Chapter 1737

The fact that Great Qin was building such a large base in this area quickly alarmed the local forces, who then naturally wanted to launch a direct attack against Great Qin upon seeing the large military presence and powerful beings in the sky, but for the time being, they did not dare to do so.

At this time, Great Qin did not pay attention to them and quickly focused on building their defenses, which was their main objective.

However, a few days later, they had accumulated three hundred million alchemic soldiers and many hundreds of holy beasts began their assault against Great Qin.

In fact, if the soldiers of Great Qin did not use superior quality weapons to deal with the alchemic soldiers, their cultivation levels were the same, the soldiers of Great Qin could possibly lose to the alchemic soldiers because the alchemy power of the alchemic soldiers was very difficult to deal with. This would be a devastating loss for Great Qin, thus Zhao Fu held nothing back in the creation of this base.

Moreover, Great Qin's soldiers were also all equipped with silver-quality sets and had fused with the power of darkness, not at all worse than the alchemic soldiers, but the armor alone wouldn't allow Great Qin to sweep these opponents.

The attacking alchemic soldiers did not know Great Qin's true strength and thought they were just an ordinary Heaven Awaken force, thus, without caution, they launched their attack with their three hundred million troops.

The attacking soldiers were also very strong, a fair bit stronger than Stage 1 soldiers, but Great Qin didn't bring Stage 1 soldiers either, instead they were all Stage 2 soldiers.

Because of Mu Minxian, Great Qin had a good understanding of everything in the immediate vicinity. According to Mu Mixian Stage 1 soldiers had no place in this world, except for dealing with some of the most remote forces in the alchemy world who were very weak. Therefore, their cultivation levels would only matter if they were Stage 1 soldiers, otherwise, they would be equal in that regard.

However, in the alchemy world, the most basic of soldiers were Stage 2. If one did not have this level of strength, then the only option would be to retreat to even more remote areas and redeploy the Great Battlefield gates, otherwise they would be doomed to fail.

Both sides were people from two different worlds, Thus there was nothing to say when they met. With the initiative and pressure from their world, the Alchemy world armies could only attack.

Their method of attack was also quite special and unique. The people in the front held metal spears, and while charging forward, they projected the spears using their world's power.

Boom, boom, boom...

The spears that were projected disappeared, and one after another magic circles appeared in the void. Even more spears popped into existence with an incredibly sharp momentum, they all shot towards the Great Qin Wall in an overwhelming number that was almost impossible to count.

Zhao Fu did not hesitate and immediately activated the defensive shield. Instantly a gray shield appeared, and the metallic spears collided against it resulting in a clanging sound. Some of them were blocked and bounced off, while others directly shattered and fell towards the ground as a pile of shards, the shield, however, suffered minor damage.

The people from the Alchemy World were all stunned because they did not expect the shield of what they assumed to be a regular force to be so strong, while Zhao Fu was also surprised by the strength of the Alchemy World's opening attack.

This gray energy shield was created with the power of the outer World, and even with its counter effects to the Alchemy world's power, after enduring the first wave of attacks, small cracks appeared on it.

Seeing that they could not break through the Great Qin defense, the Alchemy World decided to directly use their Holy Beasts. The ground continuously trembled as monstrous creatures with terrifying pressure got into position one after another.

Those thousands of terrifying Holy Beasts were actually more terrifying than tens of thousands ferocious beasts. Each one of them was at least one kilometer in size, and behind them were large barrels that looked bigger than mountains. it was as if none could resist them.

At this moment, the numerous barrels emitted a strong light, while an extremely oppressive force leered over everyone, making the people tremble with fear.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Numerous blinding beams of light were fired from the Holy Beasts, carrying the power to seemingly destroy everything. The light illuminated the surrounding area, while the beams themselves were extremely quick. The sky was filled with countless beams of light, which created a horrifying scene.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The beams of light hit the shield, creating deafening noises that sounded out across the whole battlefield. The webs of cracks on the shield began to quickly grow faster and faster under the immense power of the Holy Beasts, and in the end, it shattered into countless pieces and dissipated.

Seeing that they had broken through the Great Qin defense, the numerous alchemist leaders revealed smiles and were about to launch their next attack.

Suddenly, numerous intense holy lights appeared, and one after another. thousands of massive beings, all over one hundred meters tall, appeared with a world ending aura. They stretched out their hands towards the sky in the general direction to the numerous Holy Beasts.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Huge white streams of light carrying the power to destroy everything were shot towards the countless Holy Beasts, leaving behind streams of light as if the space was trembling.

Although Great Qin did not have Holy Beasts, they had similar means. Zhao Fu understood that the greatest threat was those Holy Beasts, so he had to destroy them first in order to gain an advantage on the battlefield.

The pilots of the Holy Beasts were also shocked, but with discipline, quickly activated their defenses. Huge defense shields emerged one after another, wrapping around the bodies of the Holy Beasts.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

White streams of light bombarded the defense shields, producing explosive sounds. Countless strong lights spread out, and terrifying shockwaves emanated. quickly some of the weaker Holy Beast's shields shattered allowing the attacks to pelt them, a few unlucky Holy beasts had their weak spots attacked thus almost instantly imploding in a explosion of brilliant fire and heat.

After everything settled down, only a few dozen war Holy Beasts were destroyed, and they were relatively small in size. The larger Holy Beasts were completely unscathed.

Zhao Fu was also somewhat surprised because even with the power of 50,000 holy light envoys, only a few dozen Holy Beasts were destroyed. It was easy to see that the defenses of those Holy Beasts were on another level.

Moreover, this was an opportunity where they were able to concentrate their firepower on this massive gathering of Holy Beasts. The next time, they might not have such a good opportunity to destroy such a large number of them.


Despite the loses, the alchemists still launched a massive charge. Countless people rushed forward with a fierce momentum, shaking the surroundings.

At the rear of the alchemical army, numerous people wearing mechanical gloves gathered together, before releasing an incredibly powerful aura. They then squatted down and pressed their hands towards the ground. Instantly a massive alchemical array emerged.

The alchemical array emitted countless rays of light, it was pooling the immense alchemical power in the surroundings into itself.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Instantly countless metallic ladders shot out from the ground at an incredibly fast speed, extending towards the walls of Great Qin that were constructed. From a distance, they looked like slanted ladders connecting the ground to the walls, greatly weakening the walls' effectiveness.

The alchemical army directly stepped onto these metal ladders with a fierce momentum, rushing towards the Great Qin soldiers on the walls at a very fast speed.

Zhao Fu's heart tightened, instantly he ordered the numerous holy light envoys to attack the countless metal ladders that had shot out from the ground.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Powerful streams of white light bombarded the metal ladders. The ladders were shattered almost instantly, resulting in countless people falling from them. Some were even hit by the streams of light, which turned their bodies into a paste on the ground.

However, it didn't take long for the broken metal ladders to extend out once again. It was the people behind the alchemical army who mobilized more power and poured it into the alchemical array. Thus as long as that array was active, they could summon an infinite amount of ladders to assault the walls.