Chapter 246. A world filled with Endermans

I was now in the middle of a huge island with purple houses all around me.

Far in the distance I could see some Endermans just walking around with difrent kinds of blocks in their hands, mostly from this dimension.

I would call this a city of The End, but unlike the game, this could be called a proper city with dozens of tall buildings, large streets, and a lot of life.

If I looked carefully at the sky, I could even see flying ships floating in the Void.

What an amazing sight to see.

I was still invisible because of my armor, so I was still safe even in an unknown place.

I tried to recall how I got here in the first place.


Why don't you see my extended family?

The sudden proposition broke my sad thoughts for a moment and replaced them with confusion.

"Are you talking about the Endermans?"


I was trying to process what just happened.

Was he trying to be nice to me?

Is this a trick of his, or am I too sad about the loss that I want to be grumpy?

"I don't see a reason to refuse, so why not."

Good, see you later then.

And then I felt my guts being pulled and I was teleported in an unknown place.


"So do you want me to meet someone specifically, or...?"

I turned around expecting Noah to be there, only to see more buildings.

"Did he just ditched me?"

I didn't expect him to be someone who likes to pull pranks, but in the same time, Endermans are known to be tricksters.

Or maybe he got annoyed that I blew up his island, and wanted to have some pace.

Without a goal in mind, I decided to walk on the long streets, seeing Endermans left and right.

And while I did see a lot of them, I felt that their numbers were considerably lower than the size of the city.

It was also interesting to find out, what the children's looked like, since in the game they didn't exist.

The smallest one reached up to my neck, while the tallest Enderman was the classic 3 blocks tall.

They didn't wear clothes or any other accessories, which made me wonder how they differentiate one from another.

As I watched them over a safe distance, I saw some of them stop in the middle of the street and make hand gestures towards each other like they were talking.

But their mouths didn't move, which made me wonder If they could talk telepathically.

Can Violet talk telepathically?

Why did she talk vocally then?

Was there something different in the Overworld that stopped that ability?

I continued to walk around the streets, jumping from time to time since the citizens kept teleporting nearby, and I didn't want to be found out yet.

Suddenly, I saw a building that looked different from the others.

It had a sign on it that said "Fruit Cafe".

Intrigued, I entered and looked inside.

There, I saw some tall tables that made me feel like a child, with some Endermans sitting around in silence while eating something strange from a purple bowl.

I was quite curious about what they ate since I've never seen Violet be interested in this kind of activity in the first place besides when she's very exusted.

So I got closer to one of the unsupervised bowls and managed to quickly put it in my inventory.

There, I was intrigued to see that it was Chorus Porige, which was most likely made from the Chorus Fruit.

Would this teleport me if I ate it like the fruit?

The others didn't seem to be affected, but at the same time, they were very different from me.

Not wanting to get into trouble, I placed the bowl back and looked around some more, hoping to see anything else that would catch my attention.

To my disappointment, there wasn't anything interesting.

Just plain furniture that decorated the purple space.

Should I try talking with them?

I was hesitant to do that since I didn't know how they would react.

They were Endermans, after all, but at the same time, they were ex-humans.

Noah wouldn't send me to see his family if it wasn't safe, right?

In the end, I decided to risk it and talk with one of them.

But I wasn't reckless enough to talk in the middle of the city.

I wasn't worried that I would lose the fight, but I was worried that Noah would get angry if I accidently killed someone in self-defense.

Maybe Violet would be angry as well, but she didn't talk too much about her family, so I didn't know.

In the end, I walked outside the city and saw a lone Enderman that was hanging at the edge of the island, looking into the Void.

I don't know how he could do that, but I guess that fact that you can teleport at will does dull your fear of heights...or death.

"Hey there, can you understand me?"

Suddenly the Enderman disappeared, leaving a trail of purple particles that I could follow.

A voice spoke into my head, similar to how Alexa usually does.

"Sorry to startle you like that, and I'm not a kid, so I don't need parent's supervision."

Now, this is an interesting reaction.

