The Path Forward

(Hey everyone. A quick notice to tell you that, as you have seen in the previous chapter, the incoming arc will be a cultivation/original world. Because It's my first time doing that and because not everybody is a fan of cultivation worlds, I would make a few time skips from time to time so as to finish the arc quicker and come back to the MCU. Thanks again for your support and interest in the story)

Ps: I got a little Pat reon :D

Ok, Back to the story)

In an empty office stood a large and sturdy chair, the wind penetrating through the opened window casting a refreshing yet lonely breeze. The wind blew as if venting for a missing person; however, in another location, the atmosphere was more crowded, yet the feeling of dread stayed the same. In a room filled with various individuals ranging from warriors to scientists and even superpowered humans, a holographic recording was being displayed in the middle of the table.

Even as a recording, the air was tense when it began to play, and someone appeared. The projection had a commanding presence, radiating power and authority that demanded attention. With a heavy sigh, he opened his mouth, hesitating for a moment before speaking. "If you hear this message, it means that I am currently far away."

A mixture of emotions were displayed as they looked at the image of someone they knew for years, someone they learned to fear and respect. "I recorded this in order to tell you one simple thing," the projection continued, his voice firm yet weary. The air tensed as the projection spoke once again, "I will... be... back." As if it could see everyone in the room, his gaze pierced every single one of them, and especially a place where two siblings were looking at the projection, mixed feelings shrouding their expressions.

"Until then, keep growing stronger, continue with the following plans and most importantly," His azure gaze locked onto them, and the people were engrossed, "Do not disappoint me." With his final words, the projection of the titan disappeared, leaving only a room where imagination ran wild amongst its current residents.

A woman with a small build wrapped herself in a chair, only her deep blue colored eyes were fixed on the disappearing image of the titan, her trembling more evident as it finally disappeared. Finally, the assistant took back the mini device used to project the image and said, "Boss Kai told me to release this recording if no signs of him were to be found."

The assistant cleared his throat and addressed the room, "We must remain focused on our goals and trust in Boss Kai's vision. We will overcome any challenges we face and grow stronger, just as he wishes. Remember, we are all in this together. We are not alone, and we will continue to support one another in these trying times."

A few people nodded and even Dave, the ghostly soldier, spoke up. "The Boss is one of the strongest people out there," He looked at the blonde-haired girl and sighed, "If he said he will be back, then he will." The girl, with her face down, looked up and saw a determined man, and began to wipe her tears. She knew that if the titan were here, he wouldn't want her to be weak. A new resolve was created in her heart, and she would do the necessary to accomplish it.

Frank looked around and then stated something that needed immediate intervention, "How about the biological weapons you guys created? Isn't the Boss the only one able to control them?" The room tensed up once again; they had seen the destructive powers of these creatures and did not wish to be on the receiving end of their deadly claws and jaws.

"No need to worry, they obey Kai, and he decided on a hierarchy of commands during their creations," Tilda Johnson casually sitting spoke, slightly easing the tension. Looking at her as if to explain, she continued, "To make it short, Kai ordered them to obey a certain hierarchy, meaning they will obey a few people that he chose." She then pointed directly at the siblings, then her, the small Chloe, and finally the military veteran.

"Me?" the veteran raised his eyebrows. Tilda lazily smiled and said, "Of course, you are one of his most competent people after all." The veteran coughed to hide his embarrassment.

After a few more talks here and there, the group began to leave the room, a renewed motivation in their hearts. The siblings passed next to Samson, the wizened therapist, who smiled and complained about how he would miss his therapy sessions with the titan, as they were genuinely interesting. The three engaged in small talks until they were joined by Chloe, who Wanda immediately hugged and told her to be strong.

She knew that the titan's disappearance was harder for Chloe because he was a real father figure and savior for her. She wanted to give her full support to Chloe, who simply smiled and continued being dragged by the two siblings while a wild Samson kept pestering Pietro about some matters.

The room, once filled with tension and dread, now hummed with determination and unity. They would keep going, keep fighting, and keep believing in the titan's return. And when that day came, they would be ready. Boss Kai himself, the Mad Titan, Thanos, would find them stronger than ever, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead.