He is not Dead

Kai Thanos took another sip of his beverage, the sharp tang of the alien alcohol lingering on his tongue. His eyes glowed under the dim tavern light, tracing the horrified expressions of the young master's guards. They stared back, their eyes wide with a fearful awe.

"Master, should we leave?" Lee, Thanos's ten-year-old servant asked hesitantly. His eyes darted nervously towards the mangled mess that had once been their arrogant assailant, Li Guang. "The person you...uh...handled...seems like an important man in this city."

Thanos merely shrugged, his attention focused on his drink. "He's not dead," he answered casually.

The guards and Lee stared incredulously at the young master's broken body. Yet, upon closer inspection, they spotted faint twitches, subtle signs that the young master clung stubbornly to life.

"See? He's moving," Thanos pointed out, smirking into his drink. A silent chuckle echoed in his mind, the voice of his mysterious inner entity sharing in the amusement.

Their morbid fascination was abruptly disrupted by a surge of activity at the entrance. Dozens of men, clad in the uniforms of the city guard, burst into the tavern. "We were notified that someone caused a ruckus," the leader announced, his gaze stern and authoritative. He stopped short when he spotted Li Guang's disfigured form beside Thanos. The sight seemed to ignite a fury within him. "For assaulting the young master of the Golden Pagoda, your crime deserves a heavy punishment," he growled, motioning for his guards to seize Thanos and Lee.

Lee tensed, his body instinctively preparing for a fight. Thanos, however, remained as calm as ever. He reached into his pocket, pulling out an emblem—an intricate symbol of power and authority. It was the token of an Elder from the Heavenly Dragon Sect.

The effect was instantaneous. The guards lowered their weapons in shock, their faces paling at the sight of the emblem. Even their leader's anger dissipated, replaced with a newfound respect. "My apologies for disturbing you," he said, bowing respectfully. "We will handle this fool." He signaled for his men to remove Li Guang, his once furious demeanor now replaced with courteous deferity.

The leader turned back to Thanos, extending an invitation. "Would you perhaps be interested in accompanying me to a more... suitable establishment? We will ensure that all accommodations are complimentary."

Thanos raised a brow at the proposal. "Why not," he agreed with a nonchalant shrug, "but let me finish this first." The leader seemed delighted and waited patiently while Thanos savored his meal.

Meanwhile, Lee could only watch in amazement. 'What kind of man is he?' he wondered, 'that even the city guards bow before him.'

With his meal finished, Thanos lazily rose from his seat and followed the leader out of the tavern. As they made their way through the bustling city streets, the cityscape gradually shifted from shabby alleys to grand boulevards lined with lavish houses, the buildings growing increasingly opulent as they advanced. The architecture was majestic, the buildings reminiscent of an eastern empire with intricate designs and carvings that screamed nobility.

Finally, they arrived at a towering establishment. The large building was a marvel of artistry and precision, displaying an eastern vibe with a touch of nobility. Elegant arches and delicate latticework adorned its vast expanse. Stained glass windows gleamed in the warm light of the setting sun, illuminating intricate patterns on the paved ground. Dragon sculptures snaked around the pillars, their stone eyes gleaming with an almost lifelike quality, lending the edifice an air of regal authority. The grandeur and detail left Lee wide-eyed and speechless.

Inside, the luxury was just as impressive. The richly furnished halls bustled with individuals draped in expensive silks and ornate jewelry that could rival the value of an average man's home. Cultivators roamed the premise, their dignified auras permeating the air.

Thanos, unfazed by the grandeur, followed the leader as he made the necessary arrangements for their accommodation. Within moments, the leader informed them that their rooms were ready. Lee was shown a small but luxurious chamber adjacent to Thanos's room, designed specifically for a servant, though it was more lavish than anything the boy had ever seen.

Meanwhile, Thanos found himself in a room that was not only grand but also accommodated his colossal size. The bed was large enough for his massive frame, a luxury he hadn't experienced in a long time. A feeling of contentment washed over him. He had a safe place to rest and regroup before the next phase of his journey.

His growing notoriety in the city wasn't something he could ignore. However, Thanos considered it more of an advantage than a liability. "Those young master tropes are indeed true," he muttered to himself, lying down on the bed. He turned his head towards Lee's room, where the boy was still gaping at his new surroundings. "We might indeed stumble on some immortal treasure and become gods."

The words were spoken lightly, but they carried a deep resonance. His newfound position in this strange world was a step forward towards his objective. Laying on his bed, Thanos couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. For now, he would rest and prepare for whatever came next.