45| My wedding day

"You may now kiss your bride." The archbishop permitted us.

Before I could prepare for the lead—like arcing my lips forward, Dexter already caught mine. I don't know if today's kiss is like every other days but it's surely special and different. It was covered in LOVE and PASSION.

He was the type of man that has all the ingredients I desire to see in the man of my dreams. I was going to run out of my breath before he let go of me. His warm breath fanned my eyelashes—oh these fake lashes, can't wait to get home and ditch them away. Infact, how do girls get comfortable wearing them?

I've been blinking my eyes like a barbie dummy since I walked down the aisle. Stepdad by my side only made things worse. I never knew he was so emotional until this day. My wedding day. He teared up till we got to the altar. He was acting like a biological father to me, someone who wasn't my father but took my responsibility as a father would do for his only daughter. Just as Dexter did for my kids from another father.

Meanwhile, mom was also playing part two of step dad's awful scenario from where she sat next to grandma. I had to ignored them or else, I'd be the one in the part three and guess what? I might even ruin this gorgeous make up if I had tag along with them. I understand their emotions. Seeing their daughter going away to begin a second part of new life. I once had a first which wasn't approved by destiny and now a second, fully selected and stamped by God himself.

My eyes went from my newly wedded husband to my three kids who were giggling and smiling all the time looking at me in my white mermaid fishtail off-shoulder wedding garment. Then my eyes went forth to the next row where mom, grandma and the queen were. My two seven months old twins who had started crawling, Jasper and Eleanor, beamed, yipping with excitement on the queen and grandma's lap.

I don't need anyone to tell me that they've already chosen a father for themselves before I got married to him.

"They were very happy." Dexter said immediately we got home late that day.

It was sure really a celebration day and a remarkable one as at that. The coronation came immediately after the reception. It was PARTY AFTER PARTY. I never wanted it to end on time but same time, I was wearing out, getting tired by every minutes passing by. I was crowned the duchess of Sussex and Skakoan, Denmark. So now, like seriously, I now have my own people and queendom? This must be a delusional dream, somebody please wake me up before I get lost in it. Before we got home, Dexter already informed the limousine chauffeur to give us a tour to Skakoan—it wasn't far from home but it was worth visiting. I met alot of people, it's not a village, very civilized and well-known just like mine.

Can't help with the too much excitement as I giggle inwardly. We had to return back on time because it was getting late and also, my little twins are still under the stage of breastfeeding.

"Who?" I asked him while taking off the fake lashes and whatever is being used to intertwine my hair.

"Our kids, of course." His seductive voice came whispering into my ears behind me. His hands holding onto my waist like a waist trainer.

"Hmm..." I smiled, still not turning around to face him as I continue with whatever am doing.

"You smell nice, wifey." When I didn't say anything for a while, he kissed my nape, "I've already prepared a special place for our honeymoon this weekend, what do you say, my love?"

I definitely know where this is leading. I took off the last earring and turned to face him, wrapping my arms around his neck. I smiled brightly as his grin went up to his ears. "Go take a shower. I need to rest then feed the twins, you know I can't tolerate them when they come crying."

His grinning face immediately went down like a sad puppy. "But, baby—"

"I know it's our wedding night. You'll have me later, I promise but right now, I need to breastfeed. You know how Jasper and Eleanor are."

He grumbled, trying to be calm as an obedient child, "Yeah, yeah," He pressed a kiss on my forehead, "I'll go shower now. Take your time to feed the babies, we'll surely be together tonight." He winked sexily and left.

I smiled. THANK YOU, HUBBY. Then, I quickly ditched off the wedding dress and changed into something light before heading out to grandma's room.


My appreciation goes to his Royal majesty, the Empire. His lovely wife, her Royal highness, the Empress—who's also my one and only adorable mother in-law slash secret midwife.


And then to my grandma, mom...blah, blah, blah, alias everyone in the palace. Infact, the palace itself. I know it wasn't easy for them to watch over my kids while I and my husband were away for our honeymoon in MILAIDHOO ISLAND, MALDIVES.

My God, it was the best place I've ever been to in my life. Dexter and I took countless pictures, selfies and all of that photographs. He taught me how to swing and how to get over with the fear of seeing waves and water bodies. Now I can proudly dive into the ocean without having second thoughts. I can also stand by the river bank for hours if I want. I had so much excitement that I couldn't bear and behave myself. But unfortunately...we only spent a week.

Sad, right?

Yeah, I know.

And that was because of my two little troublesome munchkins. Jasper and Eleanor.

Those two won't stand a chance without crying after seeing us on video calls. My mind was divided into two places. One at Denmark and the other at Maldives. I know my family and new family here in the palace are watching over them. The rest three of my kids are now mature in the brain. Am glad to know that they no longer act childish like they used to before. Especially Bella. She's a princess like her siblings and cousins now, so she knows how to behave herself especially now that she has younger siblings.

