Grand Finale

(Hey I would like to thank all the stone throwers that supported the fanfic so far, thanks a lot for the support, it gives me more motivation :)






















(Back to the story)

Thanos stood theatrically in the center of the battlefield, his massive arms outstretched in a grandiose display of power. The Mad Titan's new hostages floated helplessly before him, trapped in his psychokinetic hold, their expressions etched with fear and defiance. They were mere inches away from the deathly maw of the Mad Titan, every movement or non-movement a game of Russian roulette with their lives.

Blackagar Boltagon, known to most as Black Bolt, surveyed the destruction around him, the sight akin to an abstract masterpiece of horror and despair. His gaze traveled over the scattered remnants of his fallen comrades, each sight a painful thrust in his gut. Grief, sorrow, and a burning anger seared through his eyes. The sight of the crushed body of his cousin Karnak, once a brilliant mind, twisted his insides.

In the midst of chaos, he spotted his wife, Medusa. Her face was a mask of shock, her eyes wide and disbelieving. "You are alive," she mouthed, the faint traces of joy in her voice quickly extinguished by the sorrow of their circumstances. Silently, the king of the Inhumans approached her, the Swarm pulling back momentarily, almost as if in respect to their reunion.

Black Bolt's gaze shifted towards Thanos, and a silent understanding passed between the two powerhouses. And in that moment, the fight resumed, the Inhumans now filled with a newfound determination at the return of their King.

A single, resonating sound filled the air as Bolt launched the first attack. "ATTACK!" His voice, often kept silent due to its destructive power, was a deafening roar that resonated across the battlefield. Sonic waves rippled outwards, piercing through the ranks of the Swarm, bringing death and destruction in their wake. His royal command, marked with the weight of authority and despair, echoed as a clarion call to the Inhumans.

Their response was immediate and visceral. Weapons, powers, fists, everything that could be used as a weapon was hurled at the abomination that was the Swarm. An Inhuman martial artist, his bandana stained with the blood of his fallen enemies, moved fluidly amidst the chaos. His limbs were a lethal symphony of kicks and punches, each movement precise and efficient.

On the opposing side, a notable member of the Swarm, the psychokinetic Alpha, could be seen whirling through the battlefield. Despite its handicapped state, the Alpha continued to block attacks and launch counterstrikes, moving with a frenzied grace in mid-air. Evident signs of regeneration were seen, as its once lost humanoid limbs started reforming from the past onslaught of Black Bolt.

The Mad Titan, unmoving in the storm of chaos, seemed almost tranquil. His focus was solely on the hostages he held and the silent king who dared to stand against him. He was well aware of the king's resolve and what it meant. But he was uncertain of how far that kindness would stretch.

Black Bolt, the usually kind king, had unleashed an onslaught on the Swarm without a second thought. Would he sacrifice his own people to eradicate Thanos? The very notion of this possibility made Thanos frown. The battle wore on, the battlefield a gruesome sight of fallen Inhumans and Swarm bodies. Despite the heavy losses, the Inhumans fought relentlessly, led by their King's destructive sonic powers.

Amidst the chaos, Thanos' captives began pleading with Black Bolt, their words almost unheard against the clamor of the battle. They urged their king to let loose his sonic scream at Thanos, willing to make the ultimate sacrifice.

Thanos, the Mad Titan, had never been one to ignore red flags, especially not in the heart of a raging battle. The collective will of the Inhuman soldiers ready to embrace the bitter end, the deathly resolve written on their faces—Thanos could sense that something was about to change, something big.

He was no fool. He knew that the mightiest weapon of the Inhumans stood before him—Blackagar Boltagon, the Silent King. And he knew what the man was capable of. The potential death toll of Black Bolt's unleashed powers was catastrophic. But that very power was also a weapon that could harm his own people, which was why Thanos had never been overly concerned about it. But now, seeing the desperate determination of the Inhuman soldiers, Thanos began to question that assumption.

Thanos hastily suppressed their voices, clamping their mouths shut with his psychokinetic force. "Quiet," he commanded tersely. But a growing sense of unease was gnawing at him. The soldiers' words, coupled with the unyielding resolve in Black Bolt's eyes, were setting off alarm bells in Thanos's mind. He saw in those eyes the willingness to do the unthinkable, to risk everything for the chance of victory. A shudder ran through the titan's body as he realized the precarious situation he had found himself in.

Thanos barely had time to utter a curse when a sonic boom echoed across the battlefield. It was a word, only one word, but its impact was devastating: "Sorry." Black Bolt had unleashed his sonic scream, the force of the shockwave obliterating anything in its path. Thanos braced himself for the onslaught, but as the wave hit, he realized, to his relief, that he was unscathed.

The Inhumans stared in stunned silence at the spectacle unfolding before them. Black Bolt was on the ground, pinned down by none other than Ulysses Cain, who sat astride him, a wild, predatory look in his eyes. In his hand, Ulysses held a strange-looking, empty syringe. Black Bolt, his adrenaline finally waning, realized that his arm was starting to sting.

Ulysses's actions sent shockwaves through the remaining Inhumans. One of the elders cried out, his voice trembling with fear and disbelief. "Ulysses! What are you doing?" But his question was met with silence, the only response a chilling look from Ulysses.

Thanos, still feeling the adrenaline surge from his near-death experience, let out a sigh of relief and muttered under his breath, "Just in time." His hands were shaking slightly as he contemplated the boldness of Black Bolt's move. It was the closest he had come to death in a long time.

Slowly, Thanos began to approach the fallen king, the Swarm falling in behind him like loyal soldiers on a victory march. As he drew nearer, he saw the bewildered expression on Black Bolt's face. Thanos towered over him and declared, "I have won."

In a last-ditch attempt at resistance, Black Bolt tried to unleash his sonic scream. But all that came out was a hoarse shout, devoid of any destructive power. Black Bolt's face was a picture of incredulity and despair. Thanos grinned and turned his gaze towards Ulysses, his expression full of praise. "Good job, Spy Alpha," he commended.

Black Bolt was momentarily lost in confusion, his mind still struggling to process the events unfolding before him. But 'Ulysses Cain' promptly reminded him of his defeat by smashing his head against the ground. Thanos then began to reveal the true depth of his manipulation, explaining how the Inhumans had been infiltrated from the start.

"I was considering eliminating you from the moment you sent that man, Thalorin," he began, a sinister smile on his face. "Not a few days after I let go of Thalorin, my army had successfully infiltrated your city." He chuckled, clearly amused by the shocked expressions of the remaining Inhumans.

He looked at 'Ulysses' again, who returned the look with another obedient bow. "Never fully trust someone claiming to see the future," he advised, laughing as if he had just made the funniest joke in the universe.

His laughter echoed across the battlefield, the sound of it chilling to the bone. It sent waves of despair and hopelessness through the shattered Inhuman ranks. The realization that their city had been compromised, their trust betrayed, and their fate sealed brought them to their knees. Even Medusa, the proud queen of the Inhumans, could no longer hide her defeated expression. The mental battle had been decisively won by Kai Thanos, the Mad Titan himself.

The fight, though far from over, now seemed inconsequential compared to the crushing blow dealt to their spirits. The survivors were left to grapple with the devastating truth that their struggles, their sacrifices, and their hope had all been in vain. The titan's dominance over their minds and the revelation of their impending destruction had stripped away their last shreds of defiance.