Settling Debts

The Swarm advanced fearlessly across the land of cultivation, their innate ability to evolve now terrifyingly enhanced by Fang Yuan's cultivation art. In their path, cultivators and martial artists fought desperately against the relentless onslaught. Scenes of chaos unfolded - one cultivator fled in terror, another stood guard over his loved ones, while a third simply gave up, overwhelmed by the encroaching dark sky.

Most targets of the Swarm's fury were from factions outside the orthodox and unorthodox sects, a detail that did not escape the notice of these major powers. While the Swarm also encroached upon their territories, they remained strangely passive unless provoked, their ravenous gazes observing everything, biding their time for an unknown event or presence.

At a dimensional rift, a group emerged, battered but alive. However, their faces bore expressions not of relief, but of utter shock.

"What happened inside?" the question echoed among the observers.

The sight of so many survivors was unexpected in the cultivation world, where the strong thrive and the weak perish. Even the Heavenly Dragon sect was surprised at the number of their disciples returning.

"We don't know. W-we were suddenly ejected while fighting a beas-" a disciple stammered to Gun Nan, his sect master, but stopped short, his gaze fixed on the countless bug-like creatures surrounding them.

"Don't attack or do anything that might trigger their hostility," a mature woman in cultivation robes advised calmly, her gaze steady amidst the encircling Swarm. "It's been two weeks since we've been surrounded by those things, and we've already lost two elders trying to escape."

The gathered cultivators were stunned. Observing Gun Nan, the Heavenly sect leader more closely, they noticed his missing right arm and foot, replaced by transparent, bluish prosthetics of qi. "As for me, I fought as well, but instead of killing me, they gave me a 'warning'," Gun Nan said, a bitter smile on his face as he gazed at a nearby cliff.

There, a menacing creature sat like a certain Gon before a bug-like cat, its scythe-like arms glimmering, a mask covering its mouth, its eyes emitting a murderous, analytical aura. Its formidable presence marked it as a Stage 7 creature.

"Sect Master, isn't there a way for us to escape?" Jiang asked, approaching Gun Nan with concern.

"There are many ways, but the problem lies after escaping," Song, the sect master of the unorthodox sect, interjected.

"What do you mean?" the question hung in the air, unanswered, as a sudden rumbling erupted from the rift. It was as if space itself was shattering, the sound a harrowing prelude to an incredible display of light. The rift expanded, growing larger than any transport artifact used by the cultivators.

What emerged next was beyond their comprehension. A spaceship, reminiscent of those from futuristic tales, glided out. It was a dominant deep blue and purple, its sleek, powerful design exuding a sense of advanced technology and formidable weaponry. The spaceship's presence commanded attention, its very appearance demanding respect and awe.

The Swarm around them reacted with excited noises as they felt someone inside of the spaceship, a being that they ought to worship, to obey, to comply. And so, they did. Every creature, regardless of its form, lowered its head in reverence as if welcoming a god, even the Reaper Alpha watched silently, its respect evident.

The spaceship's full size became apparent as it fully emerged from the rift - spanning two kilometers, it was a behemoth amongst behemoth, its design both intimidating and mesmerizing.

From within, three figures emerged: the purple titan Kai Thanos, his dark robes fluttering as he floated; Lee, his stoic nature more pronounced, his maturity evident; and Li Shuang, grinning foolishly as he tried to fly like a disabled pigeon, while being guided telekinetically by Kai Thanos.

Gun Nan and Song, the sect masters, were the first to notice Thanos, but they could not discern his cultivation level. Adapting quickly, they greeted him with respect. "May I know your purpose, Lord Feng?" Gun Nan asked, bowing slightly.

Not bothered by the shamelessness of his previous Sect Master, Thanos responded without hesitation.

"I am about to unite the world and will need a few supervisors after my departure."

His answer took Gun Nan by surprise, but before he could inquire further, an outburst disrupted the moment.

"Have you finally gone mad, you savage beast?" 

Liu Ye had finally snapped, his blood pressure kept rising since he had met the titan for the first time in the Heavenly dragon sect, and since then only anger and arrogance clouded his mind. At the present moment, he did not care anymore, or rather, was too emotional to think rationally.

"You must have obtained some kind of ancient treasure inside the rift, and now you dare to act cocky and all powerful before us?"

The surrounding crowd was aghast at Liu Ye's imprudence. Even Jiang, the calm and collected genius disciple of the unorthodox sect had his mouth agape at such stupidity. Thanos, puzzled, asked, "Did I offend you or something? I don't even know who you are."

Liu Ye looked at the titan as if the latter had killed his puppy and ate it before his eyes. Gu Nan wanted to rush towards the fool young master to stop him, however...


Before Gun Nan could intervene, a swift wind passed through the crowd, and in the next moment, Liu Ye's head fell to the ground.

A chill ran down everyone spine as not even the 7th Stage Sect Masters couldn't react to this attack. 

