The Naked Titan

As the Wakandan skies roared with the tumult of battle, the army of cultivators unleashed a merciless onslaught against Dione's forces. The real Thanos, his army dwindling under the relentless attack, watched as his adversaries fell one after another. The cultivators, embodying the ferocity and discipline of their training, were a force to be reckoned with, their Stage 5 auras radiating power and confidence.

Above the battlefield, the spaceship commanded by Kai Thanos proved its lethal efficiency. Its advanced weaponry obliterated any flying enemies or vehicles that dared approach. Occasionally, it rained down a barrage of explosives, targeting the densest areas of Dione's army with terrifying precision.

On the ground, Li Shuang, moving with the swiftness and grace of a seasoned warrior, showcased his deadly skills. "Stage 2: Overheat," he whispered as his blade decapitated ten Chitauri in a single, fluid motion. With a step, he reappeared a few meters away, his blade a blur as he bisected another sneaking Chitauri. Black Widow, noticing the creature too late, turned to see Li Shuang behind her. He gave her a small wave and a smile before continuing his lethal dance through the enemy ranks.

"Feng's world is so exotic, so many strange creatures," Li Shuang mused as he eyed another target – a small giant armed with lasers, wreaking havoc among the Wakandan allies.

Fang Yuan, observing the Wakandans with a curious gaze, commented, "Truly exotic, these dark people." He then charged towards the laser-equipped giant, ready to instill further terror in the hearts of the enemies.

The battlefield, dominated by the Stage 5 cultivators, became increasingly one-sided. Their combat prowess overwhelmed Dione's forces, turning the tide of battle in favor of Kai Thanos' army.

Meanwhile, Dione, the real Thanos, engaged in a fierce duel with Kai Thanos. "Who are you, really?" he demanded, his voice laced with confusion and anger. As he turned the flying daggers hurled at him into harmless bubbles with the Reality Stone, Kai Thanos replied with a grin, "Dione, don't you remember me? Well, mom didn't really tell everybody about her hidden son."

The titan chuckled internally, his voice in his head snickering at the blatant lie. Dione, however, was visibly shaken. The revelation, coupled with the use of his real name – a secret known only to his long-departed mother – sowed seeds of doubt in his mind.

Kai Thanos descended to the earth, engaging Dione in a brutal exchange of blows. Despite Dione possessing almost all the Infinity Stones, Kai Thanos matched him blow for blow. Dione strategically used the Stones, phasing in and out of reality and unleashing waves of destructive power with the Power Stone. Each attack shattered the ground, sending shockwaves through the battlefield. When Dione attempted to use the Soul Stone, Kai Thanos effortlessly broke its influence.

"I've just reached Stage 9, and with the boost of 'that' creature's power, even the Mind Stone won't impact me significantly," Kai Thanos declared, his confidence unshaken.

The two titans clashed with unmatched ferocity, their battle a spectacle of raw power and strategy.

The air crackled with intensity as Kai Thanos, a 9th Stage cultivator, engaged Dione in an earth-shattering duel.

He launched into a series of ferocious attacks. His moves were swift and powerful, each strike intended to overwhelm Dione's defenses. A high kick, swift as a meteor, was followed by a crushing downward kick. Dione, without the presence of the Space Stone's ability to dodge, relied heavily on the Reality Stone to alter the fabric of their environment, creating illusions and distortions to evade the onslaught.

And without the Mind Stone, Dione's ability to anticipate Kai Thanos' attacks was significantly hampered. This forced him to adopt a more reactive strategy, focusing on the immediate threat of each incoming blow. The Power Stone glowed ominously in his gauntlet, unleashing waves of destructive energy in an attempt to keep Kai Thanos at bay.

The Time Stone was Dione's key asset, its power used to slow down time in fleeting moments, granting him precious seconds to counter Kai Thanos' relentless barrage. The Soul Stone pulsed with an eerie light, its mysterious power augmenting Dione's resilience against the physical onslaught.

