Chapter 17 P2 ??? 

I'm suddenly back in the burnt, grassless lands, facing Clazzies from afar. I peacefully sit down and look up at the sky with the golden bracelet luckily still in my mouth, and to my surprise, the dark clouds are slowly disappearing! AND, for the first time in these very lands, a single drop of rain water drops on my nose, then more and more begin dropping on my face. For over TWO decades of my life, after all the brutality and trauma, I finally feel a drop of REAL water from the skies rather than in disgusting caves deep below us. Motherly can now finally shed life! It will be a new chapter for dogmanity, as all of us can hopefully live with better conditions!

Well... except for me, as I STILL don't have Fee or the others. Unless...

I look down at the wet, burnt dirt, I drop the golden bracelet. Suddenly, it starts floating up to my face, but it's also cracking, and small beams of lights are being revealed through the cracks. Suddenly, it just falls on the floor, and the bracelet is now colorless. "You have to fuckin' tell me, that all this was for nothing...?"

Crash! Thud!

"Waves!" Fee cried on top of my back as my face is smashed against the bracelet. Yes, ouch.

I slowly lift my face away from the bracelet, and Fee automatically gets in front of me and starts licking my face immediately. "Okaaaaaaay." I groaned out. "Calm down..."

"Y- You saved me! I- I- I really thought it was over!" Fee barked with a wide, joyful smile and tears strolling on his facial cheeks.

I get up fully with a small grunt and a few bones cracked, and Fee stares up at me as I sit back down with a soothing smile. "Well... I'm glad I could get you back, love. Had to kill Darkness and everything."

"Y- You killed Darkness?!" Fee gasped. "S- So... it's true then... you're now a Legend, r- right?"

"Uhh... I know She told me that I'm the Legend of Lament and Mayhem... whatever the fuck that means."

"S- So you are a Legend!" Fee squeaked at me like a pup. "W- Well... I would love to switch my beliefs to you, Waves-"

"Nope. Call me Waverly."

"O- Oh." Fee giggled a bit. "Waverly... I love it, just as much as I love you, baby."

Before I try to give Fee a tenderly kiss, my ears flicker by the sound of small, distant movement. I quickly look over to where my ears heard it, and I can see none other but Birdy walking away from me with his tail down. Not on my damn watch.

I point my metal paw at Birdy. "Snatch him, Misty." I barked.

"Who's Misty?" Fee asked, when suddenly, Misty flies out of my metal paw and towards Birdy, then it wraps itself around Birdy's body. Afterwards, while Birdy yelps and struggles, Misty drags him all the way back to me, and now we're face to face.

"W- Waves, please, I- I fucked up, I know!" Birdy whimpered before Misty drops him on the burnt dirt, and I watch as Birdy slowly looks up at me with guilt all over his bright, yellow eyes. "P- Please..."

I couldn't help but smirk down at Birdy. "You... have a lot to prove. But that doesn't mean I won't stop drooling for ya." I snickered before dipping my head close to his face to give his small nose a warm, passionate lick. "Will you be part of my harem?"

Birdy flusters before looking away from me. "A- After what I did...? Y- You can kill me right here..."

"If I wanted to kill ya, I would've done it, no? Besides..." I then move my muzzle near Birdy's ears, then whisper, "I always want more than less."

Birdy glances back at me in submission. "F- Fine... I- I don't wanna lose ya neither..."

"Oh please." I cackled before pulling my head away from him, then I turn my head to see Fee with the Alpha, as he is comforting her traumatized experience of being dead. "I... still can't believe it..." I sighed gently before looking back at Birdy, who is staring up at the clouds in awe.

"B- Baby! The black clouds are gone, a- and I can feel... water dropping on us."

"Well, long story short, I-"

"Waves!" The Alpha soon barked out of nowhere as I can hear her walking towards me. "You have killed Darkness! Now the clouds are ceased, you saved us, AND you're a Legend!" She then got near me before sitting down. "Waves Young Waverly, Legend of Lament and Mayhem! I do wonder what are your powers, but one thing clear though-"

"You were the Doberman lady that I saved from my half-brother, Hod."


"Your real name was... uhm..." I tap my paw on the wet, burnt dirt. "Bridgette. Yeah, that's cha name." I snickered, and Bridgette's reddish-brown eyes went wide in shock.

"After all these years... you still remember me? W- Well, Waves-"

"Nope, not Waves anymore. Actually, hold up." I then clear my throat. "Everyone! From now on, y'all call me Waverly, that's final!"

"Can I call you Wavey then?" Birdy blurted out.

"Then I'm calling you Shitbird if you're calling me Wavey." I retorted. I look back at Fee, who is glaring at Birdy. "You and Birdy are going to get along, I don't wanna hear it."

Fee then whines at me. "But Waverly! He killed me! What if he kills me again, huh? And you? Or Bridgette?" Fee snarled.

"Fee, that's enough!" I snarled back. "No one is NOT going to kill each other under my paw, y'all damn understand?" I asked before looking back down at Birdy. "Do YOU understand?"

"Y- Yes." Birdy said while nodding quickly.

"Now what, Waverly?" Bridgette suddenly asked.

"Well... I say..." I look over at Clazzies that is far from us. "We will start a new path for all of us. We're going to keep a secret of who we once were, and instead create a new chapter for all of us. More specifically, I need to keep the whole... 'I'm a Legend' situation to myself. We're all going to start a nice, comfortable life in Clazzies. Alright? Sounds like a start?" I asked as I look at my new harem, and soon enough, they all nod in agreement, and I stand tall while facing the city. "Let's starting moving!"