44| Awful and pathetic

I don't know why Alyssa has been ignoring me. It's a week since I gave birth now and she hasn't called to say hello to my new Borns. Is there something I did wrong that makes her avoid me so bad? Since the day I helped her get a job at the same hospital I worked in, she turned into this self-centered and selfish girlfriend I don't know. I asked Dave and I even called her parents, they told me they're out of the country back to NY so they can cultivate and harvest their old crops in the farmyard. I understand them. They also told me that Alyssa is the only one left in Swiss all by herself. If the MD refused to give her a week off, then she should have called me to talk to him about it instead of bouncing my calls and texts.

My messages on Whatsapp are still unread by her and my calls are not yet returned. What the hell is up with this girl of a woman? She's so rude and silly sometimes.


Fed up of her attitudes anyway.

I tossed the phone aside, adjusting Jasper's mouth on my nipple so he can get enough of the breast milk. I've been feeding both him and his twin sister for minutes now, aren't they selfish too? I haven't rested since the day they arrived. All they do is eat, eat, and eat everytime. Dexter has no idea what I'm passing through with this kids. And then, Billy, Becca and Bella will come bouncing on the bed, causing me to almost get an high blood pressure.

Seriously, motherhood is not a one day task to complete. It's like eternity, endless with so many madness because of the kids. Five kids on my deck is not a child's play. Now am sweating even with the highest voltage of air conditioner. I had to take off everything I'm wearing including my underwear and now am seated at the edge of the bed breastfeeding with my waist downwards hiding under the cover. Anyone who walks in can simply see me shirtless without bra, breastfeeding two babies in both arms. Jasper took the left nipple, massaging and cupping it in his little palms while Eleanor had the right one, slurping the milk like it's noodles.

So help me God I don't faint or pass out again. My brown hair is even a big mess on my head, my shoulder and my face.

Thank God for Christian who is here. He's been trying to caution the kids to behave. Billy is mature enough to obey but Becca and Bella are stubborn mouse. Especially Bella.

Oh, speaking of the witch herself—um, I mean to say Bella.


She just walked in with a grumpy look. I believe she just woke up from her thirty minutes sleep. But when she sighted her step siblings sucking my soul away, she beamed her way towards the bed.

"I knew you guys were awake, that's why I woke up too."

Oh meh, another headache is coming, I can feel it.

"Hey, stay back, young lady. Can't you see they're having lunch?" I frowned. I think I look grumpier than her.

Is frustration your mate? Motherhood is a big load.

She purposely ignored me, jumping her way to the bed. "Aww, can I chime in?" She sighed in satisfaction, rubbing their heads with her little hands. She grinned at me, "Mom, can I play with Jas and Elea when they're done?" Her fingers clasped tightly under her chin, "Pretty please?"

"Bella," I rolled my eyes, sighing tiredly. "I have to put them to sleep when they're done so I can also rest too. Pity me, can't you see my eyes? I didn't sleep well last night." Sincerely, I didn't. Heaven bears me witness.

She pouted her lips, as I expected. "But I want to play with my brother and sister."

"Go play with Billy and Becca."

"Hell no!" She snapped. "They said I should go play with my mates."

"But Jasper and Eleanor are not your mates, are they?"

She ignored again, sitting next to me on the bed. Her fingers playing with their ears as she grinned like a donkey.

The door opened the next second. "Hey honey."

"Forgot something?" I asked Dexter who just walked in wearing sport wear and sneakers, sweating like a marathoner. He was out with his brothers in the fields.

"Yeah, my watch." He rummaged the dressing table's locker for something. "Got it." He was buckling the watch on his wrist, then he smiled at me, "They won't let you rest, won't they?"

I sighed, "How did you know? I'll pass out if they keep drilling me like this every minute."

He chuckled, then approached us. "Hey señorita." He dropped a kiss on Bella's forehead, causing her cheeks to flush, "No classes today?" then he kisses Jasper and Eleanor's foreheads before mine.

Why am I always the last person?

I pretended to be numb, though it was passionate.

"I thought being a princess is a very easy thing just like the name. Like seriously, why is the process very hard than the ordinary title?" Bella grumbled.

"Ah, I see, but it's not ordinary, princess Isabella." Dexter chuckled. "Hey cutie, cutie, what's up? Give momma a break, okay?" He waved Jasper and Eleanor's little hands playfully. Though they were still concentrated on the breast milk. "I'll see you guys later." He winked at me before leaving the room.

I answered with a simple affirmative sound. Knowing that that wink was just met for my breasts and nothing else.

