Chapter 1773

Flying insect nests and dragon-like creatures have significant advantages in strength and defense, although they have fewer numbers compared to the group of large cockroach beasts.

The two sides battled in the sky, making loud noises that generated strong gusts of wind.

On the ground, countless cockroach beasts continued to swarm towards Great Qin. However, at this moment, green vines shot out from the ground and wrapped around the charging beasts one by one.

The vines protruded thorns that pierced the bodies of the beasts, causing them to scream in agony. The vines then rapidly consumed the life force of the beasts, which, being already powerful, excited the vines even more.

However, there were too many charging beasts, and the vines could only bind a portion of them. Many more beasts crawled over them and continued to surge towards Great Qin.

Arrows were shot in one place, but ordinary arrows had little effect on these beasts. This time, the arrows were equipped with fire.

Countless flaming arrows rained down like a shower of fire, hitting the cockroach beasts' backs one by one. The scorching burns made countless beasts scream in pain.

This wave of rockets killed many cockroach beasts directly, emitting some pungent odor. Some of the corpses had even caught fire.

Because the vines were also afraid of fire, the rockets were shot at distant beasts, and Great Qin soldiers did not attack the beasts nearby.

The rocket rain did not require the soldiers to attack. It simply sliced open a gap between the beasts in front and the masses of beasts behind. At this point, countless vines had already finished devouring a beast and had become even more robust and ferocious, attacking the beasts that entered their range.

The beasts in front were bound by the vines, and their life forces were forcibly drained. Without Great Qin's attack, these beasts were already dead from being devoured by the vines.

However, more beasts attacked the Great Qin wall with a fierce momentum, and their numbers were still considerable.

Moreover, some of the larger cockroach beasts sprayed green liquid from their mouths, which could reach the city wall. This liquid was highly corrosive and required careful defense. Numerous soldiers could only defend themselves with their shields, or else their bodies would be corroded.

Great Qin calmly attacked with arrows while defending against the green liquid sprayed on the city wall. However, the swarm of beasts was getting closer and would soon launch a full-scale attack.

At that time, Great Qin would face a dangerous situation, as the beasts would surge towards them like a flood, causing many soldiers to be injured or killed.

At this moment, Zhao Fu commanded the God of Wilderness to take action.

The God of Wilderness appeared in the sky with the twelve divine envoys, and countless blood lights emanated, dyeing the sky red. Twelve blood-colored figures floated behind them, then transformed into streams of light and fell to the ground.

The twelve blood balls formed a line and emitted an immensely powerful suction force. Countless green blood was drawn from the bodies of the dead roaches and beasts surrounding them, forming a huge green tide rushing towards the twelve blood balls.

The twelve blood balls absorbed the blood water and grew immensely in size, first to several hundred meters, then to several thousand meters, and finally to several tens of thousands of meters.

The size this time was much larger than before because the power of the Blood God Demon comes from blood. The more creatures killed, the more blood provided, and the stronger the power of the Blood God Demon.

In the previous attacks by the Qin army, they had killed nearly ten billion roaches and beasts, providing an immense amount of blood.

In the sky, the twelve divine envoys reached out their hands towards the twelve green blood balls, and countless spells floated up from their arms, releasing a strange power.

The tens of thousands of meters large green blood balls emitted a green light and constantly transformed, turning into twelve huge green roaches and beasts with eyes of blood-colored crystals and fluid bodies.


The twelve huge green roaches and beasts let out a loud roar, emitting a tangible sound wave that shook the heavens and the earth. A massive aura spread out like a tide, causing countless creatures to fall into fear.

Feeling the aura emanating from the twelve tens of thousands of meters large roaches and beasts, the massive swarm of creatures came to a halt.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The twelve huge roaches and beasts charged forward towards the swarm with destructive power, like twelve mountains rushing forward at high speed.

The creatures were sent flying without any resistance, like sand being swept away. Some were even crushed into meat pulp by the huge green roaches and beasts, staining the ground green. The putrid flesh and organs were disgusting to behold.

Facing these massive green roaches and beasts capable of destroying everything, the swarm emitted a dark red aura, condensing into eight huge and incomparable dark red roaches and beasts, composed of a dark red aura rather than having physical bodies.

The body was also emitting a dark red aura, exuding an immense and terrifying pressure.

Boom, boom, boom...

Eight dark red cockroach insect beasts with terrifying momentum charged directly towards the twelve green insect beasts. They were even larger than the green insect beasts, and when so many giant insects collided, it produced deafening explosions.

A terrible shockwave spread out, causing the ground to crumble and a massive storm to surge, sending countless sand and rocks flying in all directions. The nearby cockroach insect beasts were also affected, with some being directly crushed by the shockwave and spewing out green liquid. The cockroach insect beasts further away were blown away by the powerful wind.

The battle between the giant insects was equally fierce, with loud crashes and gusts of wind.

Meanwhile, numerous ordinary cockroach insect beasts launched an assault on the Great Qin defensive wall with their immense momentum, sweeping everything in their path.

The twelve godly envoys in the sky controlled the twelve green insect beasts, leaving eight to hold back the dark red insect beast hoard and sending four to continue charging into the swarm of insects. They crazily slaughtered their way through, constantly rampaging and knocking countless insects away or crushing them into meat paste.

None of the insect beasts were able to stop them, and in the face of the giant and immensely powerful green insect beasts, they were like sand scattering with a single blow.

Swish, swish, swish...

On the ground, countless vines devoured another batch of insect beasts, becoming even greener and thicker, shooting out tendrils towards the cockroach insect beasts.