while looking over at the curtain, then back at the whiney bitch, whose name is Tiffini, a short, cute golden retriever who had the spotlight for a few years, and also was Cloo's mate; but when I first performed 'ere, everyone just loved me; then Cloo soon after; she's just livid that she doesn't got what I have! A slimmer body, smooth and groomed golden-brown fur, a priceless grin, shiny eyes, I can keep going; but I got horny dogs to deal with. "I gotta go show off now, you just wait 'till I'm done, and you'll see how turned off they'll be once you hit the stage next!" I laughed before trotting off to the stage, and I can slightly hear Tiffini huffing and growling in disgust and jealously.

Slowly, I push myself through the small gap from the big curtains, and colorful lights start to shine down at me while walking down the slim stage, and also a crowd of horny dogs immediately cheering and barking for me with glee and lust, leaning on their couches and armchairs as they're eager for me to perform once more for them. My eyes set on the crowd for a few seconds as I pace myself towards the pole, but my eyes soon lock onto Casantro, a big, mid-twenties, kind black cane corso sitting near an occupied armchair. He's the only patron in Passionate Tails, as he just never stops pouring Paws through my personal bank for every performance I do, even his friend, which is the one sitting on the armchair, Disco is his name, would question his habit of sparing me Paws; but I always wonder how he does get all 'em Paws; he might even be richer than Cloo; maybe even the whole crowd possibly; it's Clazzies after all.

As the sound of swift jazz starts kicking like usual, I look directly at the pole in front of me, and I slowly put two of my small, front paws onto the cold bar with a good grip, then I extend my hind-legs upwards to press the front of my elegant body against the bar; while my face rubs against the side of the bar. The crowd stares at me with their grins showing and tongues out as I begin circling around the bar on two-legs with ease, giving them a complete look of me while grinding my body against the bar, when suddenly I leap up onto the bar with my legs and paws wrapping around it, and soon start humping slowly against the bar with my groin from off the ground. And as I keep staring at the horny dogs, the few of them start to howl, even small dings start to erupt into the room; as they're transporting their Paws as tips into my account willingly. I couldn't help but show off a toothy grin, then when I glance over at Casantro's usual spot, I notice that him and Disco are gone. That's... not a good sight.

Five minutes passed after my performance of humping against the pole and doing some creative pole dances, as I mindlessly ignore the horny dogs eyeing on me while I'm trying to sniff for Casantro's scent, I only manage find Disco's instead, and the scent travels away from the crowd and up to a set of small, concerte stairs that lead up to Cloo's office. Even though it's Disco's scent, I walk over to the stairs, then soon up the stairs to see a big, wooden door above me for seemingly any of any dog size to go through; plus, there is a purple light above me to kind of lure in the welcomer whether if it's important or not that is.

As I'm now up close to the door, I push it open with my head slowly, then I poke my head inside of the room with the door pressing against my neck.

"Cloo?" I barked out, as all I can see from afar is Disco's long, slim back that is blocking me from seeing if Cloo is behind the desk or not. But silently, Disco shuffles to the side for me to see the huge, light brown, charming Great Dane behind the metal desk, his big paw swaying as a sign of command for Disco to move. Me and Cloo stare at other, his dark, brown eyes sparkles with a grin on his face, and I stare at him with my contaminated, bright, red eye and my bright blue eye, and also with my face warming up; most likely visibly blushing. "U- Uhm..."

"Me and Disco here..." Cloo barked soothingly. "We were talking about your performance tonight."

My heart immediately skips a beat. "I- It wasn't good enough?!" I squeaked in fear, and Cloo starts to laugh deeply.

"Well, I'm sure you've put up a juicy performance, but Disco here loves it more. And due to your good performance, he has made a reservation for you."

"Disco...?" I whined lowly before looking back at Disco, who is happily grinning at me. "But..." I then look back at Cloo. "But I thought Casantro-"

"Nope." Disco interrupted. "He has a bitch of his own, but I don't, l could go for any bitch like Young."

I lower my ears and look back at Cloo with a frown. "B- But Casantro was the one who reserved for me... a- and he never told me he had an actual mate..."

"And?" Cloo scoffed. "Anyways, Disco would love to start now. You know what to do..." Cloo said with a wink, then I look back at Disco reluctantly with a disappointing sigh.

"Fine..." I muttered as I watch Disco walking over to the door, then I start to follow Disco with my tail between my legs.

At least twenty minutes of my time passed as me and Disco are inside of a partying penthouse. At least, what's left of the penthouse, as there doesn't seem to be anyone inside but just me and Disco, and the amount of colorful shreds of paper that are supposed to be confetti all over the floor, couches, kitchen shit, so on so forth. The penthouse is made of not just metal, but painted metal with huge windows, a few diamond chandeliers above our heads, wooden barrels in the open kitchen that most likely contain either red or brown liquid.

"This way." Disco barked as he walks over to a golden door, and I start to follow him, knowing exactly what I need to do in a place like this.

"So... who owns all this?" I asked.

