Indifference is Also Non-Discrimination

The Hollywood film critic world has always been very interesting. They always comment on newly released movies, criticize or praise them, and use their pen to mark a movie as good or bad. Whenever December comes, comments like this attract a lot of attention. 

This is a rule in the critique field.

And this year, of course, the same is true. However, people seem to have discovered another pattern in recent years - every time Levi's film is screened, people will always find that there will be an immediate evaluation and analysis of his film in the media, and these analyses are far better than the average movie.

The reason is nothing more than two points. Firstly, Levi's films are indeed excellent and are often regarded as high-quality products in the eyes of the media. Secondly, Levi's films can always produce something fresh and refreshing for the media.

And this time, it's the same. Immediately after the release of Levi's film The Intouchables, there was a flurry of criticism of his movie in the media.

"A very heart-warming movie."

"Sincerity is expressed in the ordinary, and emotions can be vented. It is worth savoring." 

"A light-hearted and humorous good story, an excellent description of friendship."

Levi's new film was reviewed immediately by the media. The movie itself is not particularly shocking, so no media has exceptionally high praise for it. However, the media still highly praise the plain and true friendship between the two people depicted in the movie.

The biggest reason why they give high praise is because Levi's movies gave them a new way of thinking when making movies.

There have been many movies about racial discrimination and people with disabilities in recent years, but things like this are subtle. Not many people write about national integration with warmth and tenderness. 

The two people in the movie did not discriminate against each other from beginning to end. 

The rich man doesn't care that the caregiver is black, and the caregiver doesn't care that the rich man is disabled. They joke and play. They mock each other harshly but never touch each other's weakest points. 

This kind of communication and friendship may seem too plain at first glance, but if you taste it carefully, it will only make people feel it is infinitely delicious.

People like to use something thrilling to depict friendship on the edge of life and death because friendship can be better reflected at such times. 

However, in daily life, there are not many opportunities on the edge of life and death. All friendships are contained in plainness. Being able to find friendship out of the ordinary is truly remarkable.

This movie has this meaning to some extent. The emotion contained in this plain narrative makes people feel more moved when they recall it than when they watched the movie.

Moreover, the best thing about this movie is that it uses the theme of friendship. The issues of racial discrimination and people with disabilities were all gently exposed. This kind of indifference in the movie is what makes people happiest - the greatest non-discrimination. Don't you just not care at all?

When some make movies, they always highlight these as the most important things, as if not doing so will not attract people's attention. 

However, Levi did not do so. When he made the movie, he was just targeting those friendships. He was somewhat deliberately indifferent regarding the discrimination that these two people should have. But in doing so, he succeeded.

The caregiver will be ridiculed for his low educational level and lack of seriousness in his work but will not be ridiculed for his black culture and identity.

The love of the disabled person is too literary, and it is unfavorable to discipline his child. These are criticized but not deliberately pointed out his physical disabilities. 

At first glance, these treatment methods do not seem strange, but the more you think about it carefully, you will also feel that they are like this indifference is actually due to completely treating these things as normal - this is the greatest non-discrimination.

Non-discrimination is how it should be expressed - a gay movie, shot like a love movie, a racially motivated movie, shot like a movie reflecting friendship. This kind of approach completely separates these discriminated groups. It is amazing how you act like a normal person when shooting.

After people watch the movie, they will focus on the identity of the two people. They feel that the friendship between black and white people that transcends races is extremely normal. What is more worthy of admiration than this?

Moreover, if ordinary movies are treated in this way, even if they reflect friendship, it will be difficult to reflect the issues of ethnic differences and ethnic conflicts well. But this movie solves this problem. And his entry point is the fusion of two cultures.

Culture is the most important thing of a nation, and it can be said to be a spiritual symbol. And cultural integration, in a sense, is the shadow of national integration. 

In this movie, the integration of cultures is well reflected. 

Black people can feel the beauty of classical music, use their passion to create paintings, and dance to the music; white people will also be satisfied with how black people deal with problems, like the black lifestyle, and approach females in the black way. 

