Chapter 1774

Groups of cockroach-like beasts were bound by green vines, all struggling to break free. However, the vines extended thorns that pierced into the bodies of the beasts, greedily devouring their life force. The beasts soon died, their bodies shrinking as if they had lost all their moisture.

Meanwhile, on the other side, the Qin army fired countless arrows with great force, piercing the bodies of the beasts. Countless drops of blood splattered, and the beasts howled in agony.

Suddenly, a huge green liquid shot over from a distance with tremendous force and hit the Qin city wall, corroding a huge hole in it. Some soldiers were hit by the liquid and had no time to even scream before their bodies and armor were corroded away.

A huge aura spread like a tide, and a giant figure appeared in front of everyone. It was a dark red cockroach that was ten thousand meters long, flapping its wings and flying low. This was the king of the beasts.

Zhao Fu immediately turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the giant beast, appearing in front of it the next second.

The giant beast looked at the small figure in front of it and opened its large mouth, biting at Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu took out the Emperor's Kill Sword and shouted, "Sword Path!"

A huge sword aura storm spread, and Zhao Fu slashed with all his might. A huge sword light with an extremely sharp aura flew towards the giant beast.


The giant beast king was knocked back by the sword, emitting a loud noise, and a shallow wound appeared on its head.

The king of the beasts roared angrily, exuding a terrifying aura as it charged towards Zhao Fu, forming a huge oppressive force and a strong gust of wind.

Zhao Fu could not dodge and could only pour his immense strength into the Emperor's Kill Sword. The sword emitted a strong sword light, and a sharp aura spread, causing a huge sword aura storm.


The giant beast king turned around with a terrible aura, and Zhao Fu also slashed fiercely. The two sides collided violently, emitting a loud noise and causing a huge storm.

Zhao Fu was hit and flew dozens of meters away. His arms felt numb, and the insect beasts were pushed back more than ten meters. A new wound appeared on their head, which was larger than the previous one, and blood flowed out continuously.

The insect beast king's head shrank in anger, and then it suddenly stretched out, spewing out a huge green liquid that flew towards Zhao Fu with a powerful force and high speed.

Zhao Fu dodged to the side and avoided the attack.

But the green liquid hit the Great Qin City wall, corroding a large hole in it.

"Damn it!"

Zhao Fu cursed silently, and with great force, he swung his sword at the huge insect beast.

Meanwhile, the insect beast army on the other side finally reached the base of the Great Qin City wall and launched a total attack against it. Countless cockroach-like insect beasts crawled up the wall and quickly attacked the soldiers on the wall.

The Great Qin army counterattacked, constantly shooting out arrows and slashing with swords and blades. The flat and wall-climbing insect beasts were not affected much by blunt weapons.

Arrows kept shooting, and countless soldiers slashed with swords and blades, forming a line of blades that constantly cut the crawling insect beasts in half.

The cockroach-like insect beasts also sprayed green liquid, corroding the armor and body of the Great Qin soldiers.

The countless green vines on the ground also shot out quickly, binding the insect beasts, and the thorns quickly pierced their life force, causing them to scream and struggle in pain.

Numerous huge insect beasts collided and bit fiercely, and four green insect beasts continued to charge, pushing many insect beasts flying or crushing them into paste.

In the sky, flying dragons and insects fought, constantly biting and colliding, spewing out green liquid and firing powerful beams to kill each other.

The battle was extremely fierce, with both sides fighting desperately, shouting and screaming constantly, blood flying, and bodies covering the ground, a shocking scene.

Meanwhile, the battle between Zhao Fu and the insect beast king was equally intense.

The insect beast king used its huge body to charge at Zhao Fu again, but Zhao Fu used all his strength and directly cut down the huge insect beast king to the ground.

Boom, boom, boom!

The ground was violently shaking and countless rocks were shooting out, creating a burst of airwaves. The body of the insect and beast king directly smashed a large pit into the ground.

The insect and beast king angrily spewed out a green liquid, which carried a strong force and a pungent smell, and shot towards Zhao Fu.

But this time, Zhao Fu did not dodge. He took out the Sinful Dragon Sword, infused it with a tremendous amount of power, and swung it with force. A huge water dragon, carrying a powerful force, rushed towards the green liquid.


A loud explosion occurred as the green liquid and water dragon collided, causing countless green liquid and water splashes to scatter in all directions.

The water splashes fell to the ground without incident, but the numerous green liquids that landed on the ground immediately corroded holes into the earth.

Enraged, the insect and beast king leaped from the ground into the sky with a powerful momentum. The ground instantly collapsed, and the insect and beast king opened its huge mouth, biting towards Zhao Fu.

Before Zhao Fu could make a move, a black spear, with terrifying sharpness, shot out and pierced the body of the insect and beast king, causing it to scream in agony.

As Zhao Fu had not yet defeated the insect and beast king, Alasna, the goddess of the fallen angels, approached to help.

As a cultivator with a higher level of strength than Zhao Fu, Alasna's assistance made it easier to deal with the insect and beast king.

The insect and beast king, after being hit by Alasna, angrily rushed towards her, opening its mouth, which was like a black hole, and bit towards her.

At this time, Zhao Fu swung his sword with force and sent out three huge water dragons, which slammed into the insect and sent beast king flying.

Alasna held the Dark God Sword and infused it with massive amounts of dark power. The Dark God Sword emitted terrifying black sword light as Alasna forcefully slashed it.


A loud sword sound rang out, a huge black crescent moon, carrying an incredibly dark power, slashed onto the left side of the body of the insect beast king, directly cutting a huge wound, and countless blood gushed out.

At this moment, Zhao Fu took out the Emperor Killing Sword, flashed in front of the insect beast king, and infused a huge amount of power into the sword. The Emperor Killing Sword emitted an extremely sharp sword light, and with a forceful swing, a terrifying sword light flew out, directly beheading the insect beast king.