Walking Through the Doomsday

While Ricardo was complaining that the 2D version of the shots was not as good as people expected, the audience watching the movie in 3D felt that it was really worth spending four more dollars to watch the film.

Because, at this time, the camera has advanced to the street. Under the 3D effect, people seem to be really in a chaotic street, watching all kinds of crazy people when the Earth is facing destruction.

The camera flashed across the streets, reflecting various groups of people.

Some people are selling cosmic cemeteries - people who don't want their graves dug by aliens are buying these opportunities to send their ashes into the universe. 

Some people are selling stars in the universe: if the aliens are defeated in the future, technology will be greatly improved. As humans develop, it may be possible to land on those solar systems. 

Some people are preaching and evangelizing, and the Earth is about to be destroyed, so religion is prevalent. 

Some people are living in drunken dreams, and when disaster is imminent, some people despair three hundred years in advance. 

Police cars are everywhere. The streets also seem to tell people that in the days before the end, the crime rate on Earth has greatly increased.

The camera slowly moved forward on the street, taking in everything on both sides of the street. This feeling is as if people are walking on the street and watching the scenes on both sides. However, these scenes are so different from what they usually see.

The end is approaching, and the most terrifying thing is not the arrival of aliens but the internal strife between humans. Although human beings may not be able to fight for a glimmer of hope if they unite, at this time, most people lose their will to fight early.

The biggest problem facing humanity now is not how to resist aliens but how to truly gather strength.

At this time, the camera is also moved from the street, entering a particular room.

This room looks more like a hotel or something. And on this bed in the hotel, a man was lying on it, enjoying the smell of cigarettes. The bathroom door opened, and a woman wrapped in pajamas came out. The two people were chatting and laughing, and in this shot, people quickly understood what was happening.

These two people are not a couple; they are more like a man and a woman after passion - after seeing the misbehavior of those people on the street, now this is the state of the people inside the house.

The only surprising thing is the man speaking is none other than the sociologist from the beginning of the movie. It's just that he looks completely different now than at the beginning of the film. 

He has a slight stubble in his beard, and his eyes are blurred as if he had drunk too much. He is also bragging to the woman.

"You know, I once studied aliens..."

With a lazy tone, the sociologist spoke to his female companion. Although he said that he had studied aliens, from his confused eyes and vague tone, people could tell he was just relying on these bold words to pick up girls.

The chaos ahead has allowed people to see the current situation on Earth. If businessmen can make money through the doomsday crisis at this time, the miscreants can use the coming of the end to vent their anger, then as a scholar, it seems that it is not unacceptable to rely on the topic of the end of the world to pick up girls.

Moreover, Downey plays such a character very well. Although he is not too young and not particularly handsome, he has a good temperament and demeanor, very consistent with the image of a libertine.

Moreover, considering his past history... this image is even more consistent.

This character is already familiar to the audience: a sociologist. A libertine. He once studied aliens, but now he is living in a dream. However, what does such a person have to do with saving the Earth?

Soon, people found the answer. After the two people walked out of the hotel, a speeding car hit the woman and killed her. Before the sociologist could react, he was already arrested.

Soon, people discovered that the person approaching him was the police officer Renault, who appeared in the first film.

People have a great impression of this person who appeared in the first film. In the first part, Paul is an explorer, Susanna is a confused person, and Renault is a practical fighter. After seeing all this dilapidation, knowing he was still alive was also very satisfying.

In the first part, he has already come into contact with aliens, so he will definitely not remain at the bottom of society. His appearance also means that the status of a sociologist is different.

"I know you did not kill her. I even know better than you who killed her. But now I don't have time to reveal it because Ms. Say ordered me to take you to the United Nations Headquarters - a meeting is being held there. This meeting, the content of the meeting, is related to you."

Renault's words were still straightforward but also explained the current situation.

"Say, that Swiss woman?"

"It's the Secretary-General of the United Nations - also the promoter of plans such as the Ladder Plan." With a hint of respect, Officer Renault corrected the sociologist's terminology.

