Silent Intruders

Kai Thanos sat in a meditative stance on the massive, luxurious bed, its silk sheets soft beneath him. His eyes were closed, the calm serenity of his face reflecting the tranquility of his mind. The space stone lay on his lap, a celestial artifact from another universe, glowing under the cool, silvery moonlight that pierced through the grand window of his room. Thanos, though separated from his universe, felt a burgeoning connection with the stone, the intensity of which was gradually increasing with time.

Now he could teleport even further distances, but he was wary of using this powerful ability in crowded places. The cultivation world was a peculiar place; filled with powerful individuals who might perceive his use of the space stone as a threat. A cautious approach, thus, seemed prudent.

With each inhale and exhale, his connection to the stone deepened, as did his cultivation. A barrier, or bottleneck, as the cultivators called it, was preventing him from advancing to the next stage. He felt it weakening though, slowly eroding under the constant pressure of his relentless cultivation. His azure eyes flicked open, a deep, penetrating gaze glowing under the pale moonlight. A confident, triumphant whisper escaped his lips, "Soon."

However, as he relished the moment of tranquility, a flicker of alertness crossed his face. His enhanced perception, honed and amplified by his intense cultivation, allowed him to sense living beings within a radius of 400 meters. The familiar life-force of Lee, his subordinate, resided in the adjacent room. A few others, whom he had recently met, loomed at various points within his perceptual range. But there was something else, a group of unknown entities advancing towards his location at a rapid pace. Among them, he detected an energy signature he had come across not too long ago. A smile, one of bemusement and anticipation, graced his lips. A voice echoed in his head, a hidden entity that only he could hear, smirking and echoing his amusement, "What kind of plot is this?"

Thanos decided to play along with this unexpected turn of events. Stretching his massive frame, he lay down on the bed, feigning sleep, his breathing even and his body relaxed. Yet, his mind was anything but at rest, attuned to the silent movements of the approaching figures.

Soon, the shadows in his room came to life. Silhouettes of men, clad in black, moved with the finesse of seasoned operatives, sneaking in through the unlocked window. One of them waved at another, who cautiously approached the sleeping Titan. The soft glow of moonlight revealed a blade, an aura akin to flames dancing around it. The assassin aimed for Thanos's neck, his movements precise and swift. Yet, the blade stopped short, hovering mere centimeters away from its intended target.

The man's hand trembled as he tried to force the blade down, but to no avail. The others, noticing his struggle, turned to question him but found themselves paralyzed. Their bodies stiffened, as if gripped by an unseen force. The room fell into an eerie silence, the only sound being the ragged breathing of the intruders.

A voice broke the silence, "I am a little disappointed, only sending some 3rd stage for me." Thanos's voice echoed, his tone calm yet terrifying. The shock on the faces of the masked assassins reflected the terror they felt. 'Sigh, I really miss reading minds. I don't dislike torturing, but it is too time-consuming.'

The voice in Thanos's mind responded with a subtle chuckle, 'Nonsense, this is one of the best parts. We have the night for ourselves. Let's play some 'Operation.' It's been a while.'

Thanos turned his attention towards one of the immobilized men. His terrified eyes stared back at the towering figure, his fear mounting with each passing second. "I hope this world isn't filled with young masters like you..." Thanos said, his voice filled with mockery. "I'm impressed your species isn't endangered yet."

The sound of a window closing reverberated through the room. Thanos reached into his pouch and pulled out a small device. Activating it, he watched as it cloaked the room in an eerie shroud of secrecy. Stroking a strange object he had procured from a bandit hideout, he murmured, "I knew this would come in handy."

He then turned his gaze back towards his captives, his eyes twinkling with malicious glee. "The night is still young, let's see how long you guys can last," he said, a peaceful yet eerie smile playing on his lips. Thanos cracked his knuckles, a simple act that sent chills of fear down the spines of the intruders. The room was filled with a terrifying tension, one that promised a long and dreadful night for the invaders.