Trial and Contemplation

(It's the 100th chapter, we've come a long way :D)

Despite their brethren's corpse in display, the horned creature remained resolute. He did not rush forward in blind ambition. Instead, he cautiously studied his surroundings, his heightened senses picking up the clear threat posed by the crystal.

As he approached the crystal, the room was filled with an intensifying radiance. The crystal pulsed like a heart, each beat sending out a palpable wave of energy that tantalized him.

With a loud screech, the Swarm member lunged towards the crystal. His claws reached out to touch the powerful source of light. The moment his fingers made contact, the crystal retaliated.

In an intense explosion of light, a surge of energy burst from the crystal, hitting the creature full force and hurling him against the stone wall of the chamber. He groaned in pain, but the sound that left his throat was a primal roar of defiance, not of surrender.

Slowly picking himself up, he advanced once more. His steps were deliberate, his eyes burned brighter, the red deepening to a fiery crimson. A growl echoed from his chest, filling the chamber.

Resolutely, he approached the crystal again. Its pulsating light appeared to intensify with his each step, challenging him to come closer. And he accepted the challenge, his gaze fixed on the crystal as he moved closer, reaching out his hand once more.

The energy within the crystal flared in response, preparing to lash out. But this time, the creature was prepared. He held his ground, his clawed hand clutching the crystal firmly. A blinding explosion ensued, the energy radiating out in all directions. His scream resonated through the chamber, overpowering the hum of the crystal.

His form trembled under the overwhelming power, but he did not let go. He held on tighter, his claws sinking deeper into the crystal. His screams of struggle became louder, filled with sheer determination.

Gradually, the light receded. The energy began to ebb away, and the room was once again enveloped in an eerie silence. The horned creature still held onto the crystal, his body visibly scorched and cracked. But his eyes were brighter than ever, a clear indicator of the massive power he had absorbed. He was no longer just a member of the Swarm, but an Alpha.

Suddenly, a door previously unseen materialized at the far end of the chamber. The door was an indication, a sign of successful completion of this challenge and a hint at the next. His triumph had opened a path.

Just as he began to move towards the door, more Swarm members flooded the chamber from the direction he had come from, drawn in as reinforcements. Seeing him there, clutching the crystal, standing tall and victorious, a sense of instinctual awe and respect filled the Swarm.

With the crystal clutched tightly in his grasp, the creature began his journey towards the door, his steps echoing the certainty of his triumph. His victory was not only evident in the crystal he held but also in the respect and fear he commanded among his Swarm.

Feeling a surge of joy, he held his head even higher. He was content in the knowledge that his master would be pleased with his accomplishment. With the promise of more challenges ahead, the horned creature continued onward, carrying the taste of victory with him.

In another location, under the obsidian canopy of the night sky, twinkling stars winked down upon the vast, desolate landscape, painting an ethereal portrait of tranquility. A light breeze stirred the air, sending whispers through the vegetation. Somewhere, hidden amidst this serene scenery, stood Kai Thanos, the Titan, silently communicating with his Swarm, his mind spinning a complex web of connections spanning across large distances.

Thanos' connection with his Swarm had a range that was equivalent to the span of his sensory awareness - a range which had recently expanded from 400 meters to 450 meters due to a significant leap in his cultivation. This didn't mean he could only command his Swarm within this range, though. He had devised a strategy, a method, to increase his communication reach. If a Swarm member within his 450-meter range detected another Swarm member 450 meters away from itself, Kai Thanos could communicate with the second Swarm member through the first, effectively doubling his communication range. Theoretically, he could control his Swarm anywhere across the world using this relay method.

Just as he was about to expand his reach further, something interesting caught his attention. He had received a feedback from one of his Swarm members - a horned creature that had turned into an Alpha by overcoming a trial. This was a new development, a fresh revelation that prompted him to think, 'So, Alphas can also be created this way... interesting.'

As if echoing his thoughts, the voice in his head chimed in, 'Just by conquering the first trial, one of them turned into an Alpha. That old man's ancestor must have left some high-quality shit.' The voice was referring to the Old man's ancestor, the previous master of the statue.

Thanos found himself agreeing with the voice. There was a lot of potential within these trials, and they could serve as a substantial asset to him in the future. However, as interesting as this development was, Thanos had other responsibilities to attend to. His attention turned back to Lee, his trainee, and the idea of forming a new force, one separate from the Swarm.

The Titan had always believed in the power of diversity. An army with varied strengths and abilities was, after all, more adaptable and harder to defeat. He contemplated the possibilities, his eyes gazing into the night sky, lost in the sea of sparkling stars.

In the quiet solitude, Kai Thanos found himself imagining the immense potential of his future. He could see himself bending reality to his will, becoming an immortal being with limitless power, the master of all he surveyed. He could feel the intoxicating allure of such power, the intoxicating promise of an unbound existence.

His face was neutral, impassive as he stood under the night sky. It was a face that held a universe of thoughts and emotions, a universe only he could navigate. His eyes glinted with a sheen of ambition and determination, a silent vow to the stars above.

"What nonsense," he murmured, a soft sigh escaping his lips. His voice was low, a murmur carried away by the night wind, a quiet confession to the silent world around him.

The voice in his head, usually buzzing with chatter, fell silent. It was as if the voice didn't want to disturb Thanos' contemplation, to interrupt the Titan's moment of introspection. It was a moment of tranquility amidst the turmoil of power and ambition, a moment that held the promise of endless possibilities.

In this quiet corner of the universe, the Titan stood, his mind already weaving plans and strategies. The night was still young, and so was his journey. And as the stars twinkled down at him, he knew he still had a long way to go.