Chapter 10 P2 ??? 

Waverly... burned... death... risen... rise... rise... RISE!

I begin waking up with a painful headache, groaning groggily with blurry vision. Though, I can see multiple blobs to my left, right, and to the far front of me, and I can hear echoes of barks and meows too. It doesn't take long to regain my vision, but now I can see... them.

The Alpha, Shield, the pup, the Four Flowers, the slim gray wolf, Forwa... Birdy... a- and Fee next to Birdy too...? Fee's fucking in on this as well...? Fuck me... They're all looking at me.

I try to move my stationed body, but I can feel something around my body that is holding me tightly while seated to what I assume is a throne. I begin to snarl out at all of them, even the pup too. "F- Fuck..." I barked out with lack of strength. "Fuck all of y'all..."

"Dearest, I would want a say on this-"

"Alpha, you have no say in anything temporarily." Birdy yipped as he glances over at the Alpha on the right next to Shield. "You did what you did, and you've done well and enough, so just listen for now." Birdy then looks back at me with a small, toothy smile. "Big Bad Beagle. Mainly known as Waves Young Waverly..." he then looks down at an old, huge book with hundreds of pages. In fact, everyone has that book, except for me. "He is... WAS a beagle back in Earth, but he is now a new kind of beagle that no dog or cat has ever seen before, the reason is because of his exposure of the Red Sun during his second life before the Red Sun Generator was created, and the physical fights he has been caught up in his first and second life, as he had many fights with bears, wolves, and a bob cat, back in Earth, while in the New World, he has been fighting dogs like us. He had been with multiple different harems, and he had created many different pups and raised kits that weren't his biologically. However, specifically this harem, with Pinky, a small, pinkish white cat, and (classified), a (classified, classified, classified) wolf. Waves reproduced pups and, surprisingly, kits, despite Pinky and Waves's animal kingdom differences. Waves died in the inferno inside of a wooden mansion in the middle of a forest." Birdy looks over his shoulder to look down at the highly anxious Fee, who is sitting on a smaller throne than Birdy's, staring at me with guilt. "Read." He ordered.

Fee quickly looks up at Birdy. "B- B- But-"

"Read. Now." Birdy warned.

I focus my attention fully on Fee as he reluctantly flips a page with one of his front paws.

"...W- Waves Young Waverly... preferably known as Waverly, f- f- formerly was W- Waves, o- or Young, w- was once a pup birthed by his mother, F- Feather, an albino beagle, and the stepfather being a black wolf, N- Noir. However, he wasn't considered to be an albino due to the Legend's gift, a- and instead l- looks like an ordinary beagle, w- with no resemblance of his stepfather and only to Waverly's m- mother, with her bright blue eyes and pointy ears. This gift was one of the reasons why N- Noir despised both Feather and Waves Young Waverly due, as on t- that day, he felt that Feather cheated on him. H- He has changed drastically o- over the years in his f- f- first life-"

"Speak faster." Birdy snarled at Fee.

"I- I'm sorry..." Fee wept. "H- H- H- He was a fragile pup, to a l- loner." He then takes a breath. "A- A loner to a thief, a thief to a 'hound dog', m- metaphorically, a- a hound dog to a forest dog. A- And from a- a lover to a- a fighter..."

"Took you long enough." Birdy huffed before looking left and right at his crowd of dogs and cats. "Now... with Waverly's bio being too lengthy, which is understandable, we will have to cut it short. Based on the votes I have gotten; it seems that almost everyone in this very room wants to keep Waverly alive than dead. Personally, he has much potential, as we all know the prophecy of his future that seems good to be true, but we do not know when it will exactly happen, but we cannot allow to let his power slide from our paws. Waves already has an obsession with me, so obviously he wouldn't want to leave this place. However, he could grow attach to the Alpha, Fee, possibly Shield, the Four Flowers, Dariuz's pup, and possibly Adolpha."

I couldn't help but start wheezing dryly in the room. "The fuck...?" I spat. "Y'all... are weird as shit... ya got me all tied up, I'm over 'ere suffering... I'm so gonna kill EVERY single one of y'all in this FUCKIN' room!" I snarled out hysterically, switching my focus to Birdy. "Especially you! I knew for a damn FACT that there was something up with ya! I bet YOU were the one who killed Klassic, but now Disco is dead, son of a bitch!" I snarled out before looking over at Forwa randomly, though she is giving me a slightly fearful look. "W- What about you, huh?! You probably set me up at Rocks just to die, what about the things I've done for you?! I have set y'all free, worked for you, and THIS is how you repay me?!"

