The Shadow and the God

(Hey, I finally opened a Pat reon, I will now release 20 advance chapters ahead of Webnovel at the start of each month on Pa treon. I also made a fixed schedule for the regular chapters on Wn: each Monday and Friday, It's a first for me so I would be glad if you could share your thoughts on the comment section. Thanks.

In the shadows of the ruined city, a lone figure watched the chaos unfold. The man, clad in darkness, observed a clash of titans: the unstoppable force of the Hulk against the power of a god. The battle raged, an epic struggle between rage and divine might. Yet, the outcome was as one-sided as it was inevitable. The green behemoth swung his mighty arms, sending debris flying through the air. Mere mortals could only watch in awe and terror as the ground trembled beneath them.

The other heroes who were present watched the scene with a mix of disbelief and amusement. Loki, the god of mischief, found himself on the receiving end of the Hulk's wrath. He was tossed around like a ragdoll, his body slamming against the ground with earth-shattering force. The Hulk roared triumphantly, "Puny god!"

With Loki defeated, the Avengers turned their attention to closing the portal and ending the alien invasion once and for all. However, their hopes were short-lived as they heard Nick Fury's urgent warning over their comms. "Listen up, people. We got incoming. And I ain't talking about more of those ugly Chitauri bastards. The government's decided to nuke the whole damn city, and it's coming our way fast. So if you wanna make it out of here alive, you better start running, fighting, or doing whatever it is you superheroes do best. And if any of you can figure out how to stop that damn thing before it hits, I suggest you get on it now!"

The team tensed up at the warning, but Tony Stark, always the sarcastic one, tried to lighten the mood. "Great, just what we needed - a nuclear apocalypse on top of an alien invasion."

After a few moments of reflection, Tony steeled himself and made a decision. He would intercept the incoming nuke and redirect it towards the portal, hoping to destroy the Chitauri mothership in the process. The team hesitated, but they couldn't find any other solution. They asked their new allies, the masked Scarlet Witch, if she could do anything to help, but she simply replied, "No." Unbeknownst to the Avengers, she and her brother were playing their part in a plan devised by the Mad Titan, who hid in the shadows.

Tony flew at max speed towards the incoming nuke. The world around him became a blur as he pushed his suit to its limits. With expert precision, he intercepted the missile and redirected its trajectory. The heroes watched with bated breath as he sped towards the portal and vanished into the void.

Minutes later, a falling Iron Man emerged from the portal, unconscious and plummeting towards the earth. Thor and Hulk, their bromance evident, worked together to catch their falling comrade. Meanwhile, in Stark Tower, Black Widow, aka Natasha Romanoff, saw her friends save the falling Stark. She turned her attention to the task at hand - removing the Tesseract from the machine.

As her hand reached for the glowing artifact, she suddenly found herself unable to move. A shadowy figure appeared beside her and snatched the Tesseract from the machine just inches from her grasp. Natasha struggled to move, to scream, to do anything, but she was powerless. All she could do was watch the cold smile on the man's face before he disappeared.

Back on the battlefield, the other Avengers found themselves in a similar situation, frozen in place and unable to act. Even the mighty Hulk was rendered helpless. Eventually, they regained control of their bodies and began to discuss what had just happened.

Meanwhile, the blond-haired man who had taken the Tesseract found himself in a strange new place. He looked around in anger and confusion, trying to make sense of his surroundings. He was in a realm where logic and reason held no sway. Everything around him moved and shifted, defying the laws of physics and reality.

As he tried to comprehend this bizarre world, a voice rang out.

"I finally found you."

The man quickly turned to see the source of the voice – the Ancient One, also known as the Sorcerer Supreme. Her ageless visage was a picture of serenity and wisdom, and her presence commanded the respect of all who encountered her.

She circled the blond-haired man, her penetrating gaze never wavering. "Who are you or... what are you?" she asked, her voice carrying an unmistakable air of authority.

"You do not belong to this timeline."

The voice in Thanos' head, which had guided him so far, was now panicked, spewing profanities and fear. "Oh, shit! Shit! Shit! We're so fucked!" it lamented.

Thus began the first meeting between the Sorcerer Supreme and the transmigrator. An encounter that promised to be a legendary confrontation, as two powerful beings faced off in a realm where anything was possible.

Back in the real world, the Avengers regrouped, still reeling from the mysterious events that had unfolded. Natasha shared her experience, describing the shadowy figure who had taken the Tesseract and the sudden appearance of the strange portal that had swallowed him.

As they discussed their next steps, they couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. They had fought the Chitauri and won, but at what cost? The Tesseract, a source of immense power, was now in the hands of an unknown enemy.

The heroes were left with more questions than answers, and they knew that they couldn't rest until they had uncovered the truth. As they tended to their wounds and began to rebuild their city, they vowed to face whatever challenges lay ahead. They were the Avengers, Earth's mightiest heroes, and they would stand together against any foe, no matter how powerful or mysterious.

But as they prepared for the battles to come, they couldn't shake the feeling that they had only just begun to unravel the tangled web of secrets and lies that surrounded them. The struggle against the Chitauri had been brutal, but it was only the opening act in a much larger and more dangerous conflict. The fate of the Earth, and perhaps the entire universe, hung in the balance.