Chapter 3 P2 Elevator 

In order for me to get to the garage, I had to leave the room, continue up to the big hallway that led me from my room, 139, up to room 157, to get to the end of the hallway that has an elevator that can take me down to the garage.

Right now, I'm still inside the elevator, slowly making my way down to the garage... oh Legend, I should be out of here by now instead of following orders, but very weirdly, a SLIGHT part of me is preventing me from not leaving, and that part of me is me so willing to stay in a place that can be appealing. I mean, come on, they're cats in the area, I haven't seen cats in so long, excluding the incident with Forwa of course, plus the dogs around here are different too than the dogs out in these lands, there could've been the dogs from Doggystyle for all I care. But that doesn't matter, I need to get out of here and live somewhere entirely secretive since the mountain is currently being occupied by both dogs and cats at the moment, and that room that was gifted to me won't convince me to stay here any longer.

I do need to get back to Red Wire though, to see if things are alright as it was before all this even happened... wait, what the hell am I thinking?! I'm NOT supposed to go back there. Then again, I kind of miss a few dogs, like Diana, Birdy, Karma, Forwa, even though she's a hairless feline Felidae and the fact that... wait... on that son of a bitch, she put me here purposefully!

Ding! Shuffle-shuffle-shuffle-shuffle.

Welp, here's my stop, automatic doors wide open 'n everything. I walk out of the elevator through the opened elevator doors, and now I'm in some huge metal room that is packed with contraptions. Lots and lots of contraptions with different sizes.

These contraptions are familiar however, as there are many selections with their own rows of choice, some like four-wheelers, two-wheelers, a big six-wheelers, and cybernetically bound horses too. But there is a HUGE contraption that is hanged up above the rows that has is covered with a huge cloth I assume. Some of the four-wheelers even have mounted machine guns in the back too, possibly like the one back in that bar over at Rocks, but this is my first time seeing something like this before, it's been decades since I've seen a car too, especially back in Earth, though these cars manufactured by us dogs are quite... complex, I should say. I don't know shit about a car, but-

"Hey!" A familiar male dog barked out, making a loud echo in the room to indicate that literally no one but just me and him are in the huge garage, and also the wheelers of course. Though, I don't see the dog anywhere in my sight, but the bark came from one of the four-wheelers in front of me. But then, in the corner of my left red eye, I see the sight of a border collie's head popped out from behind one of the four-wheelers.

I look at his head fully with both of my dimmed eyes. "Erm... you sound... familiar, I suppose." I barked out a bit skeptically.

"F- Familiar?" The border collie squeaked lightly. "But... we've met! Do you not remember me? Did... I'm sorry..." he soon whimpered.

"Sorry?" I questioned. "Please don't tell me you're randomly apologetic."

"Dariuz wounded you that badly...? Look at how bandaged up you are, y- yet you aren't getting any rest now? I- I really wanted to make him stop, but..." he begins to panic in a frightful tone suddenly. "W- We shouldn't talk to each other! He'll kill you he said if I talked to you again! I don't want that to happen, b- but you've been called here, for what?!" His head then disappears from my sight, and I'm standing here all flabbergasted.

"...The hell am I gettin' myself into?" I muttered as I approach to the four-wheeler the border collie is hopefully still hiding behind it. "Listen now, I ain't getting my shit straight... are ya Fee by any chance? Ya voice sounds real familiar." I then got behind the four-wheeler, but no sight of the border collie. My nose however has his scent with a simple sniff. I bent down and look under the four-wheeler, and I can see the border collie curled up with his tail behind him. "Mm... ya being real dramatic now."

"S- So...?" He whispered. "Leave me... I don't want you hurt... I don't want anyone hurt a- anymore, j- just please... I can't..."

I slightly tilt my head, then I sigh. "If you insist." I barked gently before pulling my head away from him and got back to my regular height. Then, an idea blows up in my head. "Welp... guess I'll tell Dariuz then, eh? I got nothin' to live for except for 'em ripping me apart now, yeah?"

"WHAT?!" The border collie screamed out, then he immediately slides out from under the car, got back up and slams his slim, soft body against me as I sit down. "W- W- Why would you SAY such a thing?!" He snarled up at me, and I just stare down at him with a slight sly smirk.

"Mmm... don't worry about my state of mind..." I snickered deeply. "However, you're going to be answering my questions to jog more of my memory... and if you don't, you'll just see hanged or worse, mmk?"

