Invitation and Learning

Entering the house of the farmer, the Titan observed his surroundings with a mixture of curiosity and intrigue. The dwelling was filled with an array of objects that were both familiar and foreign to him. The furniture appeared otherworldly, yet bore the simple, rustic charm of a farmer's family home. The suns had given way to the encroaching darkness, and the interior was illuminated by a combination of flickering candles and glowing, mushroom-like plants that seemed to thrive in the shadows.

The farmer approached a woman, her blue hair cascading down her back, and spoke to her in hushed tones. Her eyes, wide with apprehension, darted to the Titan who stood nearby, clad in the remains of animals that could have easily killed her a thousand times over. After the farmer offered a brief explanation and reassurances, the woman's features softened, though she remained wary of the imposing figure in her home.

The couple introduced the Titan to the rest of their family. A boy, around twelve years old, gazed at the Titan with curiosity and fascination. With ebony hair and blue eyes, he bore a striking resemblance to his father. A younger girl, approximately seven years old, hid behind her brother, gripping his clothes tightly. Her blue hair and eyes mirrored her mother's, and she shared her brother's curiosity and fascination with the towering visitor.

The farmer spoke in his strange tongue and gestured for the Titan to follow him. As they moved through the house, the Titan took in the cozy atmosphere, the simple furnishings, and the captivating glow of the multicolored mushrooms that lit up the rooms. The floor creaked slightly under his immense weight, and a myriad of smells filled the air, the most dominant of which was the tantalizing aroma of a home-cooked meal.

At last, the Titan was led to a small room, furnished with a bed, a closed window, and a desk situated beside the window. The farmer made signs for the Titan to wait and then left the room, allowing the Titan to examine his temporary lodgings more closely. The room appeared to have been used recently; dust had not fully settled, and marks on the walls hinted at the presence of a previous occupant.

Uncertain if the bed could support his weight, the Titan stood awkwardly beside it. When the farmer returned with sheets and a purplish glowing mushroom, he gestured for the Titan to sit down. Hesitantly, the Titan did so, marveling at the bed's ability to bear his immense mass. The Titan couldn't help but be impressed, and the voice in his head chimed in, "What kind of material can support your giant purple ass? Do they have vibranium in this world too?"

The farmer handed the Titan a book, which the latter inspected with curiosity. In good condition, the book boasted numerous pages, with its cover adorned by an illustration of a white eastern dragon encircling itself and biting its own tail. The image, accompanied by a radiant aura emanating from the dragon's head, evoked an inexplicable feeling within the Titan, though he couldn't pinpoint its source.

The farmer departed, leaving the Titan alone with the mysterious book. Flipping through its pages, he discovered strange script accompanied by illustrations that provided context for the text. The Titan recalled encountering similar symbols in a forest during his first days in this world. Settling comfortably on the surprisingly sturdy bed, the Titan began the task of deciphering the foreign language, whispering to himself, "So many opportunities, but I need to get back there as soon as possible."

He retrieved a glowing blue stone from his pouch, its sheen reflecting in his eyes. "My message should have been triggered by now," he cryptically stated before immersing himself in the book once more.