Chapter 9 P2 Elevator 



"Waves...?" Fee barked up at me while sitting beside me.

"Yes, Fee?" I barked back while staring at the elevator door emotionless.

"Why must you bring your sniper on your back to the private meeting? I told you everything will be alright, my love."

I let out a small sigh before looking down at Fee with a frown. "Fee, think about it, this could be a trap. The Alpha is setting us up, expecting me to be unarmed, expecting me to be soft just because we're in a relationship and I'm mentally stable in this fucking place, thinking all this luxerious shit is making me feel like a king... but it ain't..."

Fee begins lowering his ears. "D- Does that include m- me...? You're just using me...?"

I sigh again and dip my head down to lick between his ears. "Come on baby, you know damn well I don't mean that." I whispered before slipping my metal paw on Fee's furless facial cheek. "What I'm saying is that I don't want to be in this damn mountain, but also, I don't want you in this corrupted place either. We should be outside, in a different town or city, or maybe just a little hut for the both of us in these lands... I'm just picturing a future for the both of that would benefit us. Hell, we'll even live in Clazzies too if you want that, hm?"

Ding! Shuffle shuffle-shuffle-shuffle.

"I..." Fee then looks over at the elevator doors as they open themselves up. "I'm sorry..." he suddenly whispered before getting up and walking out of the elevator.

I sigh and put my metal paw back onto the ground before getting up to walk out of the elevator as well. The first thing I see is a long, wooden table with stone thrones on each side of the wooden table, and one of the thrones is not occupied, which is the one in front of me and Fee. The throne in front of me is small enough for me to see everyone dog's and cat's faces that are familiar to me from left to right and up ahead, like the Alpha, the pup from back at the cells, Shield the German Shepherd, the Four Flowers, that slim gray wolf... and fuckin' Forwa herself that is looking at me with a tad bit of grief. But the dog at the very end of the table is the most familiar to me that makes my skin crawl savagely. Birdy Fitz. The way he is looking at me with his yellow eyes, giving me a calm, peculiar smile, all I can feel in my heart is just pain all over again. Pain and sadness... and of course, regret.

"W- Waves...?" Fee soon whimpered up at me gently. "Are you..."

What did I do to deserve this...? I slowly look down at Fee, who is beside me like before back in the elevator. "Are you in on this?" I snarled coldly.

"...W- Wav-"

"ARE YOU!?" I howled lividly as Fee backs away from me up with those fearful, teary eyes. And before I could say anything else, I start feeling something heating up on my back. I quickly try to get a glance at my sniper, when suddenly.