
Thanos, with his towering figure clad in flowing crimson, strode down the narrow road like an emperor touring his dominions. The wind howled, kicking up a storm of dust that danced around his muscular figure. He seemed indifferent, the weight of the world resting lightly on his massive shoulders. His cloak billowed in the cool breeze, dancing like a pair of fiery wings behind him.

Around him, the vibrant colors of the alien world presented a bizarre canvas. The skies, a vast expanse of swirling blues and purples, hung low and watchful over the horizon. The grass beneath his feet, an unusual shade of deep purple, rustled softly with his every step. The road ahead was scattered with a handful of the indigenous beasts, their large, beady eyes observing the spectacle with hidden curiosity.

Not too far behind him, a small figure struggled to keep up. A child, merely a decade old, his footsteps were hesitant yet determined. His clothes were tattered, his face smudged with grime, but his eyes held a spark of indomitable spirit. He trailed the titan with a resilience that belied his tender age.

Thanos glanced over his shoulder at the young boy, a soft chuckle echoing in his mind. "Should I just kill him?" he mused aloud, a mischievous glint in his azure eyes.

"He literally said that he would give you his full loyalty if you helped him avenge his family. That's a free subordinate right there," a voice in his head retorted, its tone one of amused reproach.

With his powerful senses, Thanos could feel the boy's determined pursuit. The small, persistent steps nipping at his shadow. His mind wandered back to the recent events, the rebellion, the victory, the unexpected followers. He was a leader now, and that was not a role he had anticipated.

"The people you freed told you that the leader of that camp was only managing it, the real boss is out there and probably coming for your arse," the voice reminded him, a subtle note of concern lingering in its tone.

Thanos let out a heavy sigh, "Without my cultivation, I was equivalent to a 3rd stage cultivator, but now that I'm at the first stage, I can go toe to toe with a 4th stage, and If I use all of my abilities, I might even escape a 5th stage. I shouldn't be too worried."

"Yeah, Yeah, where's the fun if you just escape though," the voice retorted, its tone dripping with sarcasm. The conversation ebbed as they approached the outskirts of the city, the towering city walls looming high above them.

Finally, Thanos stopped, his massive frame casting a long shadow over the boy who skidded to a halt behind him. He watched the boy for a moment before tossing him a sealed manuscript, "Very well, if you want to prove your worth, get stronger first."

The boy scrambled to catch the manuscript, his eyes widening as he read its contents. He knelt, bowing his head to Thanos. "I will not disappoint you!" he vowed, his voice echoing determination. Thanos gave a curt nod, his gaze hard but approving, "Follow me."

Far away, a city could be seen. The city was an incredible sight to behold, a blend of old-world charm and new-age technology. The buildings, with their ancient architectural styles and high-tech adornments, stood tall, a testament to the civilization's harmonious blend of tradition and innovation. Strange creatures roamed the streets, serving as mounts for the city dwellers. People bustled about, vendors shouting their wares, and children playing in the streets, adding to the lively atmosphere.

Thanos walked towards an exclusive entrance for distinguished individuals. The eyes of the bystanders followed him, curiosity mingled with awe. The richly clothed city dwellers watched with raised eyebrows as this foreigner clad in a simple yet imposing crimson robe approached. Behind him, the young boy trotted along, trying to keep up with Thanos's long strides.

As they neared the entrance, a guard stepped forward to halt them. His eyes fell on the golden token in Thanos's hand, his expression morphing from authoritative to respectful in a flash. The emblem was a golden dragon encircling the character "Wu", the unmistakable token of the esteemed Heavenly Dragon Sect. The crowd gasped, whispers flowing amongst them.

"My apologies for not recognizing you, I hope you have a great time in our city," the guard bowed low, opening the gate for the duo.

Upon entering, Thanos took in the sights of the city. The buildings were adorned with ornate carvings, rich in cultural history and symbolic significance. The smell of exotic foods wafted through the air, mingling with the scents of incense and fragrant blooms. The bustling streets were filled with people, beasts of burden, and merchants peddling a myriad of items.

The duo stopped before a magnificent building, on which the titan could recognize the word 'Tavern' on top of it. He turned towards the boy trailing behind him, "Let's go inside." Unbeknownst to them, a group of shadowy figures watched the duo from a distance and disappeared into the narrow alleys.

Inside the tavern, the atmosphere was rowdy, filled with laughter, clinking of mugs, and spirited debates. The titan drew many curious glances, his towering figure standing out amongst the tavern's patrons. However, he paid them no mind, his focus on finding a quiet corner to sit and discuss the next steps with his newfound subordinate.