"W- Waves!" Fee whimpered aloud as I shift my focus back to Fee. "Please baby-"

"Don't you fucking 'please baby' me! I thought we were perfect, but you were in on all of this too! Was all that love for nothing?!"

"Waves, you better stop!" Birdy demanded.

"Or fucking WHAT?!" I barked violently while looking back at Birdy. "The hell you gonna do, huh?! I'll shove my claws in your neck if you TRY to get close to me! Mark my damn words!"

"Waves!" The Alpha soon blurted out. "You need to calm down!"

"Calm down?! You were the one who fucking-"

"Rose." Birdy barked. "Suppress him."

"As you wish... Dearest." Rose hissed in hatred.

A vibrant red rose appears in front of me, and a strong scent begins to flow out of the rose and into my nose.

"N- No! Dammit!" I whimpered unwillingly. "M- Mm... I... s- shit..." I begin to relax in seconds, and my mind is being filled with lovely memories, like the love I had with Fee, the love I had with Dasha, the love I had with Birdy, and the love I gave back in Earth.

"Good." Birdy sighed in relief. "Now, we shall now all move on to our second phase. Fee has been creating a project that specializes in traveling from very far distance with durable raw power, maximum protection for whatever that will hit at us, and the ability to hold up to at least over ten thousand dogs or less. Fee, could you give us a progress report?"

With my drowsy-lovey-dovey eyes, I stare at Fee with intense, but Fee is looking back at me with just plain sadness.

"Fee!" Birdy snarled. "Focus..."

Fee then looks back up at Birdy and snarls back up at him upsettingly. "D- Did you really had to make Forwa electrocute Waves?! You could've ordered Rose to give him a rose instead of that, you fucking idiot! He could've been dead! O- Or-"

"Fee, please shut your horny ass up." Birdy growled lowly. "I know you're yearning for his dick right now, but we don't need all that, you can just simply go to our strip club and get dick from there, but we're all trying to be formal here."

"Dearest's right, Fee." Forwa mewed. "I have... some feelings for him too, but we have to proceed in order to use him properly in the future."

The rose's scent finally starts to wear off, and I start being furious again. "Fuckin'..." okay, maybe not furious, just a tad angry, but mainly chill. I guess Rose knows me too well already.

"Dearest." The Alpha spoke up. "Since Fee is pissy and depress, I would hate to inform that due to Dariuz's secretive demands, we've never really got the chance to make a whole lot of progress today. HOWEVER, because of our raid at Rocks yesterday, we've destroyed that town and stolen all of their powered rocks, so maybe it'll be useful for... powering up the project I guess?"

"...Is that so?" Birdy sighed in disappointment. "Well... that can be of usage, I suppose." He then set his eyes back to me, and his mood changes into instant happiness. "Waves Young Wav-"

"The hell do you want?" I groaned in annoyance.

"Perhaps... you would do very well in... managing others, I suppose? How you see fit that would benefit everyone in the room? You're good at planning things, you could be the next warmonger instead of the pup, but that doesn't mean you don't have to start all kinds of fights since you're not that kind of person anymore, at least, that's what you said, but if you were to be one of the Alpha's second in command, once you become a warmonger, you will have half of the Alpha's power, but she is still technically powerful than you. Unless, of course, you would want to rule by my side instead? I could treat you really-"

"Fuck. You." I snarled. "And fuck all this hierarchy shit as well! Get me the hell out of this place!"

"Stubborn as usual..." Birdy sighed before looking at the rest of the other dogs and the cats. "Who here wants Waves to be second in command?"

"Me!" The Alpha said immediately, and I watch as most of the dogs and cats start agreeing with the Alpha's agreement, all except for Forwa, Fee, and that pup, Dya, who are growling at each other in disagreement.

"In that case!" Birdy barked. "Waves will have access to the Alpha's dorm to sleep and have personal and righteous company with the Alpha, while he will also command those who are below his rankings. And to keep the subject going in rankings, Dya will be the next future warmonger after Waves's deadline, and Adolpha will now teach Dya all about war tactics in his current youth. Any questions?"

"Don't we all think Waves should be put on a leash?" Shield barked.

I look at Shield in utter confusion. "What the hell is with you and leashes?" I pointed out.

"Waves does NOT deserve any of this!" Fee protested aloud as he faces back up at Birdy. "He doesn't belong to us, nor deserves to live here, just set him free!"

"Oh please!" The Alpha laughed. "He is with the Elusive now, gleefully bound and connected with Darkness! It's best if you ditch your method of treating him as your mate, as it is meaningless to him whatsoever, and you're below the ranks. He's better off with me."

"Hell no!" The orange cat snapped ruthlessly before slamming her paw on the table. "He doesn't need a weak bitch like you in his life!"

