Chapter 15 ??? 

Hm... I kind of miss walking in these lands again, which is unexpecting of course, but maybe I could live around here in secret. Maybe I can stay FAR away from all of the towns and make a small den with me, the gun, and also the collar and badge. The silver badge is attached to the front of the collar like it used to be during Dasha's time of living, but sadly, she's not alive...

But anyways, the burnt dirt still feels the same, dry 'n solid of course. If anything, rain would be helpful right about now, maybe even a small patch of grass. Hell, a big ass tree is all I can beg for, a REAL one, that was something Dasha would love to have in this world, and I do too. Though, I will have to admit, the only thing I like about these lands is that I can see ALL of the town's lights shining in different directions, especially towards the direction of Rocks, as it is shining brighter than all the other towns. Fun fact: the reason why Rocks is... Rocks, is because they have rocks and pebbles that have an INSANE amount of power; electricity; volts! What happened was that before the Red Sun Generator was created, its red ray of light would just transfer its energy to all the rocks in these lands, then a few dogs discovered that the rocks contain a high amount of voltage to power a single house with just one rock. So, in secret, those dogs grabbed as many rocks as they could, formed a population, created a town, yadda yadda yadda, called it Rocks because of highly voltage rocks and pebbles.

...This walk is going to take longer than I thought. I mean, I am getting closer, but not... faster. Hm... Ya know, I always wondered about something. It's far, so far that no one wouldn't know about it but only me. It's that mountain. How come that Rocks never decided to make a mine out of that mountain to collect more powered stones? 'Cause if anything, the Red Sun's ray must've been depositing all that energy into that mountain, and they can get rich off it too. However, that is the only mountain that existence in these lands, and possibly every dog in these lands don't care for it, except for me. Maybe I should live there.