I yawned, Bella continued playing with her siblings cheerfully. The door opened again not too long after Dexter left. I was about to say, 'what did you forget again'? But then, Dave's girlfriend showed in.

She fanned her harsh make-up face, carefully for her newly polished nails not to get ruined by the strands of her hair. "Gosh, why does it feel like these whole palace is never enough for my comfort?"

Only she complaining. I remembered last night at the dinning room, she almost made a maid lose her job just because of ordinary glass of cold water. I've come to realize that Dave's girlfriend is even more rude and silly than Alyssa. Infact, Alyssa is likely to be kind than her. She doesn't know when to talk, how to talk especially to her seniors, she doesn't give a damn bout anybody because her father is the senator of Denmark. She does things anyhow she likes. She even slapped Dave this morning at the hallway just because he didn't gave her an helping hand down the stairs on time.

I wonder how many more things Dave has to tolerate before he marries her. No wonder they've been together for the past ten years.


I wouldn't stay that long in a relationship. Am I mad or insane? Is that a duration in college?

"Ugh, you have no idea how much these people keeps hurting by every passing of the day?" Is she actually talking to me?

Bella hates people like her. Too classy, full of themselves and too proud. She stood up abruptly, "Mom, I think I'll go for my princess class now." She left without waiting for the next second.

Miranda invaded the empty space Bella was sitting before. "Oh boy, so hot in here, right?" She fanned her face, looking down at my babies with corner eyes, "Yikes! Look at the way they're sipping the mammary gland like a straw in a bottle of soda."

These people are not my class.

I ignored her, smiling down at my lovelies as I cuddle them in my arms.

Knowing that I don't want to talk to her, she took out her phone, took several selfies of herself, then she started typing so fast after a notification sound.

Her constant giggles wanna make me spy in whatever's amusing her.

"This guy, you won't kill me with laughter." She typed faster. Steady notifications keeps popping in. "Aww, look at that emoji." She placed the phone's screen on my face, but my eyes went all over the chat and the person's name.

That doesn't look like Dave she's chatting with. I saw 'Nathaniel my baby boo' with a kissing emoji sticker attached at the top. There was also a man's picture I can't view properly because of the distance. And moreover, the little I saw in the chats doesn't seem like an ordinary friendship. There's definitely something intimate.

She quickly took it off my face, frowning at me grumpily, "Are you reading my chats or you're admiring the emoji?"

"Huh—what—? Ah, oh, um, the emoji is so beautiful." I forced a smile. "Is that Dave who sent it? He must miss you so badly."

She clicked her tongue, flicking a strand of hair behind, "I never wished because he isn't the one." I shook my head, keeping the smile posted. "Anyway...." She stood up, "I heard you're a nurse." She scoffed nastily. Is that a mockery? "No wonder you know how to nurse five kids at a time. Especially..." She pointed her crooky finger at my babies. "These ones."

Such a bitch!

"Don't you want to get pregnant and have a baby of your own someday?" I smirked.

She kept quiet for a while, "Well, actually I don't know how to answer that type of question for now because I barely see a future for Dave and I."

That word took me off guard. Is she even interested in dating Dave at all? It would be a big disappointment to know that ten years of a relationship was wasted. Any fragile human won't survive it, right?

Not even me if it was to be me. Dexter and I dated for almost two years before he purposed to me and now, I have two adorable kids for him. We're living a happy life including my kids from another father. He took them in like his own children. He caterers for them alot and he takes full responsibility of their needs.

But what about Dave? Something tells me that his relationship with this Miranda woman won't end well. I don't know why my instincts tells me so but I already have a feeling why.

Jasper fell asleep in the process of sucking. "Oh, do you mind helping me place my son in the baby's cot?" I asked her before she reached for the doorknob.

I thought she'd hesitate since she doesn't like babies. "If I say no, they'll call me a bad woman." She frowned, picking him up from my arms.

"Please be careful, he's still very tender—"

"Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!" Oh no, Jasper. "Did he just peed on me?" Miranda annoyingly dropped him in the baby's cot and rushed out to clean herself up.

I couldn't help but laugh.

Weldone, son.


Later in the evening, I was in the bathroom taking a cold shower. "Ohmm....." I moaned when I felt the massive erection penetrating into my butt cheeks and then my butt hole.

I want to look back to know who it was but...

"Tell me you wouldn't have moaned if it was somebody else."

I recognize that voice. Of course I knew who it were. "You're such a bastard." I turned around only to come face to face with my fiancé. He swirl me over, pressing my body against the cold wall under the running shower as he delt with my asshole.