From a nearby cliff, the Reaper Alpha kept his previous position, yet its scythe like arm was slightly elevated.

"Are those creatures perhaps, your servants?" Song asked, regaining her composure.

"Yes," Thanos replied, "Anyway, what do you think about my proposition, I need a few supervisors and you two are decent choices to create the tomorrow of this world."

The titan then elaborated on his plan to unify the world, casting a vision of a future where security and safety were synonymous with the Swarm, but in reality, it was something more personal and morally ambiguous. The titan knew that it was a matter of time before he could have full control of this realm, but he had to attend other important events in another reality.

This world would be a perfect breeding ground for the Swarm as they could consume powerful creatures to grow stronger. But he needed a few recognisable elites that could humanize his goals and made everyone believe that it was actually for the world's sake, thus the sect masters.

The crowd, captivated by his words, began to envision a world under his guidance.

Li Shuang, approaching his former teacher Zao Yu, announced his impending departure. "Master, I'm leaving soon." Li Shuang said, a rare trace of uncertainty on his face.

The elder, Zao Yu looked at the child she took care of since a very early age and mixed emotions filled her heart. But despite all of this, she smiled. A grand destiny awaited him, and for him to simply remember her teacher, this was enough for her.

"I am proud of you, Li Shuang." The woman said holding the teenager in his arms. The latter smiled, "I'm proud of being your disciple."

The emotional farewell between the teacher and student provided a stark contrast to the grim scene around them.

"Stop whining, you can always come back and visit this realm." Thanos calmly reminded then turned his attention towards Lee.

"I haven't forgot about our promises, you proved yourself loyal to me all these years, and I believe you grew strong enough."


Lee's breath became ragged. He knew what the titan wanted to say but he still couldn't believe it, after all this time.

In an instant, they were transported above a city.

"Throughout the years, I investigated everyone who participated in that event, and traced them all."

He then pulled out an artifact that looked like a scouter in Dragon ball and explained how it work.

"Every single one of them are marked by a small amount of energy that my army had instilled into them, and only this detector can see this special energy."

"After you're done, you'll be transported to all the other places with the same energy signature. You know what to do, right?"

Lee took a deep breath and answered.

"Yes, master."

Lee descended towards the city, his aura dark and resolute, ready to enact his long-awaited revenge.

His presence was akin to a fallen angel who was about to unleash divine punishment. For years to come, people would talk about this event where many people were mercilessly killed and tortured, but that is a story for another time.

The titan grinned and left Lee. His revenge was only his to accomplish after all.

In another area of the world, he reappeared, and thousands upon thousands of cultivators looked at the titan above. Their eyes filled with reverence and awe. They bowed towards him.

Unknown to everyone except Lee, the titan had also made a cultivator army during his stay on the cultivation world, and they expanded all around the known orthodox and unorthodox territories. Thanos was akin to a savior and a god for them, each one them were zealots ready to kill for him.

"Good, everyone is here, let's leave this world," he declared. The crowd, filled with excitement, prepared to follow him into the unknown.

Using the space stone, Thanos transported himself and his followers into the spaceship. The cultivators marveled at their new surroundings, receiving flows of memories on how to navigate the craft.

"Familiarize yourself with it, I have something to do"

The cultivators bowed before the disappearing titan.

In a royal assembly filled with luxury and wealth, a king loomed over his shivering servants. He was embracing two scantily dressed women as he listened to the servants.

However in the next moment, a titan appeared and with a swift movement of his hand, sliced his neck and took his head as the prize. He left as quickly as he arrived, leaving only a bewildered crowd.

In a lively area, a man in ragged clothes sat in lotus position, and listened to the passerbys' chatters.

Children ran and laughed, love bloomed and life advanced. Yet the man felt like he was the only one stuck in his own time. A feeling of melancholy that he knew well to much was his only companion.

Suddenly, he felt something warm and moist between his crossed legs, he looked below and saw a head.

He was astonished, he looked again and ragged breaths overtook him.

"I have fulfilled the deal."

A whisper slowly vanished and the old man laughed, the laughter of a man whose time started once again.

As a bloodstained Lee finished his business, he looked at the appearing titan and bowed.

"Thank you, master. I, Lee will follow you until the end."

"No problem," Thanos replied casually. They then disappeared, reappearing inside the spaceship.

"It's time," Thanos announced, his newly acquired cultivation and powers giving the stone more capability.

Below the spaceship, from everyone's stunned gaze, a thousand meter blue portal appeared on the sky and the spaceship quickly entered, yet, it was not the end.

The swarm swarmed the portal and entered as well. Uncountable numbers that were previously filling the sky disappeared inside the passage.

Gu Nan sighed and looked at the young master's dead body.

"A new era is coming." 

(Hey, it a me, you must be curious about a lot of things, regarding the events of present and previous chapters. Don't worry, It will all be explained later.