Chapter 14 Underground Home 

I walk out of the elevator lift to end up being in a small, dusty, messy living room. No tv, no couch, just only one lantern in the middle of the living room. And since that I live under an abandoned warehouse, the walls and floors are made of just cracked concrete, so, I guess I'm technically living in a basement. But that's not where the real magic is at though.

I head on over to the only door in this underground home of mine that leads me into the inside of my bedroom-armory-workshop, BAW for short, which is a huge room that I created with some mining equipment. I was going to make more rooms, but the fact that this very room is the size of a simple, small factory, I realized that I didn't even have to make more rooms, therefore, the bedroom-armory-workshop was created. It's so huge, that I created up to three sections.

One section is the bedroom, which is just a simple mattress on the concentrate floor with a blanket over it, a few electrical lanterns scattered near the mattress, and also a few photos and LOTS of bullets scattered near my mattress too. Don't ask, I don't even know why the hell I have bullets laying around like that.

Second section is the armory, which has a LOT of weapon racks, a pile of weapons, a pile of bullets, boxes full of weapons and ammo, and so on. I bought some of the weapons, BUT I have created the rest of the guns, and I am quite proud of my gunsmith expertise.

The third and last section is the workshop. It contains not one, but two DIY tables, one for creating weapons and the other to create or experiment with gadgets. How many gadgets do I have? None. How many weapons do I have? Too many. But this is basically where I've created my sniper... which is still being held by the law. Dammit. I think it's better off if I just leave the sniper there, it's a past I sadly must forget if I'm leaving this town for good. Oh, and this spot also has an anvil, smelter, grindstone, automated tools, stuff that can help with creating things.

Anyways, I need to get a move on. The first section I go to is the armory, because I just need to pick out a gun of choice for self-defense purposes. Usually, it would always be a sniper, but since I'm not going to be able to do my job for a whole year, I'll just pick out... uhm... I have too many fucking guns.

I examine the pile of crafted guns carefully, from the pistols to the sub machine guns, shotguns, assault rifles, DMRs, so on so forth. One weapon catches my eye, a slightly big pistol to be specific, the one that is shiny like pure silver than the rest, and it isn't quite near the pile. I simply grab it from off the ground with my regular, big paw, and admire it, and I can already tell that this is a beauty that I shouldn't overlook. With its short barrel and how light it feels in spite of the pistol being the size of my paw, this is an agile, and possibly, a powerful pistol. Plus, on the right side of the silver pistol, it has a small switch with two modes below and above in the middle of the switch that are engraved on the pistol. The one on the top says "Pistol", and the one on the bottom says "Shotgun", it's safe to assume that this weapon is a shotgun-pistol... though, how come I'm not remembering how I built a deadly weapon like this? No matter, I'm keeping this weapon.

I walk over to my mattress while carrying the pistol with my regular paw, and I step on the bullets and photos with no care. With my metal paw, I push the mattress to the side with ease to uncover two things: a silver badge with my middle name crossed out in red, Young, my real name that is hard to see, Waverly, and my preferred name that has one word bolded in red, Waves; and a bright, metal red collar. These two were gifted by Dasha. I kept it very close to me, in hope that Dasha would forgive me spiritually, but...


My ears immediately perk up and I quickly turn to point my pistol over at my workshop at... nothing. Just nothing. I slowly glance down at my gun, my blue eye twitching in disbelief of how crazy I'm fucking being right now.


I quickly my pistol at the armory next. I don't see anything, or anyone. "Hello?!" I snapped in a bit of fear in my tone. I've never been this scared in a LONG time, but I'm only afraid because… what if it's one of my mates from Earth? O- Or Dasha even? "Wher- I... D- Dasha, is that you hopefully? Or maybe... J- Just show yourself!"


My metal claw automatically unsheathes, then in a swift motion, I turn around immediately and slash to where I heard the loud, bloodcurdling howl of Disco. But I don't see anyone but just a glowing, floating blue orb that is now in front of me. "…Disco…?"

"Waverly." A feminine voice cooed from behind, and then as soon as I turn around again in a flash, my body becomes still, and I start to levitate up into the air slowly with pain spiking inside of me, and the pistol from my regular paw drops to the ground, and my eyes stay lock on a young, average height, hairless cat with gray eyes and ripped, pointy ears, and she a levitating orb on her small, right, front paw, and the orb is fading into one color to the next. "By Purliss!" She gasped. "You're really getting older by the day, but also, and strangely, getting stronger than weaker despite your old wounds."

I try to speak, but my vocal muscles are weirdly preventing me to talk, it's almost like I'm choking on a small rock, but if anything, that magic the familiar, hairless cat is on her small paw that she is using is most definitely the source. "Let... me go..."

"Promise you won't go for the gun then?" She hummed.

"I said-" suddenly, I collapse onto the ground as my body goes back to normal, and as I'm now staring at the ground I slowly glance up at the hairless cat, as she is looking down at me with a toothy grin, the orb that was paw is now beside her. "Oh Legend… what are you...?"

"Well, darling, my name is-"

"Refrain from calling me darling, and...actually… I do know you, weirdly, and unexpectedly, my mind is like an endless photo shoot that takes a picture every fucking second of my life… Forwa. Your name... it's Forwa."

"...You really do still remember me..." Forwa whispered in utter shock, and she quickly looks away from me. "H- How...?"

