The Final Confrontation

Li Shuang, his violet hair swaying like a wild flame, stepped forward, his blade shimmering with an ominous glow in the dimly lit temple. His smile, a harbinger of uncertainty and chaos, stretched across his youthful face.

"It's been a headache following you guys," he said, his voice carrying a hint of playful menace.

Outside the temple, the ground was littered with countless corpses, some still prostrated in reverence, with their necks sliced open. The stark contrast of their crimson blood against the holy white of the nearby draconic statues painted a macabre picture.

"So, he's the big boss, huh?" Li Shuang scrutinized Fang Yuan, sizing up the formidable adversary before him and the battered titan, Kai Thanos.


the masked titan replied, his voice cold and detached, echoing the indifference of a god observing the mortal world.

"That's one big move you're using. I can feel your life force draining from here," Li Shuang commented, stepping forward, his eyes fixed on Fang Yuan.

In a flash, Li Shuang launched into action, his blade dancing with lethal precision. A golden dragon, its grin maniacal, spiraled around his blade, adding a deadly edge to his attacks.

Fang Yuan, momentarily taken aback, parried the teenager's relentless assault. "Damn it , if this keeps up, I will lose all my accumulated Qi..."

"Where are you looking at?"

Kai Thanos, seizing the opportunity, struck Fang Yuan with a fiery punch that sent him reeling towards Lee. The latter unleashed a flurry of attacks, quickly shifting positions to maintain the pressure.

"Damn insect!" Fang Yuan growled, his annoyance growing as Lee's attacks, though painful, left no visible marks.

"Yess! Yess! Jump that gay arse looking vampire in his #@@&# and then @##@@& with his @#&@ and twist them @#€!"

Kai Thanos, half-listening to the vulgar cheers of the voice in his head, was deep in thought. He noticed Fang Yuan's deliberate avoidance of the area near the giant tooth. A pattern emerged – Fang Yuan seemed to be protecting it.

The titan's body showed the toll of the battle. His skin, once smooth, now bore the lines and wrinkles of age, a clear sign of the mask's draining effect.

'Five minutes,' Kai Thanos thought grimly, deciding on a final gamble. He roared and charged at Fang Yuan, who was now being assailed by both Lee and Li Shuang. In a swift motion, Kai Thanos grasped Fang Yuan's head and unleashed a torrent of hot crimson flames from his mouth.

Blinded by the inferno, Kai Thanos glanced at the tooth beside the throne and rushed towards it, his intuition screaming its significance.

"You are wasting your time!" Fang Yuan shouted, his vision burned but healing rapidly.

Even blinded, Fang Yuan seemed to track Kai Thanos' movements. As the titan neared the tooth, he grinned.

Having a bad premonition, Fang Yuan lunged to intercept him, but a sudden burst of power blocked his path. In a fit of rage, he appeared behind Lee.


Li Shuang warned, but it was too late.

Fang Yuan's hand pierced through Lee's body, emerging with his heart.


Lee gasped, collapsing to the ground, his life extinguished.

"Heh, now your turn," Fang Yuan said nonchalantly, consuming Lee's heart, his originally red lips turned even more crimson.

Li Shuang, wordless, fought with renewed ferocity. "Stage... speed..avatar.. overcharge.. supernova," he chanted, each word a promise of impending doom.

"Can you hold him for one minute? I may have found a way to defeat him," Kai Thanos asked, his voice steady despite the death of his subordinate.

Li Shuang nodded, attacking Fang Yuan with a relentless barrage of slashes.

Fang Yuan, amused, turned to face the titan. "I don't know what you're planning, but I'll enjoy tearing you apart."

But his amusement turned to shock as he saw Kai Thanos holding the giant tooth, a perfect fit for his large palms.

"It was quicker than I expected."

'Space stone for the win.'

The voice in Thanos' head cheered, but the titan remained focused.

He felt something in that tooth, something ancient and primal, something that shouldn't be on this realm, yet, strangely it resonated quite well with himself. Unconsciously, he closed his eyes, his body began absorbing some kind of whitish aura from the tooth.

