Mirror Dimension

In the mirror dimension, the world constantly shifted, creating an unpredictable and disorienting landscape that defied comprehension. The air crackled with energy, and the distorted reflections of reality swirled around like a kaleidoscope, disorienting those who entered. Amidst the chaos, the Ancient One and the Titan stared each other down, their expressions a mixture of curiosity, coldness, and calculation.

"No need to hide under that disguise of yours," the Ancient One said, her voice serene and unwavering. The Titan's form wavered, the illusion dissolving to reveal a massive, purple-skinned being clad in sleek, futuristic armor. "Why did you interfere in my business?" he growled, his annoyance clear.

"Interesting," the Ancient One mused, ignoring his question. "It's as if you never existed in the first place, yet here you are." She studied him closely, her eyes piercing through his defenses. The Titan tried to maintain control, but the situation had taken an unexpected turn. Clutching the Tesseract in his right hand, he attempted to gauge her intentions.

The voice in his head confirmed his suspicion that the Ancient One was unable to perceive his presence in the timeline. As he contemplated her arrival, he focused on the Tesseract's cosmic energy, feeling it envelop him. The voice reminded him that the cube was merely a container for the Space Stone's power, which he had yet to fully unlock.

Knowing he had to buy time, the Titan engaged in conversation with the Ancient One, attempting to draw her into a battle of wits. He revealed his knowledge of the MCU timeline, her abilities, and his own strengths, all while planning his escape from the mirror dimension using the full power of the Space Stone.

As they spoke, their conversation grew increasingly tense, the air thick with the unspoken recognition that they were both formidable adversaries. "What does the Ancient One want with me?" the Titan asked, trying to gain some insight into her motives.

The Ancient One's response was enigmatic. "Your existence is a threat to the Universe," she declared. With that, the battle commenced. The dimension trembled as cosmic energy and magical power clashed, spells and projectiles flying through the air. The Ancient One wielded her eldritch magic expertly, dismantling the Titan's attacks and launching her own assaults.

Utilizing illusions, she created a multitude of clones that surrounded the Titan, pressing him from all sides. Desperate, he used his psychokinesis to accelerate his speed and evade the onslaught, weaving through the desolate, ever-changing dimension. The Titan began to harness the Tesseract's power more effectively, sending beams of cosmic energy to obliterate the clones.

Recognizing the danger, the Ancient One decided to employ her portals, attempting to end the battle quickly. The Titan, seizing this opportunity, wedged the Tesseract between two portals. Space itself cut through the cube, releasing an incredible burst of energy that echoed through the dimension.

"You used my portal... to retrieve the stone?" the Ancient One asked, incredulous. The battered Titan grinned. "Using Space to cut space, isn't it ironic?" he replied, now holding the raw Space Stone in his right hand.

With the stone's power flowing through him, he laughed manically. "This will be fun!" he exclaimed, beginning to teleport around the Ancient One. As he became more proficient with the stone, he evaded her with greater ease, buying him precious time to plan his escape from the dimension.

The Ancient One, visibly frustrated, continued her pursuit, but the Titan's newfound power made him difficult to catch. He knew that if he could just master the stone's power, he would be able to leave this desolated dimension and go back to earth. But fighting against a Sorcerer Supreme won't make it simple, and he knew it.