Young Master

The inside of the tavern was alive with a clamor of noise and chatter, the thick smell of alcohol, and hearty laughter hanging in the air. Kai Thanos sat quietly in one corner, his large frame casting an ominous shadow. His azure eyes gleamed under the dim lighting as he observed the patrons with veiled interest. Conversations filled the air, some spoke about the frightening tides of monstrous creatures seen on the outskirts of the city, some were engrossed in tales of debauchery, while others passionately debated about the upcoming Heavenly Dragon Sect Tournament.

Of these, Thanos paid attention to a group of three men sitting nearby. One among them, a burly man with rosy cheeks, was nursing his drink and slurring, "Hey, who do you think will win this year's tournament? I'd bet everything on Liu Ye. He's the brightest star of this era." His companions nodded, one of them took a swig of his drink before adding, "Absolutely, a disciple of an elder, a red core, and he even mastered one of the hardest techniques of the sect. A true prodigy."

A third man in the group hummed in thought before contradicting, "Don't discount Li Shuang though. He's a hardworking disciple in the inner circle and he's on the verge of the third stage."

Thanos continued to silently eavesdrop on their conversation, soaking in every piece of information. The tournament, held every two years, was a significant event where the sect determined the ranking of its disciples and identified who deserved special attention and nurturing.

As Thanos was contemplating the prospects of the tournament, his solitude was disturbed by a rowdy group of men who approached his table. Their leader, a pompous youth in rich robes, took Thanos's glass and drank its content. He then spat it out with a grimace, "What a disgusting drink, just like its owner."

Lee, Thanos's new servant, looked up from his food and seemed ready to jump in defense of his master. However, a stern look from Thanos stopped him in his tracks. "What do you want from me?" Thanos inquired, the calmness of his voice in stark contrast with the tension building in the room.

The leader of the group gave Thanos a contemptuous once-over, "This appearance of clearly learned an incomplete martial art." His words were met with Thanos's indifferent gaze, "And?" The leader scrunched up his eyebrows and said, "Freaks like you shouldn't be welcome here."

Thanos's voice rang in his head, an inner conversation with the mysterious entity that dwelled there. 'Is this racism?'

'I think so.' The titan answered.

Ignoring the silent stares from the other patrons of the tavern, Thanos continued his nonchalant demeanor, "And who might you be?"

A smug grin appeared on the young man's face. "A peasant indeed. Don't you recognize the young master of the Golden Pagoda? I am Li Guang."

"Ah." was all Thanos replied, his disinterest apparent.

Infuriated by the disrespect, Li Guang continued, "Do you know I can get you arrested right away? My family is one of the bigge-" He was cut off by Thanos, "Shut it. I will give you one chance, either you disappear from my sight or I break every single bone of yours while you will be begging at my feet. Your choice."

The tavern was silent as the grave, the other patrons barely daring to breathe. Li Guang looked shocked, then his face morphed into a snarl. Without warning, he lunged at Thanos, his fist aimed at the titan's face. It was a quick, swift move, practiced and honed through countless hours of training. A normal man would have been left reeling, but Thanos was far from normal.

In the blink of an eye, Thanos's large hand shot out, gripping Li Guang's head mid-flight. The next instant, he forcefully slammed the young man's face onto the solid wooden table. Li Guang shrieked, a horrifying sound that echoed throughout the tavern. "Young master!" His guards shouted, but were frozen in their steps by the look in Thanos's eyes, a promise of agonizing pain for anyone who dared to interfere.

"You stayed, so you chose the bone-breaking experience. Let's begin," Thanos's voice echoed ominously in the deathly silent tavern. With a look of cruel anticipation, he began to list the names of the bones he would break, each one accompanied by a sickening crack, each crack followed by a gut-wrenching scream from Li Guang.

"Clavicle," Thanos murmured, and with a swift, forceful movement, there was a loud snap, followed by a high-pitched howl from Li Guang. "Ulna," Thanos continued, ignoring the growing horror in the eyes of the tavern patrons. Another snap, another cry. "Femur," he said, his voice a low growl as he proceeded to his next victim.

Li Guang's screams turned into a broken whimper. "Mandible," Thanos said, his eyes glinting with a sadistic pleasure. There was a crunch, a noise that would forever echo in the nightmares of those who witnessed the scene. "Scapula," Thanos moved on, each crack louder and more grotesque than the last.

Finally, he reached the sixth bone, "Cranium." Li Guang had already fainted from the excruciating pain, but Thanos revived him with a powerful slap, making sure he was awake to feel every ounce of the agony he had promised.

With a menacing look, Thanos proceeded. There was a gruesome crack, and Li Guang's screams filled the air one final time before they subsided into painful whimpers. His body was a mangled mess, the evidence of Thanos's wrath horrifyingly visible. The once arrogant and pompous young master of the Golden Pagoda was now a pitiful sight to behold, broken and humiliated in front of his guards, the servant boy, and the terrified patrons of the tavern.