"Own all what?" Disco questioned.

"Dumb ass." I muttered to myself. "Like, who owns all of this penthouse?"

"Oh, I do, I own this place, I make music and pretty rich as fuck at doing it." Disco explains.

"Cool flex." I scoffed before Disco pushes the door open with his head easily, and as we both get into the room, the room we're in is quite... messy. It reeks with mainly red liquid, lots of paper confetti are on the floor and king-size bed, his music equipment is on a- wait, is that a pool table? In the middle of the bedroom too? Huh, that's a first, the legs of the pool table look adjustable for any dog's size too, they even have equipment to actually play the game too.

Anyways, without Disco's consent, I feel his teeth grabbing me from the scruff, but I don't whine as I let him pick me up and take me on over to the bed. Suddenly and unmannerly, he throws me onto the bed instead of placing me on the bed with care, and my face ends up hitting the pillow. I snarl in frustration through the pillow and slowly lift my face up from the pillow, but then I stop mid-way because of a familiar scent that hits my nose. To my surprise, it is Casantro's scent. I have always wondered what he REALLY smelt like from up close since I'm always far from him on the stage to only get bits and pieces of his scent, never have we got any closer. But now I know, as he smells decent, he doesn't bathe it seems, but it doesn't reek neither, so I guess that's a lose-win right there. Though, what kills me is that I know he has a mate now, it pains me, I used to really want him as he seemed like a nice guy, but now... I kind of just don't

I can sense Disco behind me, so I immediately flip myself onto my back before he could mount me from behind, and thank Legend it was good timing, as he is now on top of me while I'm on my back, looking down at me with horny eyes. I slowly try to glance between his legs, but then I feel his paw cup onto my chin, forcing me to look back into his face.

"I don't want you looking at that now, I want you to guess what size I am once I get this dick deep inside of ya." Disco said with a sly grin.

"O- Oh..." I whimpered. "Sorry master."

I make Disco's ears perk up high, and I force a small, cute giggle to entice him more. "H- Holy..." Disco shuddered in surprise.

"Master?" I questioned. "Maybe if I could have just a quick drink, I'll..." I try to think of something to say that would be convincing, but he obeys anyways and got off me, then he leaps off the bed and runs out of the room. "In a bottle, please!" I beckoned.

A few seconds later, he comes back with a glass bottle of brown liquid in his mouth, usually the ones that are small and green has the best brown liquid, so it'll be a shame for me to do what I'm going to do next. But anyways, he hops back onto the bed, got back on top of me, then as he carefully places the bottle next to the side of my head, I put my small paw on his right, facial cheek, and start to rub it gently.

"Thanks, hun." I whispered as he stares back down at me while licking his lips hungrily, then without hesitation, he roughly smashes his lips down to my lips, and I can feel his right paw on my chest, then his paw moves down to my stomach as my paw slowly hovers towards the bottle. Begrudgingly, I kiss him back, but the strength of his kiss pushes me deeper down on the pillow, and I can feel his paw move down from my stomach to my groin, and my paw ends up grabbing the side of the glass bottle.

Suddenly, he pulls back the kiss, but I just keep focusing on his horny, drooling face that he has going on. "You gonna... make master... the most happies-"

Woosh- SHATTER! Thud.

Welp, I got brown liquid over me, a horny dog's unconscious body on me, a bit of glass on me, and a fuck ton of things to rob in this place.

Roughly, I shove him to the side of the bed easily without too much problem, then I got myself up to get rid of the glass from my body, then afterwards I start shaking my body to get the brown liquid from off my now messy fur. As soon as I got off the bed, the first thing I see is a small safe with a lock attach to it, and the safe is weirdly under the pool table, but I say that's some luck. So, I dash on under the pool table, then I put my ear near the lock of the small safe and unsheathe one of my claws. I slowly push my claw into the lock, did a bit of moving around inside of the lock before a loud crack erupts in my ear. I remove my claw and ear from off the safe as the small, safe door starts to open slowly to present a few Paws Depoisters, which are basically the embodiment of deposit boxes but carriable. As soon as I was going to grab one of the devices, with my pointy ears, I can hear someone walking inside of the penthouse.

I look over at the golden door that is still wide open to see a shadow of a huge dog. With my cowardness thinking, I swoop behind the safe to hide myself, but it isn't that big enough to hide me fully, as the only thing that is possibly easy to spot is a bit of my long, bushy tail sticking out. I peek back at the golden door, then to my surprise, I see Casantro carrying some kind of wooden chest on his back.

"Guess who won FIFTEEN million Paws after mugging a..." Casantro suddenly stops barking in his medium, joyful tone, then a disappointing scoff erupts in the room. "Drunk fucking idiot... he's lucky we have this money, but I'm just going to hide it if he's going to spend it all to get drunk."


Damn, that chest weighs a ton.

