
When Levi bid farewell to the set, he drove to Winona's house.

He is pretty busy, at least today.

Winona held a celebration party at her home — she was celebrating that one of the movies she starred in finally had a box office of over 100 million.

For such a celebration, Levi just smiled: Box office is closely related to the type of movie. Some types of movies have a relatively poor box office. Most of Winona's starring movies are of this type, and naturally, the box office is not good. But no matter the type of movie, there is still a problem with the level of shooting.

It is said that foreign themes are not easy to shoot, but Woody Allen's filming of Midnight in Paris can still become his highest-grossing work.

A literary film wants to sell 700 to 800 million box office; it is definitely impossible. But over 100 million is not too difficult.

Since 1996, the American film industry has entered a prosperous age, and every year about 15 films have a box office of around 100 million. The times have changed.

However, Winona obviously didn't care about the affairs of the times. She only cares that the film's box office exceeds 100 million. Just four weeks after the release, the movie has such a box office, so when the time comes to draw, it can be expected that the box office will exceed 150 million.

Moreover, the movie has now started to be released in Europe, and the response in Europe is also very good. She is also preparing to leave for Europe to promote it. This celebration is also a farewell ceremony for the crew. Such a result was enough for Winona to celebrate. As a film director, Levi is also among the invited.

It's just that when he came to the banquet, it seemed to be late. He saw people talking together in twos and threes, but he couldn't find Winona herself anywhere.

"Excuse me, where can I find Winona?"

Realizing that he was late, Levi could only hope that he had found Winona first — Winona would soon go to Europe to do publicity and he also wanted to say goodbye to her.

"Winona should be negotiating with an advertiser in Europe about appearing in an advertisement right now."

The waiter didn't answer, but there was a voice behind Levi. Behind Levi, a woman in a black dress came over, picked up two wine glasses from the tray in the waiter's hand, turned around, stood still, and handed one to Levi.

Looking at the other party's white legs under the black dress and sexy red lips, Levi has already recognized who she is. After taking the wine glass, Levi didn't drink it down but looked up and down at the actress in front of him.

Angelina Julie didn't feel disgusted by his eyes; on the contrary, she puffed out her chest proudly.

"You are beautiful today." Julie's attitude made Levi understand something. He also chatted with her casually.

"I'm pretty any day... Just call me Angelina, Mr. Levi." Julie smiled, "You're late today. I heard you have a new movie to prepare, are you late because of that? Look for Winona as soon as you get here; she's still your muse?"

"Isn't it bad to talk about other movies here?" Responding to Jolie's words, Levi couldn't help but look at her more.

"I think so. As a new director, you must also hope to cooperate with more actors. Different actors will give people different feelings." Levi raised his head and looked at Julie. Such words made him more sure that Julie and himself did not meet by chance.

"If possible, I hope we can cooperate when we have time." Julie gently raised her glass and took a sip but kept her eyes on Levi. Compared with Jessica, her teasing skills are obviously better, "It's not appropriate to talk here; you can contact me at other times. This is my phone number; you don't need to contact my agent; just give me a call anytime."

Taking Julie's business card, Levi flipped it casually in his hand. Unexpectedly, he met a lot of beauties today, and their attitude really made him quite excited.

"It looks like someone got the beauty's phone number." While Levi was still in a daze, Winona came over behind him, glanced at the business card in his hand, and smiled. "Angelina is a great beauty."

Levi nodded: Jolie is not his favorite actor, but he has to admit that, at least at this moment, Jolie, who has not lost weight like crazy, is really a rare beauty - it's just that there's no need to say it in front of other women.

"Don't think about it. Didn't she get married last year?"

"Separated." Winona shrugged, "That's Angelina; she's not born to settle down..."

This evaluation is quite appropriate; since her debut, Julie has been the darling of gossip magazines. If his memory is correct, no matter how many years of charity she has done in the future, some people will say that she is just hype.

"I'm just a little surprised why she came to me." Levi shrugged, "She doesn't lack connections in Hollywood, right?"

"Aren't I also her network? Is it strange to know you through me? Besides, it is not a bad thing to have another network. Julie is also a person with a lot of contacts... It seems that her career has not been very good recently. Levi, you should also think about expanding your network."

'Isn't it good to have a wide range of contacts? Are you really her friend? Why does it feel like you are talking behind her back? Although these words are probably true...'

