Chapter 1175

After the death of the Insect Beast King, the orderly insect tide became somewhat chaotic. They were already struggling to withstand the crazy attacks of the Great Qin and were on the verge of collapse. The Insect Beast King was their last hope.

But now that hope was gone, and the insects could not sustain themselves. Faced with the death of countless comrades, they began to flee in fear.

On the other side, the Great Qin continued its fierce attack. Arrows with great force shot through the air, leaving arcs as they landed among the insect horde, killing one after another.

Vines continued to extend and quickly bound the fleeing insects, piercing their bodies with thorns and devouring their life force.

As the insect tide retreated, the huge dark red cockroach insect beast that they had formed also collapsed. The twelve green cockroach insect beasts attacked recklessly, crushing the insects one by one.

The huge cockroach insect beast in the sky was also unable to withstand the Flying Insect Nest Dragon and began to quickly flee. Because they could fly, they were much faster than ordinary insects and disappeared in no time.

Boom, boom, boom...

The Flying Insect Nest Dragon in the sky sprayed out powerful beams of light, carrying destructive power and causing a series of explosions in the insect tide, killing countless insects.

Now, the once formidable insect tide was dealt a heavy blow and countless insects died. The remaining few fled in fear.

The Great Qin stopped pursuing after a certain distance and ultimately won the war.

The ground was covered with the bodies of the insects, and the green liquid turned the ground green, emitting a pungent odor.

Zhao Fu ordered some soldiers to clean up the battlefield while the others followed him and quickly headed towards the nest of the cockroach insect beasts.

Several hours later, Zhao Fu arrived with his men. There were large pits on the ground, and there were dark red insect eggs the size of watermelons scattered around. In the middle were dark red crystals, which were the nest stones.

Zhao Fu was pleasantly surprised to see a large number of nest stones, at least seven or eight hundred, which could give the Great Qin seven or eight hundred more Flying Insect Nest Dragons. The power of these Flying Insect Nest Dragons was terrifying, and they were definitely a powerful tool for the Great Qin. If there were ten thousand of them, they could cause significant damage to the Holy Beasts of the Alchemy World.

There were still many insects in these nests, and when they saw the soldiers of the Great Qin, they swarmed out and attacked.

On this side of Great Qin, they formed a defensive formation and shot out arrows in an orderly manner, attacking the insects and beasts that remained, which were easily wiped out because their main forces had already been destroyed by Great Qin. After dealing with the pests, Zhao Fu ordered people to move the stones containing the insect nests and the eggs from the large pit.

There were also many insect eggs here, densely distributed around, and the number could reach billions, but they were relatively small in size and not as strong as ordinary insect eggs. However, it would be very frightening to cast a curse with so many insect eggs.

Zhao Fu led his soldiers from Great Qin to move the stones containing the insect nests and the eggs, and returned to Great Qin with satisfaction.

Upon returning to Great Qin and seeing that the battle had been cleaned up, Zhao Fu asked Alasna who was next to him, "Did Great Qin suffer heavy losses?"

Alasna smiled slightly and replied, "Not too much, only a few tens of millions. But we killed 3.5 billion insects and beasts, which is surprising. Moreover, killing so many insects and beasts has earned Great Qin a huge amount of points."

Zhao Fu also chuckled, relieved that the losses were not significant and that they had gained a lot this time.

Looking at the exchange monument, Great Qin's points were now terrifyingly high, having already satisfied a third of the points needed. They only needed two-thirds more, and then Great Qin could obtain the Asking Dao Stone. At that time, Great Qin could create a divine artifact, allowing Ling ji to devour other world consciousnesses and continuously enhance itself.

"Are you done with your business now?"

Alasna approached Zhao Fu with a tempting voice and asked him.

Zhao Fu understood her meaning and laughed lightly as he hugged her delicate body. After spending some time with his women, Zhao Fu was planning to leave the chaotic world.

However, at this moment, a soldier reported that the research institute in the Great Qin in the Outer world had something to tell him.

Hearing this, Zhao Fu was a little puzzled. The research institute was mainly responsible for researching the weaknesses of insects and beasts and how to kill them more quickly. Did they have unexpected gains this time?

With this doubt, Zhao Fu also came to the study.

"See Your Majesty!"

Many scholars who were studying saw Zhao Fu's arrival and greeted him with a bow and a call.

Zhao Fu nodded and asked, "Have you made any discoveries?"

A middle-aged man stepped forward and bowed first, answering, "Your Majesty, please come and see."

Zhao Fu followed the middle-aged man and came to a table where there was a green bean-sized stone with a strong life force.

"What is this?" Zhao Fu asked with some curiosity.

The middle-aged man answered, "Your Majesty, this is something we found in the bodies of those beasts. It contains strong vitality and should be something produced by the breeding of cockroach beasts. Every cockroach beast has one."

"If this stone is modified, it should become a kind of life potion."

Hearing this, Zhao Fu was somewhat surprised. Qin had killed close to 4 billion cockroach beasts, which meant that they could obtain a large number of life potions.

However, this was something produced by the beasts in the Outer world. Would it work for Great Qin? Would it cause rejection?

Zhao Fu asked this question, and the middle-aged man replied, "Your Majesty, the method of making life potions is simple, and we are also studying how to merge that power of life to make it usable for our soldiers."

If that was the case, Zhao Fu was somewhat disappointed and said, "I understand! You continue to research, and if there is any progress, notify me in time."

The middle-aged man obeyed.

Zhao Fu returned directly to Qin because solving the issue of the beasts did not take too much time, and there was nothing to handle after returning to Qin.

At this time, Zhao Fu thought that he could learn about the current situation of the people. Recently, many things had happened, including the attack by the alchemy world, the decline of the origin of heaven and earth, the reduction of the food production range, and various natural disasters, which greatly shook the people's hearts.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fu sent people across the nine world's of Great Qin to collect opinions from the people and see what they thought and what ideas they had.