Renault's voice was very calm, but he also said some very important things: on the one hand, he introduced Say's identity, and on the other hand, he also laid the foundation for the development of the film.

The term "Ladder plan" is extremely important in Liu's subsequent works.

The two of them entered the hall. The camera also moved higher as they moved forward, giving a panoramic view of the entire United Nations General Assembly venue.

This golden hall has appeared in many works and has appeared frequently in some news programs. At this time, it also appeared in front of people, but it was different from what people had seen before. The place where the United Nations logo should have been on the front has become a symbol of the universe.

The current United Nations' purpose is no longer to regulate conflicts on Earth but to meet external enemies.

At this moment, a meeting was being held inside the conference venue. The woman standing on the stage delivering a speech is the Secretary-General of the United Nations, played by Meryl Streep.

Her tone was passionate, and her expression was very eye-catching. She is an outstanding politician. As Officer Renault said, she has hosted many projects and has high prestige in the United Nations.

It is precisely because of her ability and prestige that she could stand up and preside over the development of various plans when the people on Earth encountered a crisis. 

When facing an unprecedentedly powerful enemy, humans need someone who can lead them.

At this moment, the leader was standing above the crowd, delivering a speech.

The camera shot from far to near, giving the entire hall a panoramic view. Under the 3D version of the lens, people seem to be in the hall, listening to Say's speech. In the movie lens, thousands of people sit in the hall, and in the cinema, hundreds of people sit next to them. For a moment, people even had the illusion that Say in the movie was really standing in front of them and speaking to them.

Under the 3D effect, actors breaking the fourth wall and talking to the camera can produce very good effects. Levi is very clear about this and put it into practice in the movie.

The camera almost pushed in front of Say, and then it began to rise gradually. At this time, what she is announcing is the Wallfacer Project. When they heard about this plan, the camera was already raised to the ceiling, looking down at the entire venue. 

The people in the venue seemed to be from Lilliput, giving people a God-like perspective and thoughts when they heard about the plan.

The audience already had some understanding of this plan from the trailer, but at this time, they were still shocked when they actually saw the scene.

Then, people once again saw an introduction to the identities of these four people.

Frederick Tyler, the former Secretary of Defense, a well-known hawk with a tough-guy temperament and a solemn look.

Manuel Rey Diaz, a revolutionary leader in Latin America who led the people to resist foreign oppression and fight for nuclear power for his country; a charming leader with an elegant temperament and a lot of personality. 

Bill Hines has excellent scientific literacy and political experience with an enviable wife. The images of these three people are all displayed in front of people.

And, of course, there is the last Wallfacer, the sociologist.

If, in the trailer, there was still some hesitation and disapproval of the Wallfacer plan, then by this time, people are no longer so disgusted with the Wallfacer plan. 

First, what happened on Earth has been told to them. Hoping to rely on democratic methods to decide everything at this time is an illusion: the people have been frightened, and under the doomsday crisis, they no longer have the ability to participate in politics. 

Secondly, the outstanding temperament of these three people also tells people that these leaders can fully serve as the saviors of humanity.

The strong contrast between before and after, people's acceptance of this plan immediately increased.

But the only thing that is hard to accept is that the fourth Wallfacer is actually a sociologist. Unlike the three human leaders' outstanding temperament and past experiences, the audience is aware of his past. He is just a playboy messing around. How can such a person become the savior of the Earth?

Not only did others have this question, but even he himself thought it was a mistake. He and Renault were arguing, hoping that Renault would tell Say there must be a misunderstanding.

However, Renault's words broke his fantasy and, at the same time, answered the audience's questions. 

This sentence is also the key to this movie's puzzle: "You were chosen to be the Wallfacer, not by the resolution of the United Nations, but by the decision of the Trisolaran people. Among the intercepted information, you are the only person named by the Trisolaran people who must be killed."

The sociologist was stunned, but the audience's doubts were answered: they knew that the sociologist had come into contact with Susanna, so there must be a reason for Susanna's misdeed. But what was the reason for killing him? Could it be said that he really has the means to defeat aliens?

What exactly is that?


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