Me and the border collie stare at each other in silence, his small muzzle trembling, his scent sweating with anxiety and his memorable gray eyes glimmer with his tears. "...Y- You don't have to do t- this..."

"First question." I barked. "Who are you?"

"N- No, pleas-" immediately, I put a strong grip on his chin, and his whole entire body freezes as he kept staring up at me tearfully.

"Name..." I demanded in a soft tone.

"...F- Fee..." he mumbled.

"Thank you." I then let go of his chin. "I'm glad I still remember who you are."

"N- No, that ISN'T a good thing of remembering me..." he snarled with frustration.

"You worry too much... why are you like this? Are we being watched?"

"W- Why do you care...? Y- You should be resting, your wounds-"

"MY wounds?" I scoffed. "Look at you, the hell happened to a part of your fur on your left cheek? It's gone, and the skin is bruised too, looks bad, been like that for hours I best assume." I pointed out, though Fee barely covers it with one of his small paws.

"T- T- That's none of your concerns..." he then tries backing away from me, but his back hits the back of the four-wheeler. "Y- You shouldn't be here..."

"That's the thing, but I am supposed to be here anyways, and unless I can get the hell out of here, none of this wouldn't be happening, but I suppose I still need at least a slight bit of rest. But since you're the only dog in here, it would make sense that you have something for me to do around here, or perhaps to talk about."

"...I don't want you to be hurt from him again is just... all..."


"Y- Yes..."

I gently brush my chin with my metal paw while processing what I have gathered socially. I should now try to know ways to how I can get out of here, though... I don't think I should, otherwise, he'll get too anxious, then will try something that will get us both in coffins I assume. So, for now, I should just follow orders, but the garage is a good start to figuring out my escape, especially since that there should hopefully be a huge garage door somewhere 'round here, or at least I do hope there is an exit around 'ere.

"A- Anyways..." Fee spoke up as he put his small paw back down on the ground. "Erm... the Alpha, she wanted me to test your skills on your craftsmanship, as she knows very well that you know how to craft weaponry. Plus, you were also a Red Sun Generator engineer, which should mean that you should have experience in crafting things of course." Fee explained, his voice becoming less anxious and more focus. Good. "So... w- we'll start with you creating a turreted four-wheeler. You see, when Dariuz used our very first turret on one of our best automobiles, not only did the four-wheeler we used went haywire and soon became unrepairable, but also it proves that we can officially now make turrets. However, we aren't very good at crafting turrets at the moment, but since you know very well about weapons, I assume you could make our turrets more... reliable I suppose."

I slowly nod in acknowledgement before putting my metal paw back down on the ground. "I see... how the hell do y'all know me so much exactly?"

"The news of course." Fee yipped gently. "Now, pleas-"

"Hold up now." I immediately interrupted. "What am I getting out of this? Freedom?"

"U- Uhm..." Fee's ears slowly begin lowering. "W- Well, erm... there isn't a clear reward, p- plus freedom isn't part of it... b- but the Alpha has advised me of a reward that is... uhm..." he starts trembling lightly, his breathing a bit uneasy. "B- B- But I... have a mate..."

"Sex." I simply stated. "Your body as the reward."

Fee freezes again completely, but his face begins to redden.

"I don't..." I then take a small breath of air, and funny enough, I finally realize how clean the air is than the air in the burnt lands. "Hm, good air for once. Anyways, WE don't need to do something like that. Honestly, just... fuck any form of reward, let's get to work, alright? Focus."

"R- R- Right!" Fee squeaked back into reality, then he dashes past me, and I turn around to watch him run over to a medium spacing with an automobile with no wheels and doors. I chase after Fee to get to the area he is in.

Soon enough, I caught up with Fee, and he is on top of the roof of the automobile.

"Waverly, is it?"

"No." I sighed. "It's Waves."

"R- Right! Sorry... But Waves, this is the automobile you will be working on to test your creativity. A- And I can't teach you exactly which is which, so you need to figure that out on your own, okay?"

"Are there any tools around here?" I asked as I look around.

"D- Dammit, I need to go and grab you tools! I'll be back and DON'T destroy anything!" Fee then gets off the top of the automobile to run back to the row of different wheelers, and I examine the automobile before me, figuring out what the hell am I going to do with this... thing.