These aspects represent the mutual contact between the two civilizations and the mutual integration of the two civilizations.

These two people are the images of two characters and symbols of two nations. Their exchanges are a symbol of national integration.

Of course, another thing the movie does well is that when portraying the racial attributes of two people, it does not ignore their commonalities, making the movie unbelievable.

The movie notices one of their common characteristics - whether it is racial integration or rehabilitation of the disabled, the most important thing is to integrate into society. 

The movie also shows this regard very well. 

From the beginning, the black caregiver was not accepted by anyone in the family. When he was just released from jail, even his own mother blamed him. Later, when he left, he gained everyone's friendship and integrated well into society. This was his improvement. 

The rich man was full of suspicion and dissatisfaction with the surrounding affairs from the beginning, but in the end, he was able to lie and deceive the police with the black people. He became completely playful, and it can be said that he gradually gained his own fun. 

The two men found an overlap in this matter and made the movie a success.

In some people's eyes, this success is simply too simple: this story is what really happened, and everyone knows it, so what is so great about filming a true story?

However, people with more contact with this industry know more about the conditions inside. Although the story is suitable for a movie, it does not have many twists or exceptional scenes. 

What should have been a rather plain story was able to endow the movie with so much connotation after the adaptation. It contains content on all levels under the plain external narrative. 

This is something that is difficult for ordinary people to do.

A director who can film a plain story with many layers and profound connotations; not everyone can do this. Of course, some people may think that the director may not have thought of these things - but if the director does not devote himself wholeheartedly to film shooting, how could he possibly capture all the things in his subconscious into the film?

What's more, this movie not only shows a sense of layering and connotation, but this December, it not only immediately became a good movie in the eyes of the media but also immediately became the most popular movie in the market.

When it was released, it immediately topped the weekend box office list and became the most popular movie of the week.

"This is a great movie for the whole family."

"The movie is entertaining, funny, and heartwarming."

"I think the best thing is the music."

The viewers who were interviewed also expressed their opinions. Unlike the media, who are thinking deeply about the connotation of the movie, the audience is paying more attention to the joy and warmth of the movie, the laughter and tears caused by the movie, and whether the pictures and music of the movie are beautiful enough.

In this regard, Levi also did his best. In this movie, it can be said that the design of the rich man's house, the use of various artistic functions and decorations, and the mastery of classical music and black music reached a very high level.

On the one hand, people will feel funny about the strong contrasting atmosphere created in the movie. On the other hand, people will also feel the charm of the music and pictures, and the slightly overdone music will make the audience appreciate it at the same time. But they don't resent the protagonists who don't understand them. These just-in-time uses of music and art are an irresistible feast for the audience.

This made the media sigh with emotion: Generally speaking, when shooting a movie involving artistic themes, the resulting film will inevitably not be appreciated by the public because the movie is too profound. 

Woody Allen is known as the only intellectual in Hollywood and is recognized as a great director. However, he doesn't have blockbuster movies. Levi's film also involves art, but it can get so many viewers that it makes people feel amazing.

Unlike the art of Woody Allen, even if Levi wanted to express art, he would make the art in his movies not separated from the public. This way of handling it will better attract the audience.

The inner meaning, adaptation techniques, use of art and music... Levi shows all these things in his new movie.

"Levi once again proved that his ability to shoot movies has not declined at all."

In this regard, the media all issued similar comments. Before, they were still suspecting that Levi's movies were not as good as before. However, with this year's slump in art films, looking at Levi's movies can help them realize how rare Levi's movies are.

The inherent content contained in the movie, the shooting techniques used, and the narrative structure and methods used are all things that ordinary movie fans will not pay attention to. 

A simple evaluation of good or bad is enough for movie fans without more words.

But why is a movie good, and why is a movie bad? 

There will always be people who think about these things. Now, the media have to admit that Levi's movie is quite perfect no matter how you think about it.

This level is the level of a master.


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