"How the fuck dare you say I'm weak!" The Alpha barked with bared teeth.

"The beagle deserves death!" Dya squeaked. "Father murderer!" The kid ain't wrong, I have killed many different fathers that I didn't know that had a mate and children... except for my father of course, the bastard deserved it.

"EVERYONE!" Iris, the purple cat, yowled in the room, and everyone and myself shift our attention to obviously the most intelligent animal in the room. "How about this: everyone except for Dearest and the Alpha may be part of Waves' harem, especially since that he is above almost everyone automatically, except for, once again, Dearest and the Alpha, because Dearest has a higher role than the rest of us, and the Alpha already has claimed Waves since he is technically in her ranks. And, within Waves's power, he can choose who gets to be in the harem with the Alpha's permission, except for Dearest."

I slightly raise an eyebrow at the purple cat, before looking back at Birdy, who is visibly baffle.

"What do you mean I can't have him?!" Birdy snarled ferociously. "I CAN have him! I am within my power and ranking to take for him as my mate!"

"Not by Darkness's law." Iris mewed before looking at me with a gentle smile. "The rank that is next to Dearest is Lordest, which is basically the husband of the Dearest and the king of the Elusive. However, the requirements of having that role is to be an Alpha, then the Dearest or Lordest may pick that Alpha as the Lordest or Dearest, and officially both Dearest and Lordest can be together. If Dearest die and Lordest both die however, then there's HAS to be a new Lorest or Dearest, thus the Alpha would have no choice but to pick that role."

"Oh, that's right." The Alpha soon chuckled softly. "Explains why I can't be Lordest, especially since that he has eyes on my loving Beagle."

"I..." Birdy whimpered, starting to hyperventilate a bit. completely speechless. "W- Well, I can banish Waves freely!"

"The fuck?!" Fee growled loudly out of nowhere. "You don't get to do that!"

"Not with the Alpha's confirmation and reasoning of course." Iris vouched.

The Alpha then let out an announcing bark. "Dearest will not claim Waves as his then, or of course be Lordest. However, respectfully, I will be the voice of this room now so we can all get out of here quicker. Waves, with my permission, you get to choose the following dogs and cats in this room as part of our harem, and I won't complain at all unless if I was provoked by the future members in that harem, but you HAVE to give me attention, otherwise, I will remove a member to increase my attention levels. Agree?"

"Fine by me." I barked gently.

"Good. Starting with Forwa. For your information, she was the one who electrocuted you by turning your sniper into a trap."

I glance at Forwa. "Is that damn so?"

Forwa lets out a lengthy whine. "It was Birdy. Please Waves, it was all him, I never wanted to hurt you, and I knew NOTHING about the ambush in Rocks, I just knew that there was something for me there, but it's gone now, because Dariuz took it and gave it to Darkness, and nobody but Dariuz knew what it was." Forwa explained desperately.

"So, Waves?" The Alpha barked. "Invite her into the harem?"

I sigh before nodding at Forwa. "She will be part of the harem."

"Thanks, Waves..." Forwa sighed in relief with a pleasant smile.

"Next, the Four Flowers."

I look over at the four, colorful cats, but they're not looking at me, but they're looking AND hissing at Forwa. "The hell's matter with y'all?"

Rose then looks back at me. "We won't be in your harem because of Forwa, as she was an outcast to the Five Flowers!"

"Well... okay?" I snickered carelessly. "Not my problem, I suppose."

"Next, Fee. Choose wisely."

I look over at Fee, to which he is trembling with tearful eyes, his ears pinned back. Personally... I don't know, he's... there's just something about him that he shouldn't be part of my harem. But yet again, the possibilities are endless. "Uhm... Fee-"

"Waves, please baby!" Fee wailed. He hops off the throne and runs to the side of the table in order to get to me, then afterwards, he leaps on top of me and starts ripping the ropes off my body.

With a sigh, I look over at the Alpha to see her growling at Fee, most likely jealous I assume. "Well... I guess I can have Fee into the harem too I suppose."

"Very well..." the Alpha grumbled. "And I don't need to bring in Shield, Adolpha, and Dya into the mix, as they're all... differently fawn of you than romantically." The Alpha then looks back at Birdy, and I look back at Birdy too, as he is visibly trying to keep his sadness and anger inside of himself, though he is staring down at Fee a little too harshly.

I finally get to move my body again as the ropes collapse onto the ground... until Fee tightly hugs me while he buries his face onto my chest face, repeating and mumbling the words, "I'm sorry baby", numerous times with his voice muffled. I just remain quiet and wrap my paws around his body into a hug too, I guess. What is he sorry for exactly?