Friendship Heals the Soul

In the movie, the friendship between the two people becomes deeper and deeper, and the movie is also promoted to the peak at this time. 

Philip's birthday arrived, and he asked the band he had invited to play for him after his birthday. Driss listened to the music with him and expressed his funny opinions on this classical music. 

Soon, with Philip's repeated connivance, he also expressed his position: music without dance is not music.

Therefore, he also danced to the music: his weird twerking dance and the sound of classical music were absolutely incompatible. The two represented two completely different cultures, but at this time, black dance, combined with classical music, seems to match perfectly here.

This is the fusion of cultures and the victory of friendship. Friendship is something that truly comes from the heart. Cultural barriers cannot stop friendship.

The friendship between Driss and Philip was established in this way.

But happy times are always short-lived. After Philip's birthday, another trouble has come to Driss.

When he returned from an outing with Philip, Driss found that his younger brother had arrived. Driss knew immediately, fearing that trouble had already come to his door.

Sure enough, things went as he expected. His younger brother was being taken advantage of by others outside, and others used his younger brother to sell drugs. And his younger brother also encountered a crisis because of this. He wanted to get out of this situation, but instead, he was threatened by it.

In the movie, there are only two young people. 

One is Philip's daughter. She is young and frivolous, ignorant of worldly affairs, and showed no sensible behavior when her father was paralyzed. He feels sad for his little daughter. 

And the other one is Driss's younger brother. At a young age, he got involved in illegal transactions for money and made mistakes, but there was no way back.

The gap between white and black, being presented on the table again, gives people a headache.

Now, Driss needs to make a choice; after all, he is a black man. Black families are destined to have all kinds of troubles. He could leave that community himself, under Philip's protection. He lives a good life in this family, but his family cannot escape from their own community.

And when his relatives came to the door, it was time for him to make a decision.

For the sake of his loved ones, Driss decided to leave and go home. He wants to go back to his home and take better care of his relatives there.

He made this clear to Philip. Although Philip was very reluctant to give up, he still agreed. 

He knew that Driss could not stay here for a long time: he was a paralytic, and Driss was still very young. Although they were friends, a young person should always do something else instead of staying beside a paralyzed person.

He will die one day. And Driss can live a long time. He can't tie him to him, let alone block his relationship with his relatives.

For him, it was time to switch to a caregiver.

Driss said goodbye to everyone and left the house. 

Unlike when he came here, others were disgusted by his vulgarity and rudeness; when he left, he gained a lot of friendships, and everyone here was very friendly to him. One by one, they said goodbye to him and sent him away. And Phillip was at the window, watching him go far away.

It seems the friendship was over. 

Apart from nursing, their lives didn't have much overlap. After leaving here, it is unlikely that they will meet again.

The new nursing workers who came for the interview were already sitting in a row in the living room, and Phillip also needed to find a new nursing worker.

However, the new nursing worker is obviously completely different compared to Driss. Unlike Driss, who was casual and natural, this nurse seemed extremely reserved in front of Philip.

Wearing a white robe, he never forgot that he was here to work as a nurse, but this only reminded Philip that he was a patient.

In front of Phillip, he didn't dare to say a word. He only dared to complete activities such as feeding and taking care of his health mechanically. With such an attitude, Philip was completely regarded as the boss and ignored the patient's communication. It can be said that he could not have done anything wrong.

When taking care of patients, it is important to observe and take care of the patient's body in detail, but taking care of the patient's psychology cannot be ignored. Communication with patients and respect for patients are all aspects of care, but this nurse failed to do all of them.

Even when Philip wanted to smoke a cigarette, he was reminding Philip that this was not good for his health, and you couldn't exercise now, so don't smoke anymore - things like this made Philip anxious; how could he not know these things? However, repeatedly reminding a patient that "you are sick" without paying attention to communication with the patient is a big mistake in itself.

What the disease took away was Philip's ability to move, and these people simply wanted to put Philip on the hospital bed and take care of him like a rag doll so that he could no longer experience the joy of life.

After all, there are very few people who can be satisfied as long as they have enough food and drink.

After Driss left, Philip's beard grew longer and longer. Such a simple change implies that the care Philip receives is getting worse and worse. This also means that Philip's illness is worse than before.

To some extent, he was inseparable from Driss's care.

At this time, Driss returned home and was also dealing with trouble.

On the one hand, he sent away those pestering his younger brother to prevent him from getting into trouble and chaos again. He took care of the family affairs. On the other hand, he also entered society and wanted to find a job to support his family.

He didn't have much work experience before and had just obtained his driver's license. It can be said that all kinds of disadvantages surrounded him. However, relying on the little knowledge of art he learned from Philip, He easily gained the interviewer's favor and found the job.

If these two people represent knowledge and emotion, respectively, it is obvious that white people cannot survive without the emotions represented by black people, and black people learn the knowledge represented by white people - there is no relationship between races in the first place. 

The difference between good and bad is just that some races lacked opportunities to receive education and learning. After acquiring knowledge, black people can also be outstanding. Losing emotion is the biggest problem for people to survive.

In the movie, it's not that black people can't live without white people but that white people can't live without black people.

Philip's life was getting worse day by day. In desperation, the housekeeper called Driss again.

"Hey, the way you look now is really funny."

Driss started teasing Phillip as soon as he saw him. Philip's bearded look made him the butt of Driss's jokes, but this seemingly disrespectful joke made Philip feel the long-lost joy.

Compared with the rigidity of life, such jokes can be very interesting. And this kind of joking that only existed between friends also made Philip feel the warmth of friendship again.

Driss knew how to make Philip happy better.

He immediately thought of an idea. He drove Philip's Maserati and drove Philip on the road at high speed. Cars were left behind, and they experienced the thrill of racing like never before.

Of course, such drag racing will only attract the police. However, when the police approached, Philip and Driss immediately started performing. Driss claimed that Philip was ill and was being rushed to the hospital, and Philip immediately began to cooperate with him, acting like he was seriously ill to fool the police.

This time, the police immediately panicked. He even offered to clear the way for two people to take them to the hospital. Phillip saw all this and felt the joy he had not seen for a long time.

This is not because of the joy gained from racing or breaking the law but because various experiences in his life make him happy.

The police dispersed, and Driss lit a cigarette. He took two puffs and handed it to Phillip's mouth. Philip smoked a cigarette and gradually became happy: this is precisely what he wanted: compared with the kind of life without communication all day long and waiting for death after being disabled, this kind of unusual excitement and joy is what he really wants and needs. After the stimulation, you light up a cigarette and take a pleasant puff. Only in this way can you live a comfortable life.

Sure enough, it was Driss who could truly understand and understand him.

Back home, Driss trimmed Philip's beard, but even this time, he didn't do a good job. He constantly modified the shape of Philip's beard, including sideburns, a mustache, and a Hitler-style beard; he made some changes to his beard style every time. And during these changes, he would make fun of them every time, making Philip laugh constantly.

For Philip, understanding is greater than physical care.

Driss came back and helped Philip find his life on the right track again. Philip regained his vitality again, and he began to return to the days of talking and laughing. Moreover, with the help of Driss and others, the lady with whom he had corresponded for a long time finally came to him and met him.

Everything was perfect for him. He seemed to have completely recovered from the mood he had before the injury. He even took Driss with him to go skydiving again.

His paralysis was caused by parachuting, but now, he faced the killer who had hurt him again without any care. His disease may not get better, but his mentality has already moved towards health.

Two parachutes are flying under the blue sky, and the friendship between the two people is also flying into the sky.

The power of friendship cannot heal the body, but it can heal the soul - this is the greatest thing about friendship.


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