Chapter 1736

"Release it, both of you!" Zhao Fu ordered the soldiers on either side of the iron chain.

Upon hearing Zhao Fu's words, the soldiers immediately released the iron chain. The monstrous creature looked at Zhao Fu with cruel and murderous eyes, exuding a fierce aura as it charged straight towards him.

Standing next to him, Mu Minxian took a step forward and stretched out her mechanical arm. A force gathered in her palm, emitting a silver-white light. An invisible force spread out, and a silver metal wall emerged from the ground in front of her.


The monstrous creature slammed into the metal wall with force, making a loud noise. Its sharp jaws pierced into the metal wall, leaving deep imprints a few inches deep.

Unable to break through the wall, the creature went mad and repeatedly slammed into it, leaving a series of dents that were alarming to behold.

Finally, the creature, unable to penetrate the wall, turned its gaze to the soldier standing beside it and charged fiercely towards him.

Without Zhao Fu's intervention, the soldier held a long spear and thrust it with great force, like a lightning bolt piercing through the creature's head, killing it on the spot.

Zhao Fu walked to the wall and carefully examined it. He discovered that chaotic power could indeed weaken alchemical power and plunge it into chaos.

The imprints on the wall were visible to the naked eye, and the metal was constantly decomposing, making the imprints gradually increase in size. Zhao Fu asked the soldier to use a weapon from the Outer World with the same force to attack the wall, but it did not achieve the same effect.

Zhao Fu couldn't help but feel pleasantly surprised. If he used materials from the Outer world to construct a defense in the alchemical world, he could directly counter alchemical type attacks, greatly increasing the safety of the base. He could also create weapons to directly attack alchemical peoples and creatures.

However, Great Qin cannot directly use the materials from the Chaos World because they also restrain people from the Heaven Awaken World. Therefore, what is needed is a type of intermediate material.

Thanks to the sisters, Gongsun lin had found the method to fuse the two different types of materials. This is also why Zhao Fu entrusted them with the alchemy world materials to study, hoping that they will also make surprising discoveries in the future.

As for the raw materials, Zhao Fu does not need to worry because he has spent a lot of time in the Outer World and has collected a massive amount of materials that are enough to meet the current needs of the Great Qin Empire.

Next, it's the time to build a permanent base in the alchemy world. Thus Zhao Fu sent many powerful people to guard the area to prevent the alchemy world's holy beasts from suddenly attacking, which could cause untold damage to Great Qin.

Firstly, they built walls using a mix of Outer World and Heaven Awaken World materials. They then fired these massive bricks and added some formations to create walls that were strong enough to withstand the fierce attacks of holy beasts.

After the walls were built, they placed the exchange stone tablets. Zhao Fu remembered the announcements given by the Heaven Awaken World before and couldn't help but feel curious about the rewards, thus he told a look.

The result was quite shocking. The number of various artifacts and even saint grade items was several times more numerous than before, and even some higher level techniques were available. Furthermore, the divine material that Zhao Fu previously found, which was used to forge the consciousness of the Great Qin World, could also be exchanged using the stone tablets.

The name of that material was the "Asking Dao Stone," a type of stone that contained the power of the Heaven Awake World and was extremely powerful. It was even more precious than the original divine source iron, which was usually used as a town treasure.

The Asking Dao Stone also provided significant improvement in cultivation, allowing people to comprehend more quickly and practice much faster.

Moreover, there was now a world-level feudal system, which allowed people to exchange directly for feudal titles. These world-level feudal titles had a bonus effect on Fate, and they also allowed the territory to regain production attributes and exempted the weakening effect given by the Heaven Awaken World.

Previously, The power of Regions, Countries, Fate, and Cities were all weakened. Now, by exchanging for a world-level feudal title, all these weakening effects can be eliminated.

Most importantly, people can also directly exchange for territories. For example, Zhao Fu can now exchange for a nearby world as his territory, which is recognized by the Heaven Awaken World. No one can resist it, and even if they do, it would be useless. Who can resist the consciousness of the Heaven Awaken World? It's simply impossible.

However, there are limitations. The territories that can be exchanged cannot be territories of forces that have participated in the war against the Alchemy World.

In other words, all the territories of the forces below the level of Royal Kingdom can be exchanged, and they would have absolutely no other option but subservience. Resistance would mean expulsion, and thus becoming landless people, or death.

Additionally, the territories of countries that are unable to complete their monthly point tasks can also be exchanged.

At the same time, their large population can also be exchanged. These people will directly belong to the exchanger and cannot resist because there is a punishment for being a traitor, which will weaken all attributes by 80%. Serious offenders may even die directly.

Previously, some people may have envied those forces below the Royal Kingdom, without any worries or risks of participating in wars. Now it seems that they are better off.

If someone exchanges their territory, they have no choice but to kneel or be expelled from their own territory. With such supreme feelings of powerlessness, they can only pray that no one exchanges their territory.

Of course, the points required to exchange land and population are absolutely massive. Unless it is someone who urgently needs them, it's not cost effective to exchange them.

After seeing many updated items, it is indeed tempting. The Heaven Awaken World Consciousness has put in a lot of effort for this war. It is reasonable because the Heaven Awaken World now faces two separate worlds of the same level thus it is under immense pressure.

Although Zhao Fu has the ability to leave the Heaven Awaken World at any time with the Heaven-Sealing Earth-Locking Array, he still is hesitant to do so because it is too dangerous in the endless void. Who knows how many worlds like the Heaven Awaken World, the Outer World, and the Alchemy World there are.

In the Alchemy World's base, Zhao Fu plans to let Wang Jian take charge and build its defense before launching attacks on other opponents so they would still have something to fall back upon if they were to lose.

Additionally, because Mu Minxian had performed very well, Zhao Fu had begun to value her. She cooperated actively with Great Qin and gave detailed information about the surrounding situation to allow Great Qin to be more prepared.

And Mu Minxian's actions are not without purpose, which is to become the patriarch of the Mu Gui family after Zhao Fu captures her family.