Clash in Wakanda

(I needed that one week break, also happy new year, and happy late Christmas everyone)

The air in Wakanda was charged with tension, the sky darkened by the vast army of the real Thanos descending upon the land. The Wakandan army, bolstered by the Avengers, prepared to repel the invaders in a battle that would be etched in the annals of history. They had strategically created a gap in their defenses, funneling the enemy into a concentrated point for a more effective counterattack.

In the thick of battle, Bruce Banner, encased in a massive Iron Man suit, exchanged blows with the Outriders. Between punches, he quipped to Okoye, "You know, I always wanted to say this – Hulk, smash!" His armored fist connected with an Outrider's face, crushing it instantly. Okoye, unfazed by Banner's humor in the heat of battle, simply rolled her eyes and continued her fierce defense of Wakanda.

The tide of battle shifted dramatically with the arrival of Thor. He descended from the sky, shrouded in crackling lightning, the rumble of thunder heralding the arrival of a deity. With Mjolnir in hand, he unleashed torrents of lightning, decimating dozens of the titan's minions in spectacular arcs of destruction. The Outriders, overwhelmed by his godly might, fell in scores, their bodies scorched by the heavenly wrath.

The Avengers and Wakandans, better prepared than their original MCU timeline counterparts, had fortified their territory with an arsenal of advanced weaponry. Alongside traditional vibranium spears, the Wakandan warriors wielded laser weapons, dealing devastating blows to the flying adversaries. The Outriders, unprepared for such firepower, fell in droves, their numbers dwindling under the relentless assault.

Meanwhile, on the distant planet Titan, the Avengers, sorcerers supreme, and Guardians of the Galaxy engaged in a fierce battle against an army of alien creatures, with the original Thanos coldly calculating from behind. "Why are there so many!" Spider-Man exclaimed, nimbly evading an Outrider's claws and using his webs to hurl it at another assailant.

"I don't know," Doctor Strange replied, his face etched with concern. He multiplied himself with his magic, creating an opening for the others to break free from the encircling enemies. "We can't fight him; we need to escape!" Spider-Man insisted, his voice tinged with urgency.

As they regrouped, Strange realized Iron Man and Drax were missing. He turned to see both heroes in the titan's grasp. "I know that gaze," Thanos remarked, his eyes unyielding.

"Release them," Strange demanded, the tension palpable as the titan's army closed in around them. Mantis, Nebula, Quill, and Parker looked on warily, their attention divided between the encroaching army and their captured comrades.

"Hand over the stone," Thanos demanded calmly.

In one of the 14,000,605 futures Strange had seen, this scenario was one of the most problematic. He needed a fast solution. Reluctantly, Strange approached Thanos, surrendering the Time Stone. As Thanos released Drax and Stark, Strange swiftly conjured mystical gestures, opening a sling ring portal that engulfed him, Stark, and Drax. Simultaneously, another portal appeared, swallowing the remaining heroes.

Ebony Maw approached Thanos with concern. "Master..." But Thanos cut him off, "It does not matter; the Time Stone is in my hands." With a dismissive gesture, he ordered, "Prepare the Quantum Gate." Maw bowed and both swiftly retreated towards their spaceship.

Back in Wakanda, the battle raged on, the Avengers and Wakandans pushing back against the overwhelming odds with valor and determination. The air was thick with the smell of ozone and burnt flesh, the ground littered with the fallen. In the midst of chaos, there was a sense of unity and resolve, a determination to protect their world at all costs.

In Wakanda, amidst the chaos of the battle, Corvus Glaive cut a deadly path through the defenders, his blade thirsting for the life of his target. Inside the Wakandan building, Shuri worked feverishly to surgically remove the Mind Stone from Vision's forehead. The critical procedure was interrupted as Corvus Glaive breached their defenses, forcing Shuri to stop. Vision, realizing the gravity of the situation, made the decision to join the fight, leading Corvus Glaive outside into the fray. Wanda, joining the battle, intensified the conflict with her formidable powers.

Above the battlefield, War Machine, like a god of war, rained down missiles upon Thanos' army, each explosion a testament to his aerial dominance. However, unbeknownst to the heroes, a new player entered the field. Through a quantum gate, a marvel of technology, the real Thanos, clad in his iconic armor and wielding his blade, arrived on Earth, his presence emanating a palpable sense of power and dread.

As he surveyed the battlefield, Thanos pondered the whereabouts of the Space Stone, a crucial piece missing from his grand plan. "It is but a matter of time, this is just delaying the inevitable," he whispered to himself, his gaze cold and calculating.

With a leap, Thanos joined the fray, his arrival sending ripples of fear and awe through both his army and his foes. Wanda, catching sight of him, whispered to Vision, "He's here." The battlefield, already a maelstrom of chaos, braced for the titan's onslaught.

The battlefield tensed as the Mad Titan began his relentless advance, his power undeniable even without the Space Stone. Avengers and Wakandans alike were no match for his might; Black Panther, Captain America, and others fell before him. their efforts seeming futile against his overwhelming power. Wanda, torn between her duty and her love for Vision, grappled with a heart-wrenching decision. Struggling with the decision before her, she reflected on her training with Kai Thanos, the 'fake titan,' and her own formidable powers. Yet, in the face of her love's peril, she felt a deep sense of helplessness. "What would he do if he were here?" she wondered, thinking of the man she hadn't seen in years. Despite the Swarm's recent refusal to intervene, a few hidden members were still nearby, secretly protecting her and Pietro.

As she contemplated her next move, an inexplicable sensation overtook the battlefield. A tear in space appeared, revealing a colossal portal through which a sleek, futuristic spaceship emerged. The deep blue and purple vessel, adorned with advanced weaponry, hovered ominously above, silencing the battlefield with its unexpected arrival.

The appearance of the spaceship stunned everyone, including Thanos himself.

From the ship descended numerous figures clad in black cultivation robes, their presence commanding and formidable. Then, three figures emerged at the forefront, the foremost, strikingly similar to Thanos yet distinguished by his black robes, floated forward. The original Thanos gaped in astonishment as the newcomer addressed him.

"Dione, my long lost brother, it's been a while."

Kai Thanos called out, his voice resonating across the battlefield. His command was absolute.

"Take care of them."

The cultivators obeyed without hesitation, launching themselves towards Thanos' army. Their efficiency in battle was terrifying, each exuding the aura of a Stage 5 cultivator.

The Avengers and Wakandans, initially frozen by the arrival of these unexpected allies, were spurred into action by Steve Rogers' rallying cry. "It seems we've got some help. Attack!" With renewed vigor, they pushed through Dione's forces.

Wanda, witnessing the arrival of Kai Thanos, felt a warmth in her heart, a twisted father figure returned after so long. Bruce Banner, on the other hand, felt an inexplicable trauma resurface, a deep-seated fear triggered by the sight of another Thanos, a trauma so profound that even the sight of purple fruits had once triggered his PTSD.

The battlefield transformed with the addition of Kai Thanos' forces. His army, alongside the Avengers and Wakandans, turned the tide against the original Thanos' minions. The air was filled with the sounds of battle, the ground shaking with each clash. Lasers, magic, and physical prowess blended into a maelstrom of combat.

Above, Kai Thanos watched with delight, his eyes fixed on the confused and overwhelmed Dione. The battlefield had become a stage for a dramatic confrontation, a clash between two titans, their armies colliding in a spectacle that would reshape the fate of not just Wakanda, but the entire world.