Despite the disadvantage, Dione's use of the remaining Stones was masterful. He conjured shields of energy, deflected blows, and retaliated with bursts of power that scorched the earth and shattered the air. His control over reality and time created a complex battlefield where every moment was unpredictable.

Kai Thanos, undeterred by the cosmic spectacle, adapted with each twist and turn of the battle. His combat experience shone through as he navigated the altered reality, reading Dione's patterns and adjusting his strategy accordingly. With a swift maneuver, he delivered a crushing elbow strike, aiming to exploit a brief lapse in Dione's defense.

Trees were uprooted, the ground cracked open, and the air itself seemed to warp under the pressure of their power.

Onlookers watched with bated breath, aware that the outcome of this duel would shape the fate of their world and beyond.

"3rd Form: Blazing Comet," he whispered, and in an instant, he appeared behind Dione. The original Thanos, caught off guard, could only muster the power of the Infinity Stones in a desperate attempt to block the attack.

However, the might of a 9th Stage cultivator was not so easily thwarted. Kai Thanos' attack connected with a thunderous impact, sending a shockwave through the battlefield. Dione's body was hurled away, crashing into a distant cluster of bushes. Kai Thanos watched with a mix of satisfaction and introspection. "Even 10% is too much," he mused. To any onlooker aware of the implications, such a statement would be astounding – it suggested the unimaginable strength that Kai Thanos possessed.

Approaching the unconscious Dione, Kai Thanos contemplated his victory. "That was..." he began, only for the voice in his head to interject, "Anticlimactic. Too anticlimactic." The voice, feeling cheated of a grander battle, expressed its disappointment.

Kai Thanos, reflecting on the fight, wondered aloud, "Did I grow a little too strong, or did I overestimate the MCU's power level?" As he pondered, he used his psychokinesis to retrieve the Soul, Time, Reality, and Power Stones from Dione.

Finally in possession of the stones, Kai Thanos experienced an epiphany. "Why didn't I think of this before?" he chided himself, facepalming. He then proceeded to remove the gauntlet from Dione, placing the stones into their respective sockets. As he donned the gauntlet, a cosmic sensation overwhelmed him. The feeling of connecting with the stones was otherworldly, an experience beyond the boundaries of mortal comprehension.

"Not bad."

He smirked, feeling the surge of power coursing through him.

The voice in his head, ever the source of bizarre suggestions, chimed in, "Empty the contents of his pantaloons and strip him of everything. Take his clothes; nothing should remain!" Kai Thanos, accustomed to the voice's antics, grimaced.

"You are sick... alright."

He conceded with a malicious grin.

He first approached the Titan's iconic armor. The armor, a marvel of both design and function, had always been more than a protective layer; it was a symbol of the original Titan might and authority. Kai Thanos' hands worked with precision, unclasping the intricate locking mechanisms that held the armor in place. The armor plates, forged from unknown cosmic materials, were heavy and imposing, each piece resonating with the power of countless battles. As he removed the chest plate, the intricate circuitry and runes etched into its interior were revealed, glowing faintly with residual energy.

Next, Kai Thanos turned his attention to Dione's weapon. The double-edged blade, a weapon that had instilled fear across galaxies, lay beside its owner, its edge still shimmering with a menacing sharpness. Kai Thanos picked it up, feeling its weight and balance. The blade, crafted to be wielded by a being of immense strength, was both beautiful and terrifying. He examined it closely, noting the nicks and notches along its surface, each a silent witness to the battles it had seen.

With each item removed, Dione appeared less like the feared Titan who had challenged the universe, and more like a fallen warrior, stripped of his legacy and power.

At the end, only a pitiful, naked titan was on sight. Even Kai Thanos felt a little ashamed of himself.

With Dione stripped of his dignity and power, Kai Thanos teleported to another location, leaving behind a shameful tale that would echo through the deepest parts of the universe for eons to come.