Heavenly Dragon Sect

The sight of the vast Heavenly Dragon Sect that lay sprawled before Kai Thanos and Lee was nothing short of awe-inspiring. In the past few months, they had been through quite the journey, encountering a plethora of challenges - bandits, beasts, arrogant young masters, and even a formidable Stage 4 beast. All those experiences, however, paled in comparison to the sight that greeted them now.

The Titan wore a violet robe that mirrored the lush violet grass surrounding the pathway they were treading. The artificial path, seemingly sculpted by the hands of a meticulous artisan, paved the way towards a grand entrance.

Ahead, their destination came into view. A grand structure, both majestic and imposing, stood as a testament to the power and prestige of the Heavenly Dragon Sect. The entrance was adorned by two grand golden dragons, their eyes aflame with an intimidating aura, their wings spread wide in a protective embrace around the entrance. Thanos couldn't help but admire the intricate craftsmanship that brought these mystical creatures to life.

A group of guards, dressed in immaculate white robes embroidered with golden dragons, stood at the entrance. Each of them exuded an aura of power that was palpable, their cultivation levels at Stage 3.


Elder Wu had once shared with him the structure of the Heavenly Dragon Sect. Stage 1 meant you were an external disciple. Stage 3 to 4 earned the status of an internal disciple, and with it, several benefits. Stages beyond were for the sect's pillars such as Teachers and Elders and Sect Master, and the unseen Stages 8 and 9 were thought to be remnants of legends from the Primordial War.

As the guards scrutinized him, Thanos nonchalantly revealed Elder Wu's emblem, instantly silencing any queries they may have had. Their gaze shifted to Lee, which the Titan swiftly brushed off, stating, "He is my servant." Nods of understanding followed, and they were allowed entry.

The guards began chattering once Thanos and Lee were out of earshot. "That crazy Elder got an apprentice?" One guard pondered, suspicion clear in his tone. The other guards exchanged knowing looks, their minds racing with questions and theories. Thanos and Lee, however, were oblivious to the whispers behind them, their eyes set on the new world unfolding before them.

As they ventured further, their senses were engulfed by the bustling atmosphere of the sect. Small houses stretched into the distance, filled with chatter and activity. Vendors called out, advertising their goods, while disciples hurried about, their faces etched with determination and drive.

Thanos' towering figure and unfamiliar face did garner some attention, but the novelty quickly wore off. His eyes were drawn to the diverse crowd, where the inhabitants seemed to display unique physical characteristics. Some bore resemblance to anthropomorphic animals, others had additional limbs, and a few even boasted animal-like ears. Incomplete cultivation techniques, he surmised.

Lee, walking a step behind, marveled at the sight, his eyes wide with awe. This was his first brush with the grandeur of a sect, and the sheer scale of it left him breathless.

Their journey led them to another entrance, this one guarded by fewer yet equally imposing figures. Without missing a beat, Thanos flashed the emblem once again, causing the guards to pause before respectfully letting them through.

A hint of a smile touched the corners of the Titan's lips. 'The power of connections,' he mused. This was the beginning of a new chapter for him, a stepping stone in his ambitious pursuit of power and knowledge. The path ahead was shrouded in mystery, but for Kai Thanos, every step taken was a step closer to his ultimate goal. His eyes gleamed with determination, reflecting the unyielding spirit of a Titan ready to carve his destiny.

Meanwhile, back in the depths of the mountain where the trials of the Old Beggar's ancestor were ongoing, the Swarm was progressing steadily. Those that took the right path had completed their trials and emerged with the benefits of Fang Yuan's imcomplete martial arts cultivation techniques. The ones who braved the left path were still testing the limits of their power against the formidable trials.

They knew death was inevitable on this path, a certainty the Old Beggar had warned against. But for the Swarm, death held no fear. Each one was prepared to give their life for their master. The knowledge and experiences of their fallen brethren were not lost but shared among the Swarm, becoming lessons and strategies for those who followed.

In the face of death, they thrived. Some managed to survive the harsh trials and rise above their limits. They underwent shocking transformations, becoming Alphas, the elites of the Swarm. One by one, they emerged victorious, carrying with them a fragment of the Old Beggar's ancestor's strength. The power these Alphas possessed was beyond comparison to regular Swarm members. They were stronger, faster, and smarter, boasting an indomitable spirit that echoed Kai Thanos's relentless pursuit of power.

There was an unspoken understanding, a hierarchy that was slowly but surely forming.

As the Alphas consolidated their newfound power, the Swarm continued their trials, facing each challenge head-on. Some of them fell, their life forces extinguished in the blink of an eye, while others managed to inch forward, inching closer to the potential power at the end of the road.

The Swarm members born from beasts were especially interesting. Though they didn't retain the original cultivation level of the beasts they were formed from, their inherent abilities still gave them an edge. Their innate strength and instincts made them formidable opponents in the trials. Their power levels hovered around the late stages of Stage 1 to early Stage 2, a testament to the potential of the Swarm.

While all of this unfolded, the connection between the Swarm and Kai Thanos remained steadfast. Every victory and defeat, every rise and fall, were relayed back to him. Through this intricate web of connections, the Titan remained in constant touch with his Swarm, guiding them and learning from their experiences.