My fingers clasped tightly onto the steel of the shower's faucet as I gasped for air. Our bodies flapping from the force. Our waist tallying in the same rhyme of movement.

"Sorry, I had to break mom's law." He growled. "I'm human, blood flows in my veins not water. How can I hold on for so long?"

"It's not six weeks yet, she'll kill you." I moaned, pushing my ass to him.

"I don't care, I want to enjoy this to the fullest." He parted my butt cheeks wider, piercing deeply into my asshole. Causing me to beg for air. "I had to do anal for now or else, I'll die of congene."

"Oh my God, faster, Dexter. Hit me faster. Yes, yes, uhmm, make me come, baby...."

Our bodies flaps simultaneously, endlessly, continuously. The shower was giving it more vibes like a cloud of rain above our heads.

For only God knows how long we've been doing this under the shower. Not until the cry of the babies buzzed into our fantasy island.

"Oh fuck!" He whined. "I hate disturbance." He pulled away and I felt my ass warm like heat.

I grabbed one of the towels on the towelettes and wrapped it around my chest with another one tied on my hair.

My babies are hungry I have to go feed them.

I left Dexter who still had a grumpy look in the bathroom. Not up to ten, I was done feeding them. I placed them in the baby's cot as they fell asleep soundly. Thank goodness I bathed them on time. It'd had been double stress for me by now.

"Do you think Miranda would cheat on Dave?" I asked Dexter over the dressing mirror as I sit to apply my night glow pomade.

He tucked his hands into the bathrobe's pocket as he approaches my chair. "I don't know. Why did you say so?"

I narrowed my eyes in the mirror, the pomade in my palms halfway to my cheek, "Because I have a feeling that she'll break his heart someday."

He sighed, hugging me from behind as he smiles at my face in the mirror. He pecks my cheek, "My love, those two have been together for over ten years now. I don't think a fly can put asunder in their relationship. Besides, my brother loves her so much. I've never thought of them breaking up."

I rubbed the pomade on my face. I wanted to tell him what I witnessed in Miranda's phone today but something told me to keep shut.

"You mean..... you've never seen them fought once?"

He shrugged, "Not really."

I sighed. What a pity. I pity Dave more.

"Come on, lets dress and go down for dinner." He kissed my cheek before making his way to the walk-in closet to change.


Dinner here is always in a grand style. Whether it's a tea lunch or food whatever, it's always exclusive like the VVIPs. The table is so long that it can contain more than twenty persons. Dexter's elder brothers arrived yesterday after they heard about the newborns. They brought their wives and children along.

I was expecting each of them to have two wives. They're too cute to stick to one woman.

The eldest had two kids, a boy and a girl same age as Christian. The second had one daughter, same age as Bella—maybe he married late because the third had triplets three girls which are eighteen years old. The fourth had two kids which are twins, two boys same age as Billy. The fifth had one son which is same age as Becca. I was told later on that the empire had a daughter he adopted from one of his maid who died in a car accident years ago. She should be same age with me according to the story. She's living a happy life with her husband in Canada now. And she'll soon be a mother as she's pregnant. I was told she'll attend my upcoming wedding.

"Thanks," I mouthed the words to Dexter who helped me with my seat. He sat next to me.

My kids have already settled in the dinning room before me, infact, they're having good time chatting with their mates. Grandma and mom are here too. Shawn and Nina went back to college in the morning. While stepdad Carlos had a full-time job to deal with in NY.

"Let's pray!" Bella beamed, rubbing her palms.

My eyes bugged from the embarrassment. Does she have to scream it out loud?

Everyone in the dinning room burst into laughter. Dexter's eldest brother's wife smiled with her hand on her chest, "I like your daughter. She's so smart."

"Trust me, she's a noise maker." I chuckled sarcastically. Yet, my eyes caught Miranda who just rolled her eyes nastily.

We prayed and began to dine into the different varieties of dishes on the massive table. Everything was of different continental dishes. Foods I haven't tasted in a lifetime , yummy desserts, westerner, Asia, European and all of that. It was more than five carts of food. Everything seems so delicious and I watched as my kids shamelessly dine in. Including my grandma and mom who were trying everything impatiently. Making me feel a bit embarrassed by their ill-mannered table manners.

"Come on, open up." Dexter fed me a fork of salmon.

I felt a bit shy, covering my mouth as I blush while chewing, especially when Selkath sighed in satisfaction with one hand pressed on her chest, "Aww, so romantic."

"It reminds me of the good old days. Right honey?" The Empire added petrol.

"Just like when I and my husband met?" Dexter's second brother's wife chimed in, holding hands with her husband as they smile facing each other, "It was like the fairly tales."

