Chapter 4 P2 Garage 

After what's been hours of construction when I got my tools, the automobile is finally completed. It's covered with multiple layers of metal for protection, and though It looks like it'll slow the automobile down with all that weight, but as long as it is beefy it's fine. The wheels are also made of thick, round metal. I also found blueprints for the turrets, and I was kind of in love with it. I changed a lot for it too, so now for the holographic screen in the driver seat, once the driver presses a button for the turret, it'll pop right out of the roof of the four-wheeler and automatically start shooting at a fast rate of fire, plus with good recoil too. I even added a laser sight for good measures. I also figured out how dogs can drive this thing, which is the holographic screen, as it basically controls the movement of the car by simply using the driver's front paws to turn, accelerate, and move backwards, so the car can go in different directions I suppose. Am I ever going to drive one of these? Probably not, but I'm sure the dogs in Clazzies or Red Wire are more than willing to have these automobiles to able to travel to places. Hell, maybe we could use these automobiles to carry out water without the heat getting rid of the water when it is exposed to the dry, burnt, dark, outside world.

"Waves." Fee shouted lightly from afar, though I can hear his movement coming closer to me. "It looks better than all the other automobiles."

I look away from the automobile to look back at Fee that now has a bandage on his left facial cheek. He got closer up to me before sitting down in front of me, then he looks up at me with a small smile. That smile... so innocent, genuine... real... what is this feeling again? This warm sensation that is making my heart throb, to yearn for something so desiring than to leave it alone, and it is right in front of me, something I shouldn't love for, but... inside of me is simply untamable. He somewhat reminds me of Dasha too, but different, and different feels new and unknown, although can be unbearably claimed and used, and to protect.

"W- Waves?" Fee spoke up gently. "Are you okay...?"

"Yeah..." I said faintly, but soon after that, I regain back my sense of mentality. "Erm... I'm fine..." I then look away from his gray eyes, my claws strangely out and digging the ground gently. When suddenly, I feel two soft paws on top of my claws. I look back down at him, and I can see him smiling wider than before.

"Please..." Fee whispered up at me. "Be honest with me..."

My ears flatten. "I..."

"Look at yourself." Fee slightly gasped while looking up and down at me. "Stained blood on your fur and bandages, strangely darkened eyes, sore paws and chipped claws... no one in this world treated you right? Not even at least one of your mates? Do you even feel pain, o- or terrible?"

"F- Fee, we shouldn't speak of ANY of this..." I beckoned.

"Stop copying me." Fee spoke up. "Just admit it, are you OKAY or NOT?"

"No..." I mumbled. "I'm not. I never was... and never will be..."


"NO!" I freaked out, and Fee immediately jumps back and away from me, keeping his distance with a bit of fear, and I keep my distance away from him too. "D- Don't call me that..." I then look down at my paws, breathing shakily and my body trembling. "No one shouldn't call me that..."

"T- The fuck is wrong with you?!" Fee snarled out. "You're crazy in the head!"

"You were pushing me!" I whined.

"A- And you could've been nicer! You're not nice at all, just like in the news! Now we're both acting puppyish!"

I slightly huff and look back down at my paws. "Like I don't know that... I need to be dead for all I damn care... away from 'ere- I- I can't change for shit, that's for sure. So... just get that fucking turret working and just end me already."

"T- The hell are you getting suicidal already-"

"I AIN'T, got NOTHING, to live for! And you damn well know that!" I then lay down on the ground and slam my face against my paws, easily breaking down. "I- I can't... I don't want this..."

"Waves..." Fee whispered, the tone in his voice seemingly selfless.

"I... I'll just leave... I'm a fuckin' embarrassment AND a mess..." I sniffled. I slowly then try to get up, but out of the blue, Fee walks up to me and gently presses his wet nose between my ears, brushing it up and down on my heating head. I stop mid-way from getting up

"I'm sorry...." Fee whispered gently. "I... I never knew you were in such bad conditions..."

"That's... the point..." I slightly scoffed. "You shouldn't be near me... you're right..."

"Dar- erm... look at me..."

I begrudgingly glance up at Fee with tears scrolling down my face. "But-"

"Fully, please." Fee demanded.

I look up at him fully.

"You're being ridiculous. Seriously, like, you're fucking going all over the place, and I expected you to be... tough for the most part, not a bitch."

I slightly perk up my ears from his words, then I sigh. "You're right... you're right..." I stand up fully and softly wipe my face with my metal paw.

"So... can you be my big, tough beagle please?" Fee beckoned as he gets on his hind-legs, then suddenly pressed his slim body against my bulkiness, and he rests his face against my bandaged neck and his small paws on my chest, and I stood in shock while staring down at him.

"W- What do you mean? I'm not your mate..."

"Hun, you don't understand how much I really need a new man..." Fee sighed warmly on my bandaged neck before looking back up at me with worry. "Dariuz, he... he's way more insane than you, that is why I need you to not act like it. He hated one of my autoworkers for flirting with me. So, Dariuz sabotaged one of his projects, killed twenty-five of his own men, then blamed it all on him. Dariuz made one of MY autoworkers look like he killed his own men on purpose. And guess what? He was executed afterwards! So, in one day, he killed twenty-six of OUR trustworthy dogs, all because of some flirting from an autoworker that I could've reported to the Alpha about... can't you believe that?!"

"Mm..." I mumbled. "Not gonna lie... I would've done something like that for someone."

Fee frowns. "Just... you're different than any dog I've ever loved..."

"You're into a depressing killer?"

"You're more than that!" Fee hissed. "You're... soft on the inside, but you're hiding it with your guilt and continuous sorrows. But that won't be a bother to me at all..." I then feel his small paws slip onto my chest. His voice resumes to soften. "What will be a bother... is you not loving me."

"I... I really shouldn't love you is the thing, and it AIN'T because of Dariuz..."

"But Waves." He whined. "I can't let you go if me and you have been close together like this. I haven't been this close with another dog in so long, a- and I'm tired of Dariuz's brutality, h- he's even careless of hurting me when we fuck too! I begged and cried, he just kept going like if he REALLY wants me to feel pain for his own pleasure, AND I DONT FUCKING WANT THAT SHIT! That shit was RAPE! I don't know what changed him, but the old Dariuz is gone, and I need you in my damn life and that's that! I'm tired of being used incorrectly in a relationship!"

"I... don't know what to say..."

In an instant, Fee slams his lips against mine, and I can feel his tongue swirling inside of my mouth whimsically.

My body soon gives into Fee's feelings, and I kiss him back in sudden desperation, and my paws explore all around his now ruffled, slim body.

Sadly, the kissing session ends when Fee pulls back. But he does give my chin a small, gentle lick, and his small paws begin kneading my chest, and our eyes are still fixated on the both of us. "Waves...?"


"Will you... protect me?

"I will try." I then slowly look away from him just for a second, only to see the Alpha and Dariuz from afar, the Alpha giving me a smirk, and Dariuz snarling at me with a betrayal look on his face. I quickly look back down at Fee. "We're being watched..." I growled lowly, and Fee panics before hopping off me and instantly getting back on all four-paws, then he turns to also notice the Alpha and Dariuz. And as the four of us stare at each other, a loud, upsetting snarl erupts the whole entire garage.