I rise up from the ground, then I start to stretch my previously broken bones that are painfully reminding me of the agony I have not fixed during my decades of killing. "Am I wrong to still remember your name after that shit-fest I started?" I groaned grumbly before calmly sitting back down properly, and I admire what she is now than what I had once remembered what she was like, and she wasn't no hairless, ugly looking cat, but the last time I saw her, she had beautifully groomed, gray fur that matches her eyes. Now I ain't saying she's ugly, she's still pretty good for a sphinx now, I guess. "You're Forwa. You were one of Dasha's kidnapped friends, and you were forced to work for THEM, the ones who pleased themselves off of Dasha's lively slim, black feline body to later being snuffed, and when I got back home to adore him once more, all I saw was his lifeless, sexually assaulted body. All of their dirty looks turned into immense fear when I came to slaughter them all in their underground establishment, one by one I was ripping their throats and tearing their insides while blinded with hatred. And when I later found your cells, I have set you all free, and you were all surprisingly cats that were like you, bound and forced to be in an endless orgy. I have always wondered what happened to the cats around here, but soon enough, I found them. Then, I went for him, the one who ordered his dogs to use and kill Dasha however they preferred... and sad enough, I didn't kill him."

Forwa glances back up at me with teary, gray eyes. "Y- You didn't?!" She hissed upsettingly. "But-"

"The Legend killed him!" I snarled to shut her down. "I know..." I start to calm down a bit. "I wished I had killed him myself to avenge the death of Dasha, as he was my mate, and he was your friend, but instead, Dash- erm... I heard a ghostly voice that told me to not kill him... but then afterwards, the Legend killed Dasha's killer. I was so happy that night... that I was still bloodthirsty to kill the corrupted dogs in these lands... but now, I'm simply here to change. Not only for Dasha, not only for the Legend, not only for my mates and pups, but to be..."

"Huh..." she mewed lightly before she starts wiping her tears from her face with one of her small, front paws. "Do you... possibly know where Dasha's body is now?"

"Well... when me and Dasha were mating once, she said that the only thing that is keeping us together is my burning lust igniting him like he's put inside of a burning furnace. So... I cremated Dasha."

"Y- You WHAT?!" Forwa yowled, gesturing her paw at me violently. "Why the FUCK would do you that?! I- I could've brought him back alive!"

I slightly tilt my head. "You can bring the dead back alive?" I questioned with no surprise in my voice. "But even if you can, he wouldn't want to see me as what I am now physically. If anything, as his spirit is roaming around me, and as he and my other mates back in Earth talk to me in spirit, that's all that matters."

"You don't understand! I can bring him back to life even without his body or soul, I need to... or maybe..." she starts to slowly get an idea. "Do you want Dasha back?"

"I... no-"

"Too bad." Forwa huffed. "You know Rocks?"

"Forwa." I said with a slight growl. "I said no."

"Why the hell do you not want to bring your mate back to life? To be back in YOUR life so he can... I don't know, restore what you once were? Any man would want to bring their mate back to life after their unfair death!"

"Well, sor-fucking-ry that I don't want to bring him or ANY of my other mates back to life because of an unfair death! I DIED unfairly, all of my other mates, excluding Dasha, died fairly by spending their lives with our pups without having an old murderer around I'm certain! I don't know what kind of plan you got going on, but I need to leave this town before I end up behind bars, lynched even, I would've turned myself in by now so I can die and live with my mates in spirit! But..."

"But what?!" Forwa hissed. "What the hell is stopping you? Dasha! Your mates! They're stopping you by putting you on a leash and tugging you away from Death and into where you need to go! Are you grateful that their voices are saving you even though they're making you look insane?"

I remain quiet again, and I reluctantly, but truthfully nod at Forwa, and she let out a victorious huff.

"Exactly… So, with this plan of mine, not only you'll be out of town, but you'll be one paw-steps closer to a life you didn't think was possible. Now, ears up hound dog!" She ordered, and my ears gesture to signal that I'm listening. "There are cat burglars somewhere near Rocks, they 'own' a big, broken-down warehouse. I don't know where or what kind, but you need to go to the bar in that town to get some intel. I don't need you to kill them or anything lethally, but they do have something that can be of usage for us."

"I'm already confuse." I sighed. "Cat burglars? Since when did cats became after I saved numerous of them? And how does that have to do with me being 'paw-steps closer to a life I didn't think was possible'?"

"I mean, we live in a mad world, don't we? Cats turning into burglars and sex slaves, dogs being... whatever they're forced to be or what they chose to be, but if anything, this ain't no second life you don't want to be in." Forwa scoffed.

I glare in defeat. "Continue..."

"Basically, you gotta take out those cat burglars and come back with an artifact that can be used to search for Dasha's soul."

"And are you certain that this 'artifact' is at an abandoned warehouse with cat burglars, right?" I asked skeptically. "'Cause to me, it just sounds dumb."

"It's only sounds dumb to you because you never done shit like this in your life." Forwa mewed before pointing at the dropped gun near my paws. "Now pick up your weapon, finish packing up, and you just head on over to Rocks."

"Why JUST me? What about YOU? Shouldn't you come with me instead?"

"Uhhhh..." she then scoots up closer to me. "Keep this between me and you Sparky, but uh, you know damn well I can't fight!"

"You have magic." I countered while watching her sitting down real close in front of me.

"You are a nightmare." She mewed up at me.

"You can guide me instead of giving me information."

"You're a detective!"

"I am not, I'm just..." I stop talking to notice the orb beside her is spinning, then within a second of me realizing, I end up falling on my side with a thud, and I slowly start getting up painfully. "Fuuuuck..." I groaned out before looking up to see Forwa looking down at me through some kind of outlined portal that is high above my head. "Hey!"

"You'll need this too!" She mewed before walking away, then she throws down the collar and the badge on my paws. Forwa then comes back. "The gun is also with you, so you'll be fine! Good luck!"

"What the fuck, Forwa!" I barked lividly, but my voice doesn't do anything when the portal soon disappears out of my sight.