For the future

The carnage was absolute. The clash of Inhumans against the Swarm unfolded in a horrifying spectacle of bloodshed and violence. The Inhumans, fierce and unyielding, fought with every last shred of their determination against the alien onslaught that had invaded their stronghold.

At the queen's order, even the children joined the desperate resistance, fearlessly launching rocks with small, trembling hands at the relentless wave of the Swarm. A poignant scene of their courage, it was an act of desperate survival as the last line of defense crumbled around them.

In the thick of the chaos, a trio of Inhumans distinguished themselves—Karnak, Gorgon, and Medusa. Each disposed of their enemies in their unique ways. Karnak, with his cerebral precision, pinpointed the weaknesses of the invading Swarm and exploited them ruthlessly. Gorgon, brute force personified, crushed the insectoid enemies under his hammer, turning them into a grotesque paste.

Medusa, regal and composed amidst the carnage, noticed their gradual exhaustion. Her gaze drifted to a side, landing on Lockjaw, their loyal canine companion. His teleportation ability was vital, ferrying children and the elderly to safety en masse. "At least our future generation will still thrive," she muttered under her breath, her voice a blend of fear and hope.

With her extensible hair, she then turned back to the battlefield. Like sentient tendrils, her hair snaked out, gripping the Swarm members in a vice-like grip before crushing them like twigs. The putrid liquid from the crushed insects dripped from her hair, but she remained undeterred, her focus unyielding.

Suddenly, a resonant voice boomed across the battlefield, causing a momentary halt in the ongoing conflict.

"Teleportation, huh? I need a good method to block that."

The voice drawled out, rich with dark humor. The heavy thud of footsteps filled the ensuing silence, each step a thunderous proclamation of impending doom.

Stained with blood and fragments of a shattered armor clinging onto his frame, the Mad Titan entered the scene. His wounds, a testament to the carnage he had endured, were long healed, and he looked more formidable than ever. The Swarm, ever obedient, parted to let their master pass, bowing their heads in reverence.

Upon reaching the center of the battlefield, Thanos' gaze met Medusa's. There was no warmth in his eyes, only a cold, calculated intensity. A little further from the crowd, Ulysses Cain, the fortune teller, locked eyes with Thanos before quickly averting his gaze, his face pale with fear.

Medusa, her regal composure waning, asked with a voice filled with a calm fury, "So you are responsible for all of this. I only have one question. Why... why all this destruction, all this... madness?"

Thanos merely shrugged. "You took something that belonged to me, and I am here to take it back," he retorted casually. His gaze turned taunting. "Also, aren't you supposed to ask me about your dear husband?"

At the mention of her lover, Medusa's pupils dilated, her rage manifesting in her features. "You monster!" she cried out, her voice echoing hauntingly across the battlefield.

Driven by wrath, she lunged at Thanos, her hair extended to its limits, ready to strangle, pierce, do anything to end the Mad Titan's existence. But the calm and composed Thanos stopped her onslaught with a flick of his wrist, his psychokinetic abilities manifesting effortlessly.

"Wow, I was just asking a question."

Why so serious?" Thanos taunted, his grin a ghastly sight against the backdrop of battle. Medusa was suddenly flung back by an invisible force, crashing into the group of Inhumans nearby. They tumbled in a tangled heap, entwined in their queen's living hair.

"It's just getting started, don't worry," he sneered, his voice a chilling promise of the destruction yet to come. The Swarm erupted in an ear-splitting chorus of screeches, reveling in the display of their master's power and the impending devastation.

Medusa picked herself up, her features twisted with rage and determination. "You won't touch a single hair on their heads," she roared, her voice raw with emotion. Her hair, more like lethal weapons than tendrils of beauty, whipped around her in a furious display of defiance.

Meanwhile, Karnak, ever the tactician, was analyzing the situation. His eyes, sharp and discerning, were focused on Thanos. "We need to incapacitate him," he muttered, his tone grave.

Gorgon grunted in agreement, his grip tightening on his hammer. "Easier said than done," he retorted, but there was no real bite to his words. The larger Inhuman was ready, willing to throw himself into the fray to protect their queen, their people.

As the Inhumans braced themselves for the imminent onslaught, a feeling of collective determination rippled through the group. They were weary, battered, but their resolve was unbroken. They would fight. For their queen, for their people, for their future generations. With a final glance at each other, they charged, their war cries echoing through the battlefield. Their unity was a beacon in the desperate fight against the Swarm and the Mad Titan.

(Sorry for the very late releases, the release schedule will probably get a little better in the future, but no promises. Also I added some pictures in the character description chart chapter, feel free to take a look.)