Epilogue 3282DYs, Thursday 

Tap-tap-tap-tap-tap... BANG-BANG- creek...


"Look down, dumbass."

Bailey looks down, and his eyes go wide. "Waves! You look... groomed."

I snicker deeply to his response. "I know, I hate it too, but the civilians will complain if I don't wash at all. Can I...?"

"Oh yes, please let us now begin the tea party." He chuckled before pushing the door wide for me as he turns and walks off, and I follow him from behind. "I do hope the guards in this hotel haven't been a bother, they're quite strict, but this is the best hotel in all of these lands."

"I mean..." I scoffed. "it's just a hotel. Meanwhile, I'm living in a penthouse."

"Ooo, aren't YOU such a high-classer, hm?" Bailey teased as the both of us are now in an ordinary luxurious living room, woopy-fucking-doo. Bailey gets on top of a long couch that has a glass table in front of it, and that glass table contains a fancy tea set. "Sit next to me."

"Sure..." I groaned before getting on top of the couch to sit next to him, and I watch Bailey get to work on pouring tea into the tea cups. I look around the room in curiosity... not until I found a very peculiar weapon hanging over a fireplace.

"S- So, I was thinking..." Bailey barked nervously.

I quickly look back at Bailey, and to my surprise, he looks kind of appealing for a dalmatian, with his blackish white eyes, his groomed fur, and how soft he looks, he's probably the softest dog I've ever seen, a very passive creature.

"You've been into fights. Do you know how to... hurt somebody?"

"All the time." I simply barked. "No matter how tall they are or how short they are, I'm still kick their asses."

"O- Oh my..." Bailey shuddered. "A- And do you do it to protect or...?"

"It used to be for nothing, but now it's for protecting." I explained before looking back at the weapon. "Now I got myself a question for ya. The hell is that?"

"Oh, that's my... uhm..."

I look back at Bailey. "A weapon?"

"Erm... you could say that..." Bailey said sheepishly. "It's a chained leash-sickle. Do you understand now?"

"A chained leash-sickle? I've never seen nor heard of something like that! Is it deadly?"

"Well..." Bailey then let out a high pitch whistle, and in an instant, the chained leash-sickle comes off the wall and onto the glass table. "It's kind of... painful than deadly. Kills you slowly until you beg for death... ya know?"

I couldn't help but smile widely. "Woaaaaah, sounds amazing!"

"R- Really?" Bailey barked in awe. "Well... perfect. T- This is perfect!"

"What's perfect?" I asked while examining the weapon.

"Everything! I... I thought you'd be weirded out because of my existence, and I'm grateful for that." Bailey barked before a tea cup appears in front of me. "Take a sip?"

I look into the tea cup before carefully holding it with my metal paw, then I give it a small sniff. "Huh... it doesn't smell like brown liquid or red liquid. Y'all been using real water this time to brew tea?"

"Why, of course. Nobody wasted any time and just started taking advantage of the water given by Motherly."

I then take a small sip into tea... and I REALLY wanna say that it tastes like shit, but I won't since I haven't been drinking anything normal but just brown liquid. I pull away from the cup and look back up at Bailey. "Tastes... okay."

"It's my father's recipe."

"Who's ya father?"

"...You wouldn't understand." Bailey hesistated.

"Oh?" I questioned. "Come on, I killed my own father."

"W- Wait, really?" Bailey barked in shock.

"Yeah, and I don't regret it, he had it coming." I snickered before looking back at the weapon. "You don't mind if I..." I put the tea down on the glass table and place my metal paw on the chain.

"W- Wait!" Bailey panicked.

"Too late." I snickered before carefully lifting it up. "Huh, kind of like a flail. And the leash is the chain, like a metal lasso, while the head of the sickle is made out of... actually, what kind of material is this sickle? It looks... complex, I know for a fact this ain't just pure iron." I barked before looking back up at Bailey, but for some reason, he is staring down at me in tremendous shock.

"...H- H- How are you still alive...?"

I just laugh. "What? Thought my head was going to get chopped off?"

He takes a deep breath. "W- Worse..."

"Well, I'm still alive..." I then softly put the weapon back down on the glass table, and soon, the charms start rolling. My smile and laughter switches to a smirk and a charming look. "Is that all ya care 'bout?"

"U- Uhm..." Bailey barked sheepishly. "W- Well, I... uhm..."

I then slowly stand up on the couch and move more closer to him. "You've been... alone, eh?"

"W- Well- oof!"

I easily shoved the tall dalmatian onto his back, and within seconds with my metal paw, and soon already on top of him with ease. "Come on, I can sense it. No woman, no man... just you, the weapon, and a wee bit of tea... how lonesome... that's why you invited me in the first place, eh? An old, tough beagle?" I cooed tenderly while watching and feeling his whole entire body quiver underneath me.

"W- W- Waves-"

"Nope, it's officially Waverly now." I snickered deeply before I put my metal paw on his chest. "And you're... a lovely treat for the taking..."

"I- I..." Bailey whispered breathlessly.

"Shhh..." I then slowly move my metal paw down to his stomach, making his body squirm violently, and a slight moan escapes from his mouth too. Right when I was going to go for the kill (not literally), a powerful scent flows into my nose. I glance away from Bailey to find the scent with my eyes, and soon, I see a red, smokey scent that is hovering around a small, wooden train with a skull symbol on it.

Fee talked about my sixth sense yesterday, and apparently, if I visibly see a red, smokey scent, it means that there is mayhem in the mere future, or possibly right now, whether if it's an animal or an object. But if I see a blue, smokey scent, it means that an animal is sad, or an item represents something represents lament, and I would have to link the item with an animal who has an interest to that specific item. But the smoke is red, it seems that there is danger coming...

Suddenly, I feel Bailey's small paws grip my head, and he turns my head to face down at him. "I... I don't know h- how... but I have feelings for you... and it's weird, considering that we're the same gender, and I shouldn't share this feeling for anyone... but this world has changed us dogs to feel this way... s- shit, the world has changed tremendously, a- and I want to embrace it with you alone... is that too much to ask for?"

I gently snicker deeply while shaking my head. "Nope, I've been fucking male dogs from the start, also getting in all kinds of relationships too with genders alike or different.

"A- Are you in a relationship right now...?"

"Nope, in a harem. But... let's make this relationship our little secret, hm?"

"A... A secret...?" Bailey barked skeptically.

"Why, yeah... What, you hiding something already?"


"Come on. Tell me, I won't judge."

"P- Promise...?" Bailey whispered as he removes his paws from my head, and just for that, I give his nose a small lick of affection and reassurance.

"Promise." I whispered back.

"W- Well... in that case... I'm..."


My ears perk up high, and I quickly turn my head and my body a bit to look behind me while on top of Bailey. My eyes go completely wide, my heart sinks, my body goes from warmth to coldness, and my body shocks me as I stare at a familiar animal with a black, hooded cloak that shows only darkness from the inside, with the biggest scythe I've ever seen in existence hovering next to the huge animal, as the scythe is filled with some kind of dark essence. I quickly look back down at Bailey, to which he is looking up at me with a slight bit of grief.

"I'm Skull, Legend of Death. And that's my father... Death, Legend of Reap."

In a flash, I quickly got off Skull and the couch, and I just book it to the door and soon out of the room without even looking back, realizing the fact that I almost bagged Death's fucking son, and I know for a good damn fact that either one of them are going to kill me, ESPECIALLY the father.

I just know it…