You may think my honeymoon ended in a rush because of breastfeeding but no. My babies could live sometimes with and without breast milk. They mostly depends on baby cereal food. I'm glad that Eleanor who barely agrees to eat has finally put on some weight.

She detest food and depends on breast milk most of the time. Whereas the big guy, Jasper? LoL, he consume foods more than five times a day. Thank God he doesn't depends on breast milk. I'd have gotten saggy boobs by now.

The Empire took all his grandchildren, including Billy, Becca and Bella out for the roller coasters and amusement parks. Then, they'll also visit the bubble tea shop, ice cream shop and go for the movies after. While the Empress took Jasper and Eleanor on the baby stroller out for a walk and thereafter shopping. Once grandma and mom heard SHOPPING, they tag along. Now, they followed her. Including my sister in-laws. Though, they invited me to go with them but I declined. Meanwhile, Dexter drove out with his brothers to the arcades.

I'm very happy for the serenity. The whole place is as calm as a graveyard even though there are still bunch of staffs working their asses out somewhere in the palace.

I took the opportunity to relax for the first time in seven months. But just while I was about to close my eyelids and travel into the Maryland of slumbering, a knock unlocked my eyelids.

I groaned in frustration. Why now? Why not later or before now when everyone haven't left? The same frown on my face as I sit up on the bed. "Yes?" From the way I sound, if I was to be the whosoever person at the door, I'd return back.

The door opened and the butler, a middle aged man walked in and bow his head down, "Greetings, your grace." My lips smirked at the salutation. I'm getting used to this royal title, meh. "Sorry to bother you at this moment."

"Go straight to the point, Ernest." I kept my chin up high.

"A woman is here to see you, your highness."

"A woman?" My brows creased. "Who the hell is she?" I'm not expecting visitors.

"She didn't care to describe her identity, your grace. But the way she came, I think she's here to stay for a short time."

I kept quiet for a while, thinking of how to reply. "I'm not expecting any visitors, Ernest. Tell her to dismiss from this premises." I turn around, ready to sleep again.

"Your grace, she said she's your best friend."

That one took me off guard. I sat up again. Looking happy same time looking mad. "Fine, let her in."

He nodded and left.


"I swear, I'm serious. I lost my phone."

I rolled my eyes and waved my hand, dismissing her comments. "You're very fond of lies. It's your favorite thing to do. Trust me."

"Come on, Triana. Do you really think I'm making a fool of myself now?"

I stopped on my tracks and turned around to face her, "Obviously yes, Alyssa!" I snapped.

Two maids and a servant came in between our conversation as they began to help her with the luggages.

"To the visitor's yard." I instructed them and they obeyed immediately. I clasped my arms on my chest, standing straight as I give my old best friend a narrow glare.

"Oh please, don't look at me like that. I know what that means." She bit her lower lip.

I shook my head helplessly. "I called you my friend but you stood up to me like an enemy of progress. It's been months now, Alyssa. Months, you never called, texted or anything. That job you're using as an excuse was given to you by me. I made you had the job, or have you forgotten?"

She let out a deep sigh, looking away awfully.

"My God, I can't believe it was you who wouldn't show up in all my celebration activities." I snapped again and started counting my fingers. "My engagement party, you were absent. My babies' dedication, you were absent. And even my wedding day, Alyssa, you ghosted! And you stand here to tell me that everything was tight for you? You'd know I wanted you to have been my chief bridesmaid? Don't you?"

"Listen, bring your voice down. You're still a breastfeeding mother, you shouldn't be raising an alarm like this." Her voice so low like a whisper in shame.

"Fuck those silly slangs off, Alyssa. Even Georgina I never expected showed up at the very last minute of my wedding. Darn it! Girl. I forgot to invite her, yet, she created chance come. Now I know no one really has a best friend." Without waiting for her response, I dashed out into the patio.

She followed me. Pleading and begging for my listening ears. One of the maidens came into the patio with two glasses of freshly crushed orange juice and saw us arguing over with ourselves. Alyssa paused and waited for the maiden to leave before she continued. Before the maiden left, I informed her to make us something light like seafood. There's a very big ocean under the bridge at the back of the palace, so it's not difficult to eat seafoods here.

"Boss won't pardon me for one day-off. You act like you don't know your MD."

Our boss is very strict but many of you'd think it's a male. Nope, its a female. She loves serious and hardworking employees. For her, everyone must marry their duty and give birth to success and achievements. Maybe that's why she's still not married at only God knows her age.

I clicked my tongue and took a slow sip of my juice. Still? Alyssa won't stop blaming herself as she tries to win my heart through all the explanation she's giving.

Our seafoods arrived in no time. Spicy crabs, steamed freshwater fish, grilled lobster, peppered salmon, catfish pepper soup, tuna sardines, oyster and shrimps.

My eyes went from the food upwards as I view how Alyssa was drooling all her appetite at the sight of the food.

"Father Abraham, these smell nice." She couldn't wait for the maid to take them off the cart as she quickly hand her a helping hand to make the OFFLOAD quicker.

