
The negotiation between Levi and Jim Carrey was almost over by this time, and the rest was to discuss the salary of the movie with Stevenson and Alexander. Jim Carrey has a very good box office appeal, but it is for comedy. His salary in the main drama must have dropped, but how much should it be? It's still hard to say. It is estimated that Stevenson and Alexander also have some disputes.

However, Levi and Jim Carrey did not mention it. Neither of them was very good at talking about money, so after Levi promised to find enough good actors to play with Jim Carrey, Jim Carrey said his goodbyes and left the set.

As soon as he left the set, the surrounding actors immediately surrounded Levi.

"Nick, you are going to shoot a new movie, aren't you? Are you working with Jim Carrey? Is it a comedy?"

Jim Carrey had just left, and someone from Levi's side immediately approached him. They asked questions in a hurry, and Levi didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Nick, you really screwed these guys up." Michael, who was standing in the crowd, interrupted the people's entanglement at this time.

Levi has not been here as a producer for a long time, and Michael is the director of the TV series. As for the person in charge, he has been here longer and has greater prestige, "When you were filming the first TV series, you were not so conniving with them. Successive victories made you treat them too well."

After the TV series Heroes was released, it was indeed a success. This TV series has aired four episodes since its inception. It has more than 10 million viewers, which is already rare for a science fiction TV series. From the beginning of the broadcast, the cheerleader who jumped off the building and the single mother who was schizophrenic, plus the painter who predicted the future, and the male protagonist who firmly believed that he could fly. The stories of these people are ordinary and simple, but they have already attracted the attention of many people.

Sci-fi TV dramas have always had many deaths and low ratings. Many sci-fi dramas have been broadcast for many years without good ratings. But this TV series is uncharacteristic; it had such a good rating once it was broadcast. It was also a real surprise. The way superheroes bring fantasy closer to reality has also received a lot of attention at once.

Moreover, while the ratings are good, the TV series has also received a lot of media attention, which is an even more remarkable success.

"Violence, suspense, sci-fi, and all other elements of Hollywood movies are integrated into Heroes.' The show's plot is compact, and the suspense is left at the end of each episode, making people want to stop and watch."

In the media, the evaluation of the TV series is also quite amazing. Many media think the form of this TV series is very meaningful and worth learning from.

These comments made Levi very satisfied: he was very happy this TV series could be well received. Unlike CSI, he has made more changes in this TV series and wants to incorporate more things. His own experiment was successful; how could he be unhappy?

Since he is happy, he is more or less indulgent for the actors on the crew.

"Nick. You haven't answered us yet. Are you shooting a new movie?" Jessica Alba, who plays a cheerleader on the show, asked, holding Levi's arm tightly.

In this regard, Levi laughed, "Why don't you suspect that he came to play a guest role in a TV series?"

"How can a big star like him need a guest role in a TV series?" The girl pouted, with a bit of envy for Jim Carrey in her eyes.

Some were dissatisfied with Levi's lack of frankness, "You are discussing the shooting of a movie, aren't you?"

"Yes, we are preparing." Levi did not deny it.

"Can I play a role in a movie? Even a very small role is fine; I really want to play a movie!" The girl beside him hugged Levi's arm and jumped excitedly; her whole body pressed on Levi.

Several people around looked at this kind of overly intimate action, but no one spoke: They also wanted to know if Levi had the idea of ​​using TV actors to act in movies. They can pretend to turn a blind eye to such things.

Levi still pushed her away, "Jessie, you've only acted in two TV series episodes, and you want to act in a movie? If you say that, I, a TV show producer, won't be very happy."

"But movies Director Levi will be happy?" Jessica insisted.

"No, there are no teenagers in the new play. You'd better act in your current TV series and don't think about other things for the time being." Levi shook his head, interrupting her thoughts.

"I'm not young at all." Jessica's words were quite suggestive, but her clumsy seduction seemed a bit ridiculous to Levi.

In this regard, Levi also suddenly remembered something.