However, the other half of Winona's words also made Levi very concerned: Is her career not going well? Levi frowned a little. In his memory, Julie seems to have been relatively smooth in the past few years, right?

However, if he thinks about it carefully, according to his memory, she seems to have filmed "Girl, Interrupted," in which Winona was an investor, and in the following days, she won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress. Only then did she turn her path to commercial films.

On the one hand, she relied on doing charity and adopting children to wash away her reputation. She changed all her fame into charity and then successfully acted in commercial films. Became an action star, caught up with Pitt, and became the most famous couple in Hollywood. This is considered to be a good road.

At least for now, it is hard to say whether she will be able to embark on this path.

As soon as Emily came out, people were talking. This movie has already locked the Oscar for Best Actress half a year in advance. And if Gwyneth doesn't get the best actress, she won't leave Pitt to find the more popular Ben Affleck. It's hard to say whether Pitt and Aniston will be together, let alone Julie. Even if they are true love, they have to have a chance to meet. And not to mention, now that Winona Ryder is successful, there is no chance of filming "Girl, Interrupted" in the foreseeable future. Winona has the right to adapt the novel version of this movie, and if she doesn't want to act now, there is naturally no way to shoot it.

What's more, even if she wants to make a commercial film, she might not be able to make a transition. The filming has already increased the difficulty of crime films and television dramas a lot. If you shoot movies with too simple scenes, it's not very pleasing. Julie's transformation in the movie The Bone Collector is basically a replica of the routine of the Silence of the Lambs. Not many people are willing to watch such a story now, and it is hard to say whether anyone will invest in this movie.

Without the Oscar, without the transformational work, her acting path seems to be very troublesome. In addition, Levi has always wanted to attract martial arts directors from Hong Kong on a large scale. If he really does that, it may be difficult for her to play Tomb Raider.

Without "Girl, Interrupted," there will be no "The Bone Collector." There is no Tomb Raider, and there is not even a scandal based on Pitt. So what else could Julie have left?

No wonder she would find ways to catch up with him now...

Unexpectedly, he unconsciously changed some people's fates a lot.

Seeing Levi in thought, Winona was slightly dissatisfied; she coughed lightly, bringing Levi back to his senses, "I really didn't expect that you two have a friendship. I thought your tempers were not very congenial."

"I have more friends than you can imagine." Winona was a little proud, "I don't care about the shortcomings of those who can befriend me."

'Don't really get into the drama and treat yourself as Emily. You said it as if you made good friends, but in fact, isn't it your friend who snatched away your role?'

"What did you tell her just now? Do you have any new movies ready to shoot? Is it the movie you showed me the script? Is that movie suitable for her?" Winona was still chasing after Levi, asking questions behind him.

Levi just shrugged, "She hopes to get a role from me, but unfortunately, I don't have a role for her."

"Really?" Winona still pursued him.

"Of course, although she is a beautiful woman, it's a pity that her acting method is a bit sexy. Of course, there is nothing to say if you have a sexy body and are willing to show off to others, but this is not consistent with the style of my movie. I don't like it very much."

"Do you think she is a beautiful woman, very sexy?" Winona's focus was entirely on the first two sentences, "I have known you for a few months, and you have never said anything about me being beautiful."

"Just pay attention to this? I told you on the first day I met you that you are an actor with 360 degrees and no dead ends. This is more important than anything else."

"But you never said that I am sexy. Then between the two of us, who is sexier?"

This sentence made Levi a little speechless; he stared at Winona; he was surprised at what happened to Winona today.

Levi's gaze made Winona's face blush, she turned her head away from Levi, and the two of them froze. After a while, she spoke again, "I've been hoping that you would come to me after the filming was over. I've always felt that there are some different resonances between us... at least, there should be more than between you and Angelina."

"Of course, we have worked together." Levi smiled, trying to change the topic.

"You know what I mean. You deliberately misunderstand me. I'm going to Europe to promote the movie soon, I've been waiting for you to speak for so long, and I don't want to wait any longer now."

Levi still wanted to say what, but Winona raised her hand. She put her finger on Levi's mouth, preventing Levi from speaking again. This action made Levi smile bitterly but also warmly.

"Now, come with me." Winona pulled Levi and walked into the room, "I want to let you know how sexy I am."


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