
There was no time to draw breath, no respite from the relentless clash of the Inhumans against the alien Swarm. But at the center of this maelstrom of violence, a battle of monstrous proportion began to unfold.

Thanos, the Mad Titan, seemed to have a cruel smirk etched on his rugged features, even as an entire legion of Inhuman warriors sought to bring him down. The Swarm clustered around him like a grotesque, pulsating shield, each insectoid creature too eager to sacrifice itself for its master.

Despite the seemingly futile attempts at bringing him down, a horde of Inhuman fighters, their spirits stoked by the heart-wrenching losses they'd endured, pressed on. They hurled their attacks at Thanos in a chaotic, cacophonous barrage. The Mad Titan barely even registered their assaults, easily evading or deflecting them, almost as though he could predict each move before it was even made.

'Only the royalty and a few guards seem to have access to mind protection technology,' Thanos pondered to himself, seemingly amused. Without any sign of effort, he exploded an Inhuman warrior's skull with his bare hands. The lifeless body crumpled to the ground, a testament to the Mad Titan's monstrous power. 'They really are a bunch of arrogant fools,' he thought dismissively.

Seeing Medusa, the formidable queen of the Inhumans, he flicked a handful of insectoid limbs at her with his psychokinetic powers. Medusa, with a swift motion, manipulated her hair into a formidable shield, blocking the gruesome projectiles with ease. Even amidst the pandemonium of battle, she held onto her regality.

Suddenly, Thanos felt a faint prickle at the edge of his consciousness, like a ghostly knock at the door of his mind. Casting his gaze around the battlefield, his eyes settled on a man engrossed in deep concentration. The man was standing still, eyes squeezed shut, his forehead wrinkled in profound concentration.

Thanos couldn't help but find it amusing. The scene bore an uncanny resemblance to a common human in the throes of a bathroom struggle, straining to accomplish the task at hand. Thanos' command was unspoken but clear, and dozens of Swarm members closed in on the man. In a matter of seconds, he was reduced to a lifeless form.

'For the moment, I haven't met any significant characters with powerful telepathic abilities,' Thanos mused to himself. Just as he was about to dismiss the distraction, he heard a strange chuckle echo in his mind. The voice spoke in a cryptic, almost teasing tone. "You look more like a comics version of Thanos, let's hope you get more of his powers." The voice suggested, only to receive a nonchalant mental shrug in response. 'This would be helpful, but until then...'

His thought was interrupted by an unexpected attack from behind. Karnak, an Inhuman known for his analytical mind and precision, had sought to seize the opportunity to bring down the titan. Turning with lightning speed, Thanos intercepted him, gripping Karnak's head in a vice-like hold. "I'll have to keep smashing," he declared ominously, before bringing Karnak's head crashing down into the ground.

The battlefield fell into a momentary hush at the grotesque sight of Karnak's remains - a gruesome mix of brain matter, blood, and unrecognizable fragments. His head, once the seat of a brilliant mind, was now a horrifying spectacle of gory pulp. "Karnak!!" Gorgon, another formidable Inhuman, roared in raw fury.

Ignoring the Swarm swarming him, Gorgon launched himself at Thanos. The Mad Titan effortlessly intercepted his incoming mace with a raised hand, but a powerful shockwave rippled through the ground. For a moment, even Thanos seemed taken aback by the unexpected show of power. "I forgot, you were the earthquake guy," he acknowledged, his eyebrows raised in an unmistakable sign of amusement.

Thanos, however, quickly regained control. He caught the vigorous Gorgon mid-air and pulled him into a crushing embrace. "Sweet dreams," he taunted, tightening his grip until the ghastly sound of bones cracking echoed through the battlefield. The life left Gorgon's eyes, the once formidable Inhuman reduced to a lifeless husk. Tossing the body aside with grim satisfaction, Thanos turned his icy gaze onto Medusa.

"Alright, who is ne-" he began, but his sentence was cut short by a sudden intrusion in his telepathic link. An undeniable grin spread across his face at the message he received. "The finale is about to unfold," he announced, almost gleefully.

In an eerie imitation of a Sith Lord from a galaxy far, far away, Thanos raised his hand. His psychokinetic power took hold of a group of Inhuman soldiers, lifting them off their feet and suspending them helplessly in the air.

"DIEE!" a voice echoed, resonating with destructive power. The resultant sonic wave obliterated the remaining walls of the stronghold and decimated a large chunk of the Swarm in the vicinity. Amidst the devastation, a figure emerged from the ruins of the bunker. A king had returned, ready to face off against the Swarm Leader, the Mad Titan.