"Yeah, you are not young anymore, and you are very beautiful... Have you read the novel The Time Machine by H. G. Wells? It's just that you are too young. Wait for a while; there are no good movies for teenagers. You should hone your acting skills and consider acting in movies in the future."

Regarding why Levi mentioned the time machine novel Jessika does not quite understand. Does this have something to do with his movies? However, Jessica didn't care much about these things. It was enough for her to hear Levi praise her for being beautiful. She just leaned her body over again and told Levi, "Well, in the future, if you have a suitable movie, think of me first, okay?"

After getting Levi's affirmative answer, she also left here satisfied.

Seeing Alba leaving, Levi smiled softly in his heart. He could see that Jessica's behavior was somewhat deliberate: she was not naive but showing off her sex appeal. It's a pity that the little girl is too young; even if she is showing off her sexiness, she is not good enough...

"If you go to her tonight, her RV will definitely open the door for you." Sitting next to Levi, Michael Suddenly opened his mouth.

"You're wrong. She will open the door for me if I go to her anytime. It doesn't have to be at night..."

[A/N: When filming Dark Angel, Jessica Alba fell in love with the leading actor Michael Weatherly, and the two had sex in the car. As a result, the whole crew was ready to shoot to find her, and they all heard it, and it became a joke.]

It is not the first time that Levi has faced the attention of the actors. He is very clear that although the girl in front of him has never acted in a nude scene in her life and therefore is considered a clean girl by the audience, in fact, if he pays a little attention, he knows that is not the case.

Of course, Levi believes that she will open the door for him. Anyway, in his memory, she also has a love for RVs...

"Nick, if you have other things these days, go get busy first. For this TV series, I will take care of it first." Beside Levi, Michael spoke.

"Why does it feel like you are throwing me out?" Levi turned his head, "What are you thinking? When did I have any issues with actresses before? You haven't had much trouble with these things."

"Just a reminder, she's Just seventeen, not eighteen. Dude, don't be silly." Michael laughed, "Don't think about her anymore, at least not now. This joke is not funny, you know, her father is also an insider, although no matter how powerful he is, he is not a fool. If you touch his underage daughter, you will have to pay the price."

Levi turned his head in surprise and was also a little dumbfounded, not because of the message but because of Michael's persuasive attitude.

The point of Michael's persuasion was not not to mess with women but to be careful about the consequences. This guy doesn't care if he does anything wrong; he only cares if he gets caught...

This is Hollywood.

It's no news that Hollywood is a place that fucks a lot. It's not that Levi didn't mess around before, and Michael didn't feel disgusted by it. After all, Levi only interacted with adults before, and adults have the ability to be responsible for their actions, and no one else can say anything about what they really do. But if you're a minor, that's a different story.

Of course, Hollywood does not lack some people who have a soft spot for minors, and some of them don't just have a soft spot for girls... But although there are such examples, it is still illegal after all. You must pay the price if you do something you shouldn't do. If you touch a woman you shouldn't touch, you have to make some compensation.

There are so many good women; there is no need to provoke those who may cause trouble, even if you really want to don't provoke before the age of 18. Michael knew that Levi didn't have such a strong taste yet, so he also wanted to remind him.

"Michael, the timing of your reminder to me is really unfortunate. Why can't you pretend not to see it? Let me have some fun for myself first." Levi complained, "The biggest trouble is not the need. Do you want to make her popular?"

"To make her popular as an actress? Her brain is still in an embryonic state and has not developed at all. Those with poor acting skills can only play the true character of a cheerleader and don't care about acting in other plays. Everything can automatically jump to selling skin in three seconds; how can you make her popular?" Michael snorted, "Don't brag, Nick."

"Michael, all I can say is that you underestimate me, and it's not impossible to make her famous; it's just troublesome." Although Levi said so, he didn't argue anymore, and he also knew that he couldn't make her famous, "What you said makes sense, here I'll leave the matter to you. Emily is about to finish screening, and there are some things that I need to take care of. Since you won't let me find her, I have no choice but to find another woman."


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