6| Get rid of her

Third person POV.

At exactly 2pm in the afternoon, a black range rover sport car drove into the compound alongside with a black Toyota Tacoma and black Toyota tundra which made air horns as they escort the range rover into compound.

It seems more like the president just arrived the country.

Two men in an all black suit hopped out of the Tacoma, one quickly rushed to open the back door of the range rover whereas the other stood hands crest as he awaits the person at the backseat of the range rover to come out. Another two buffy men in the same all black attire, hopped out of the Tundra and began to pack out stuffs like briefcases from the back door.

Immediately the back door of the range rover was opened, a pair of long legs covered in a straight well ironed business trouser, hiding it's foot in a neatly polished black shoes stomp on the Mable ground. The hefty men who were standing nearby, stood straight up staring at the same random place as their eyes are hided in a pair of black tinted shade.

The man straightened his back, fixing his shoulders in the right appropriate position as he stood in a good posture, up to his full tall height.

He's in a charcoal black business suit, white inner sleeves.....no tie knotted around his neck, but still, his white sleeve is not fully buttoned to the top ridge of his neck. Revealing his tattooed muscular chest. He straightened his coat as he tilts his head sideways just to get the familiar view of the same mansion he left six months ago.

Hmm, not bad at all.

The place is still as beautiful as he had left it. Nice to see the improvement and effort of his staffs here.

On a contrary, he's based on two habitats in America. One at his place here in New York and another in Jersey City. He barely stays in this part of his mansion since he got married. Meanwhile, his company settles at the middle of both residents.

After a few glance at the environment and surroundings, he decide to chime into the building. The hefty, buffy men tag along as he walks towards the mansion.

Immediately the housekeeper, Ortega, saw him walking in majestically, he quickly lowered his head in salutation, "Welcome Mr. Calloway."

He didn't give any expression or approval to his greetings as he continued to glance around. Two men amongst the men that stood beside him, took the briefcases towards the staircase.

Something magnificent as Ortega's mindset tells him his boss has arrived with goodies and packages. Or maybe somewhat.....finances? He dare not to grin.

"Why is the whole place refurnished?" Leonardo asked after setting eyes on the new art works at the entrance, sculptures at the golden staircase and canvas on the wall.

Ortega frightened a bit as he responds, "But sir, I thought you asked the men from china to change the place last month–" He stopped talking and zipped up his lips when Leonardo shook his head after remembering he sent some first-class staffs from china to work out something in his house.

He continued to stroll around, both hands tucked into his front pockets. His eyes flicked on the medium glass box which had a golden fish swimming inside.

That's for his daughter, Isabella's birthday present. He gifted her a fish pet for her last year's birthday and this year, he gifted her an iPhone 14 pro max. He trail his fingers across the edges of the glass with a light smirk crest at the side of his lips when the fish snuggle by the glass.

When Nylah came out, she startled at once, not expecting to see who she just saw. Well, actually..... not really. Though she knew he'd arrive today but not by this time. She thought he'd come home late like always.

It's been six months since he stepped out of the mansion and away from New York. Wow, she somehow wonder why he doesn't change. His appearance still remains the same, except for his scanty side beards which she's sure he'll shave before evening.

Before she could open her mouth to greet, one of his men went to whisper something into his ear and he nodded. "Tell him I said tomorrow morning by eight." He instructed without taking his eyes off the fish's box and the remaining two hefty men left the room alongside with the ones descending down the stairs. "Nylah, how are you?"

Nylah jolted. Did the guy also told him about her presence? Then how the fuck did he know? Okay, people used to tell her how quick-witted her boss was but she doubted a couple of times. She don't think there's any more need to doubt this one.

Does he smell human cologne.....umm, does he knew everyone's cologne?

It's taking a while. She should have answered by now but still struck by the shock as she process his words. Ortega poke her arm, reminding her to come back alive.

"Oh....uh...?....Yes sir, am very fine sir and how was the flight....?" Her boss is fond of flying around in his private jets and chopper. The mansion also has a rooftop for helicopter to settle on.

Leonardo turned around, still keeping both hands inside his front pockets with zero expression locked on his face. His brows could have corked upwards because of Ortega and Nylah's weird faces.

But he never mind anyway. "Where is Triana?" He's never used to addressing his wife with sweet and lovely names. Infact, he hates it. It doesn't move or flinks him. But he's fond of calling his girlfriend, Anne Marie, sweet names. And that's one reason to avoid missing her too much, he made her stay at his other mansion in Jersey.

To spice things up even more,.....he's been spending the entire six months with her.

After all, even if his wife finds out, she can't do anything and if she also dares to make any attempt, he'll trash her out as an opportunity to get rid of her for life.

The only people who still regard her in the mansion are the staffs.

"She's off to work." Ortega answered before Nylah could open her mouth.

A dark aura hailed allover Leonardo after hearing that. He doesn't have her phone number let alone, contacting her but with just one click of his fingers, she'll be standing right before him.