"You! How do you have my cultivation art?! And how are you absorbing 'that' creature's qi, it's impossible even for a @$€@$ like you!"

During the sudden comprehension of the titan, he didn't notice that Fang Yuan's last words were filtered. He kept going with his cultivation.

Li Shuang saw the titan's state and knew what it means, it was..

"A breakthrough... you crazy bastard."

He laughed while defending himself against Fang Yuan's relentless attacks. Blood began to seep from his wounds, but his spirit remained unbroken. "Let me see if it was worth it!" he shouted, his blade a blur of motion.

Fang Yuan, fueled by fury and desperation, continued his onslaught. "No! I've waited too long for this moment! To get out of this filthy realm!"

Li Shuang groaned as Fang Yuan managed to slash at his stomach, blood gushed out from the injury. Fang Yuang took the opportunity to run towards the meditating titan, ready to cut off his neck. However...

"Sixth Form... Star!"

The words reverberated through the air, laden with an ominous promise of power. In that moment, a suffocating aura enveloped Fang Yuan, a sensation akin to being devoured by the sun itself. And indeed, the reality was not far from this metaphor. Li Shuang, with a deliberate motion, sheathed his blade. As the weapon slid into its scabbard, a slash of light, swift as a comet, erupted from the movement, hurtling towards Fang Yuan with merciless intent.

The slash struck Fang Yuan squarely, but its work was not yet done. In a spectacle that defied the natural order, the incision erupted into an inferno, the flames engulfing Fang Yuan in a relentless, golden blaze. The fire seemed to have a life of its own, an endless conflagration that sought to consume everything.

Fang Yuan, desperate, summoned his black qi in an attempt to quell the flames. But the dark energy was no match for the golden inferno; it only managed to reduce the flames by a fraction, the fire continuing to rage with an indomitable will.

Nearby, Li Shuang staggered, his body reaching its limits. Blood trickled from the corners of his mouth, a stark contrast against his pale skin. His meridians, overtaxed by the exertion of his formidable technique, ruptured one by one.

"Tsk, too much," he muttered, the simple phrase heavy with regret and resignation, before his knees buckled and he collapsed into unconsciousness.

Beside Kai Thanos, Fang Yuan grunted and writhed, struggling against the golden flames. To Thanos, it was as if he were idly watching a campfire, the warmth delicate and inviting. Yet, this was no ordinary fire; it was a being on the cusp of godhood, a force of nature that defied comprehension.

Fang Yuan, fueled by desperation and pain, ceased fighting the torment of the flames and kept advancing towards the slulbering titan. His form askin to a ghost rider wreathed in fire. "Die you #%$#%"

His hand, swift and deadly, found its mark.

Splurt – it penetrated Thanos' skull with gruesome efficiency. Fang Yuan stood triumphant, a grim smile on his lips as he reclaimed the tooth. "With your sacrifices, the refining process will be expedited," he gloated, satisfaction lacing his voice.

But as he sought to draw qi from the tooth, confusion marred his features. "There's no qi?! How is it possible?!" His voice was a mix of frustration and disbelief. "I've waited 50,000 fu*ing years... and you're out of qi?"

Turning to face the titan, expecting to see a lifeless husk, Fang Yuan was met with a sight that defied belief. Thanos stood erect, his posture dignified and unbroken. The mask on his face cracked and shattered, revealing a visage that harkened back to the original Thanos.

"It's nice to be back," Thanos remarked casually, an air of finality in his tone. "Ah yes, I have to get rid of you."

Before Fang Yuan could utter another word, he disintegrated, his form turning to dust as if touched by the power of an Infinity Stone. Bizarrely, only his head remained intact, a solitary remnant of his once formidable presence.

"Neat," Kai Thanos chuckled, his words echoing amidst the desolation, standing as the sole victor in a landscape strewn with the dead and the cremated.

Finally, he whispered, the words only known by him and the voice in his head

"Causality Reversion."

(I'm going to take a short break of a week or so, I need some quality sleep time. Take care guys.