I dismissed the maid and she left with the empty cart. Alyssa was so far dining into almost all the meals at a time. Though I haven't ended the issues between I and her and here she is, diving deliciously into everything.

"Come on, try it, it taste so good, girlfriend." Her mouth full of grilled lobster. Even her words couldn't come out straight because of the too much food she's battling to chew.

I practically rolled my eyes off her face. Actually, I wasn't hungry. I just wanted her to feel a bit of my hospitality.

She reached for the bottle of wine, without pouring into the empty martini glass, she gulped it directly from the bottle. She heaved out a deep breath of satisfaction, still diving into the foods.

I leaned my back against my chair, crossed my arms as I watched her, shamelessly. In less than few minutes, she devoured everything on the table. Belching like a satisfied lioness.

"Sorry," She chuckled, awkwardly. Wiping her mouth with a table napkin. "Seems like you've already eaten before I arrived." She belched again. "Oops! Those meals were the best I've ever tasted in my entire life. Where did you hire those cooks from?"

I couldn't help but continue staring at her like a moron.

"Okay, I know you're still mad at me for screwing up at your parties but....." She belched again, causing me to wave a hand across my nostrils as she clasps her fingers together. "I'm sorry, I already explained my reasons to you, please find a place in your heart to forgive me, please."

After a while, I shrugged and exhaled softly. "Who am I to hold unto grudges?" I leaned my arms on the table after the maids came to clear it up. "I forgive you." I smiled.

She jumped up and rushed to give me a hug. "You're the best buddy in the whole universe!" She beamed, kissing my face all over.

"Oh please stop." I giggled. "One would think we're lesbians if they see us like this."

She stopped and went back to her seat. Feeling relieved. "You have no idea how happy I am now to have my bestie back again."

"You made your bestie run away, so if such things happen next time, I don't think I'll listen to your cooked up stories."

"Next time?" She mocked, feeling like a queen. "There will be no next time, baby girl."

I nodded, pretending to believe her.

Isn't it Alyssa? The Alyssa I know?

"So, tell me. Were are the lovelies? And your newly wedded hubby and everyone?"

"Shouldn't you have asked about them when you came in?"

She frowned, "How would I when I was busy explaining things to you and you won't listen to me?"

"Fine, fine, fine....." I waved my hand in the air, dismissing her simultaneous vocabularies. "They all went out to catch fun."

She stare at me intently, "You didn't go with them?" When I gave her a strange look, she refrained. "Oh, yeah. Hehehe, how would you go when I came to see you?"

"How did you manage to communicate with your parents?" I asked her when we began to take a stroll in the compound.

"Well, um....." She shrugged. "I had their numbers offhead. I used the payphone, even to contact Christian too. He was the one that gave me the address to this place." Pausing for a while, she sighed, plucking a little flower on our way. She added, "Life is really tough, Triana."

I looked at her, wondering why she said so. As for me, I can't remember the last time I experienced long-suffering.

"I heard your project is almost done. I'm happy for you."

"Thanks." I smiled lightly. "So how's life for you? Any new person yet?"

She looked down, shaking her head in dismay. "You won't believe I had an abortion lately."

My eyes grew enormously. My hands covering my mouth as I paused on my tracks. "Abort—what?" I gasped.

Her shoulders slumped, tears gathered in her eyes. "The last guy I hooked up with was a bloody civilian and the world's greatest liar. He tricked me in getting pregnant for him so he can marry me but thereafter, I realized that he was married with three kids. It didn't just end there. His wife bumped into me at the supermarket and beat the hell out of me. If not for the eyewitnesses, she'd have killed me."

"Are you serious or you're interpreting something you saw in the movies?" I'm still finding it hard to believe that my best friend went through all these trauma. While I was here, busy blaming her for all her absence in my occasions.

"During that period of time, I misplaced my phone. Everything was so tragic for me. I didn't want mom and dad and Christian to know. I done it in secret, infact you're the only person that knew about it." She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. "He came to look for me one night and plotted to kill me if not God who stood by me."

I thought she was faking it not until she pushed her t-shirt upwards a bit, revealing the fresh stitches on her abdomen.

I gasped aloud, covering my mouth. "Oh my God..."

"The doctor said I was lucky. I almost lost my womb."

I patted her shoulder, "Hey, relax. Everything has a reason why it happens. I told you all these blind dates are not meant for you but you never listen."

"But I was just trying to find a place to cool my head. Is that too much to ask?" She cried. I handed her my white hanky.

"No, it's not." I sighed sadly, rubbing her back. "Remember I gat your back whenever you need me. Feel free to stay here as long as you want."

She sniffed her nose on the hanky, nodding her head. "I swear never to fall in love with any man again, they're all liars! Men are liars! They're scums! My only priority will be my son and that's it!"

I wanted to laugh on that one but I had to control my amusement or else, she'd think am mocking her. But let's see if what she said would truly stand for her or not. But for me, I'd say that as long as she lives in this palace.... she'll definitely fall for someone or someone will fall for her.