"That's how I normally talk. I'm not an Enderman after all, I'm a human."

So they do know a little about their history, but how much did Noah tell them?

"Yes, you could say that. But a lot changed while you were gone, and I'm a little exception to that rule. As you can see, I'm in your dimension after all."

No way even the Endermans in this dimension know about me!

"I don't know what your talking about, this is the first time I got here."

The more he talked, the more excited he got, like he was meeting a celebrity in real life, making me feel awkward.

"Do you know the name of the Enderwoman by any chance?"

Yep, that clears it, it's Violet with no doubt.

"No, I know about her. I just didn't expect to be recognized in such a place."

He knows about that as well!?

That was one of the most embarrassing moments of my life.

The Wither Skeleton King was a man that I don't even know how it came to be.

He was Monster Lord, but not made by the Ender Dragon. Not only that, but I think he would've had a good chance of taking over the Overworld if I didn't stop him.

The only reason I defeated him, is because I tricked him into being spliced by a portal.

I wouldn't say that I enslaved Alexa, but at the same time, I am its only master...

As for the God creation stuff, I think he's referring to the Wither, which doesn't bring joyful memories.

I didn't expect Violet to be a gossiper.

I was now more embarrassed to talk with the others since they seemed to know a lot about my embarrassing past.

Violet was with me from the very beginning, so she knows a lot about me.

"Well, it was fun talking with you. But I think I heard my name being called by your Father, and I don't want to make the man wait for me."

I turned around and was about to leave, only to be stopped by another Enderwoman who appeared in front of me.

"Wha- how did you know that I was here?"

Another Enderman appeared.

More and more Endermans appeared, and my mind was being bombarded by telepathic links, which made my head a mess.


Then my mind went silent, and I could finally hear my thoughts again.

"Ok, I'll answer some basic questions so you won't fry my brain. Yes, I am the human Violet was talking about. No, I do not have that kind of relationship with her. Yes, I am human, but also different from the others since your Father made my body. And no, I do not eat children that don't listen to their parents!"

By the end of my rambling, I was gasping for air and felt light-headed.

After a few moments of that, I looked around once again, only to see that the group got even bigger, and I couldn't leave this place unless I teleported.

So I put a bed down and accepted my fate by lying comfortably in it.

"Ok, since I won't be leaving this place any time soon, I'll answer some questions. But! You'll chose someone as your spokesman and he can ask the questions for you. I don't want my mind to be fried again."

With that said, I sat comfortable on the bed while munching on my golden apples with a smirk.

Choosing a spokesman was a genius idea, since a group of curios individuals would always argue on which question was more important then the others.

And my theory was proven right, since the first question aperead only after 30 minutes of silent arguments between the Endermans.

I had to say, that it was a funny sight to see how they expressed theirs frustrations through their long arms while I didn't hear the context.

The one who spoke, was the Endeman that I saw at the edge of the island. But his first request took me by surprise.

Then I rembered that Endermans like to pick block in general, and they even bound with them, so this was quite a big request from their perspective.

Not seeing a reason to refuse then, I placed down a few blocks that I had.

Wood, planks, obsidian, torches, lamps, bookshelves and other items that I manged to get from trading before I was teleported to this place.

At every new block I placed, there were wilder and wilder reactions of Endermans wanting to get close and inspect the items, but had to restraint themselves since that's the deal they made.

When I placed an Ender Chest down to get more blocks, I heard an old voice speak into my head.

"Sure, I don't see a problem."

The Ender Chest, was one of the few blocks that the Endermans couldn't pick up since it was made of obsidian, so I wasn't afraid he would run off with it.

The Endeman teleported in front of the chest and opend it without a problem before pulling out a book from inside.

He must be one of the humans that were alive when the disaster happened.

I wondered how he was still alive, and if there were others like him?

The Enderman looked through the pages and gave a creepy smile, similar to how Violet smile's when she was playing with redstone.

Clearly he was happy with what he got.

This sudden visit may have been the best decision that I made since I got to this dimension.