"Oh please," Dexter rolled his eyes, "There are tender kids here. Don't corrupt their little minds with love stories, Christabel."

"I heard you're a nurse." The third sister in-law beamed, dropping her glass of almond milk. Who is helping me broadcast my occupation if not Miranda?

When I nodded with a light smile, she gasped happily, "I love nurses. Though I wanted to study the course in college but I never got the credit, so, I did pharmacist."

"Wow, you have a very big pharmacy?" Grandma grinned. Shrugging proudly. "My Granddaughter is building a very big pharmacy in Switzerland."

My eyes bugged, my fork fell to my plate. That was supposed to be our little secret, grandma. Even mom never knew about it.

Dexter almost choked on his meal. His brows knitted as he turns to me, "Honey, you're doing a project without letting me know about it?"

"Well..." I'm thinking of the world's most perfect lie to give. "Actually, I was um....I was umm thinking maybe um....."

"Grandma, didn't you say it has gotten to the roofing stage?" So grandma even told Becca about it?

When Dexter turns to me again...."I wanted it to be a surprise package." I quickly saved myself. This guy has been doing alot for me and the kids. When would he allow me spend my money? I thought of a way and that is creating a pharmacy for myself. At least, I'll own my company.

He dropped his fork, rubbing the back of his hands as he looks down on me. "Do you have pictures of it?"

"Yes—no—yes—I mean no—"

"Here!" Billy passed him his iPad.

"I'll kill you, Billy. You brought your phone to the dinning room?" I mouthed the words to him.

"Saying something?" Dexter noticed without sparing a glance at me. His eyes scanning intently at the phone's screen.

I shook my head, one elbow on the table as I play with a strand of my hair. A stupid smile crest on my lips, "Hm? Nah, nothing."

He took out his typing something so fast. Then, I got a notification in mine. I looked at it, it's a message from Dexter. Why is he texting me when we're seated together?

I scroll unlock and what I saw made me snap at him. "What the fuck is up with you?" Everyone glared at me quietly, "Sorry." I chuckled sarcastically. Keeping my cool. I pinched his thigh but he didn't wince. He smiled instead.

I messaged back, "I know you won't let me spend a dime of my allowance and savings that's why I decide to make use of them and now, you're telling me you'd take full charge and responsibility of the building now? You gat to be kidding me, Mr. Martinson!" With a fuming emoji alongside.

"Before I forget," The empire cleared his throat. "The Empress and I have fixed your wedding date." He informed Dexter and I. "You'll have your coronation done same day, Triana. I don't want time to pass by quickly before it's done."

I shook my head, cheerfully. "Thanks, your majesty. May you live long."

While the others were busy congratulating me on my upcoming wedding and coronation, a man walked in, wearing an all black tuxedo and dark shades.

"Long live your majesty." He bow his head. "Pardon me your highness. But a man is here and he said you invited him over for dinner."

The Empire's brows creased, "I invited him for dinner? I never thought of that except for my family. Anyway, let him in."

The man bowed again and left. In the next one minute, a man dressed in casual outfits barged in. "Where is she—oh there you are, you slut!"

Our attentions immediately drew towards the young man Standing at the entrance of the room. The empire stood up with anger, "Are you the rasca that lied against the empire's unknown words?"

The others stood up too, except for the kids who are absentminded about the situation.

I witnessed Miranda shaking like she got a cold or something. Her teeth gnashing against each other.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your peaceful dinner, your majesty but I've only come here to disgrace this woman who called herself my fiancée." He pointed at Miranda.

Something tells me that this guy's look was not differ from the profile picture I saw in Miranda's chat hours ago.

Dave who hasn't said anything since stood up, confused. "What is he talking about, Miranda?" All eyes on her. "Why is he addressing you as his fiancée? Answer the fucking damn question before I lose it!" Dave yelled when she remained quiet.

Dexter patted his shoulders so he could stay calm a bit. But Dave wasn't in the mood to listen to anyone. Even the Empire and Empress were speechless about the whole situation.

Drama and confusion hit the atmosphere above us.

"Go on, tell him the truth, Miranda or are you scared? Huh?" The man yelled too. He walked to her seat and pulled her up, "I said speak out! Say the truth before everyone here."

Miranda jerked his hand away. "Stop it, I have no idea what you're talking about, Nathaniel. Infact I don't know you."

"Ah," The man's brows rose, his hands on his waist. "You don't know me but you knew my name, isn't it?"

My eyes narrowed intently at her, "Wait a minute, Miranda. Remember this afternoon when you came to my room..... wasn't he the one you were chatting with when you showed me the love emoji?"