Anyways, I start to observe the room where its visible for my eyes, as they're some possibilities to distract him, but I start to hear his heavy paw-steps walking over to Disco, and I think by the sound of his loud sniffing, he is most likely checking on Disco. I peek over at the bed, and I can see Casantro on the bed, sniffing Disco and the sides of the bed. Now that Casantro is busy, I carefully move myself to another side of the safe so I can get ready to make a run over to the golden door, then right when I was going to make a run for it, a loud snarl erupts the room.

"Son of a bitch!" Casantro snarled aloud, then in a panic, I immediately start to run for the door without looking back. "Young, come back!" He exclaimed.

I kept quiet, but I suddenly start to slow down. I soon completely stop moving, then I look over my shoulder to see Casantro sliding out of the room and slamming his body against a wall to stop himself, and I slightly flinch from his sudden movement. "Clumsy much...?" I sighed, watching him trying to catch his breath.

"Y- Young..." Casantro barked breathlessly. "Did... you and..."

"No. Casantro, I never wanted to fuck him, not even love him, so that's why I hit him over the head with the bottle."

"That makes a lot of sense about the mess..." Casantro sighed.

"Listen, Casantro, I have to leave. None of this wasn't supposed to happen."

"No! Young, please, I don't want you to go... are you even okay?" He asked while slowly trying to approach me, and I just look away from him and at the exit.

"I need to leave the city. I can't live here anymore, there ain't no love here, just blood and... worse... something the law today can't deal with. That's why I'm going to a town." I explained with hesitation in my voice, then I sense Casantro trying to get above me, but when I try to move away, he just nuzzles and licks my head between the pointy ears.

"You don't have to leave the city... it's probably the club that got you all worked up." Casantro whispered. "I could maybe... erm... give you Paws-"

"NO!" I squeaked before glancing up at him with my red, corrupted eye as he looks down, taken aback by my reaction. "You don't fucking understand! I don't need no more Paws, I'm good, I just need to leave the city and that's that, I don't got anything else to do here, I need to explore, I need to be out there. Just because I LOOK like I'm having a blast in that fucking club, doesn't mean I'm happy. It's supposed to make y'all happy so I can get paid, just paid enough to get out of here without much problem in my life. You don't understand that, don't you? I don't want you anymore..."

"I... what do you mean you don't want me anymore?" He asked in a calm, whispery tone while trying to move his head to look at my face, but I keep dodging him from trying to get a good glance at my dramatic self.

"Disco said you already have a mate. Things would've been different if you didn't, but since you have a mate, I don't need to be around here." I said before turning myself around to his face him, looking up at him sternly as Casantro takes a couple paw-steps back to give me a bit of space. "Plus, why the hell would you even reserve for me if you already have a mate? That's cheating!"

"N- Now hey, I... I wanted to maybe start a harem. With you and Birdy, ya know?" Casantro said with a light chuckle. "Is that too much to ask of you? You two will get along, you'll get what you want around here, and I'll have two sexy babes to care for."

I sigh and look down at my paws. "If only you knew how tiring it is to be in a harem like myself..." I recalled before looking back up at him with a sad look. "Casantro... I'll be going now. Okay?" I said while slowly backing myself up to the exit.

"You're going to hit the door." Casantro barked.

I tilt my head at him a little before looking over my shoulder, and I can see that the door is wide open. As soon as I look back at Casantro, he grabs me by the neck and reels me up close to his body, then I try to break his grasp by smashing my small paws on his big paw, but it's hopeless as he soon lifts me up in the air and soon, but softly, puts me on the ground on my back, holding me down as he bends down on me while keeping his big paw on his neck. "C- Casantro!" I snarled out chokingly, when suddenly he licks my face warmly. "T- This is what the f- fuck is wrong with you dogs today, y'all gone insane!"

"Now listen here." Casantro snarled down at me in anger. "I still fucking love you, I always try to get enough time to watch you on stage, and I brought the courage to actually attempt to mate and own you after I had finally stopped pounding my bitch while fantasizing that my bitch is you, but better yet, I can even get you off of Cloo's paws too and pound the both of you just to show how much I love you and Birdy! So, are you going to be a good boy like Birdy and be my mate like you wanted to before, or am I going to have to do it myself?"

A small plan forms into my head, so that means I'm going to have to use my acting skills. I start by quivering with fear, whimpering up at Casantro. "P- P- Please, I'm sorry..." I suddenly sobbed. "I- I'll be a good boy..."

"Oh yeah?" Casantro whispered before he starts licking my face multiple times to get the fake tears off me. "Good." He then looks away from me while looking at the couch, and he starts to slowly remove his big paw on my neck. "How about... you get on over at that couch, get comfy, and I'll show you how much of a good fuck I am while I claim every bit of you with what I got packing." Casantro snarled lustfully. Then, as soon as he looks back down at me, I slash across his face hard with one of my unsheathed claws, then Casantro jumps off me and put one of his big paws on his face while he yelps and moan in agony.

I get up quickly from off my back, then I run through the exit.

Then I ran out of the luxurious apartment.

Then the city.

And soon, a town that looks like... a new start.