"What the fuck?!" Christabel gasped. Covering her mouth. "Love emoji?"

"I remember seeing the name 'Nathaniel my baby boo' boldly written at the top, right?"

"What?" Dave frowned. Looking back at Miranda who already had cold sweats breaking on her forehead, he asked, "Is it true? Where you having an affair behind my back and moreover engaged to another man?"

When she didn't say a thing, the man bursted, "Are you deaf? Tell him you chatted with me this afternoon! Tell him you lied to me that you were in Scotland when you're here with him in Denmark having fun, tell him."

"Oh my God, what the hell is this?" Selkath fanned her face. She clutch on the empire's sleeve, "We forbid disgrace in this family, don't we, my love?"

The empire soothe her as he gestured her to sit on her seat. I heard she's too fragile.

"You bitch! How dare you make my mom cry." Dave moved from his standing novation like a flash. Thank God for his brothers who held him firm, only heaven knows what he'd have done to Miranda right now.

Miranda quickly jumped from her seat to the edge of the room, screaming from Dave's sudden movement. The guards rushed in after hearing the commotion in the dinning room.

"I gave you everything, all a man could give to a woman. The way I treated you...." His words broke like he was gonna cry. He pointed at Christian who stood very sad watching, "I never treated his mother that way. I respected you and tried to see from your own perspective. Tell me what wrong have I committed to deserve all these, Miranda?"

I felt bad. Especially for the Empress who's crying her eyes out. I know how much she loved Miranda and took her in like a daughter but the truth is.....some women don't deserve to be treated nicely.

"You disgraced my entire family. You joked with the monarch!" He stormed. Veins popped on his neck. "I thought Alyssa was....you know, but now, I know there's no other woman like her on this earth. You're nothing but a cheap slut! That's what you are—"

"Stop it!" She closed her ears, yelling back at him. "I said stop it! I never loved you from start?" We all gasped in shock as she confessed. "I was only after the title of becoming the new grand duchess. I wanted my haters to suffer under my new name, that's why I've been postponing our wedding and denying your purposals."

Our phones chimed. Everyone was carried away by the notification sound except for Dave who was still fuming.

Mom was the first to gasp, her palm covering her mouth, "Oh no...." When we turn to her, she shook her head, "Trust me, you guys don't want to see this, please."

"Why not?" Dexter took out his phone. His eyes bugged after something he just saw. "Billy, Rebecca, Isabella, hand me your phones now." He collected their phones, including the other kids mobile devices.


"Holy heavens..." Christabel gasped loudly. Interrupting me.

The others lifted their heads to Miranda at once. I'm still lost, Dexter won't tell me a thing. The Empress sobbed more after watching something on her phone. She even tossed her phone at Miranda. "Like mother, like daughter! The daughter of a retired prostitute! That's what you are!"

When I took my phone out to see what notification....

Oh my. This is not good to watch twice. A sex tape of Miranda having sex at the beach with a man that seems to be like Nathaniel?

This is real madness.

Dexter snatched the phone from me and turned it off immediately. "Are you enjoying the lewd sounds? Kids are here, ma'am."

Miranda rushed towards Nathaniel in a haste. She got hold of his sleeve's collar, "That was our sex tape you just disclosed you bastard!"

He jerked her hands off, "Get those smelling things you call hands off me."

Dave slumped helplessly on his seat, speechless with his face buried in his palms.

"Oh you want me to go on? Fine, why don't I tell everyone here how you asked me to pay someone to rape the mother of his son? Or what about how you asked me to fake an allegation on her so she could end up in prison?"

"Jesus Christ!" Everyone shouted, even the empress rose up.

"What did you just say? Rape my son's mother?" Dave's eyes narrowed as he stood up slowly. Processing the words again. "Forged a complaint against her?"

"How dare you!" Christian barged out of his seat crying as he grab Nathaniel by the collar, "You assaulted my mother and framed something she knew nothing about on her. I swear I'll kill you. You're the reason why she's been drinking herself to stupor. I promise you, you'll pay for the damages."

"Guards! Guards!" The Empire couldn't take it anymore.

Five guards who were metres away rushed nearer.

"Take this Nathaniel man and this slut to the drilling room until I call the state command police." Without waiting, the guards took Miranda and Nathaniel away while the Empire contacted the area police commissioners including Miranda's parents.

The dinner ended sadly. Everyone went to bed that evening thinking about what happened earlier. Even Dexter and I laid side by side on bed like dead bodies.

While Dave was busy finding it hard to console Christian who wouldn't stop crying for his mother's pain.

It was so awful and pathetic.