Chapter 247. New information

"You want to give me ancient knowledge?"

I mean, it wasn't specifically for this, but I wasn't going to stop him from teaching me some forbidden knowledge.

The question was if he had something useful for the upcoming battle.

"I don't know how time works in here, but in the Overworld a few hundred years have passed. Do you think you have more valuable information than what the world has now?"

The Enderman began to laugh weirdly with a few others in the back.

That was a complete change in his personality and I didn't expect this.

I mean I indeed wanted to get more information out of this, but he didn't have to spill the beans to everyone.

Should I prepare for a fight?

The System didn't feel threatened, it was just pissed that Noah opened a way to The End and destroyed a few continents.

And it's not hard to get hated by the System. I managed to do it in only 2 years and kind of got rid of it in 3.

"Ok, then I'll try to get the most out of you old man."

He laughed out loud before he turned his head towards the crowd that had some angry Endermans looking at him.

Then he disappeared making the crowd look at me now.

"Well, I placed all the items that I have from my inventory. So unless you want me to craft some stuff, we can continue to the next question."

But the crowd was more interested in the blocks, completely forgetting the interest they showed me beforehand.

Seeing that I didn't have any other choice, I decided to craft a few stuff for fun, such as sticks, crafting tables, doors, trap doors, different kinds of armor, a furnace, and everything that I could craft with my limited supply of items.

The group of Endermans got bigger and bigger, and some fell in love with the items at first sight and tried to steal them and run away.

Only to be quickly caught by their elders and given a stern lecture about their actions.

I wondered If they had something similar to the Internet with how fast the information was spreading, and I was kind of right about that.

From what I managed to gather from the younger Endermans when a large group is forming, their brainwave connects and manages to reach larger distances in the Void, which alerts other Endermans that something fun is going on here.

But when a large number of Endermans connect, there's a high chance that chaos would ensue since they tend to act on emotions instead of rationality.

That's why Elders were so Important in this society.

They had enough experience and were mature enough to keep everyone in control if things got bad.

I don't know how they did that, but they were highly respected, even though incidents like this rarely happened.

After some back and forth with the Endermans, we reached an agreement where I would get some of their unique equipment in exchange for my blocks.

With how desperate the young Endermans looked, I think they were willing to sell their soul if necessary, but the Elders were there to keep everyone in check.

After everything was done, they were shooed away, and only a few Elders remained with tired expressions on their faces.

Another Elder spoke while winking at me.

Oh wow, now I'm a celebrity in another dimension.

Maybe I should sign some autographs before I'll leave.

"Speaking of Violet, have you seen her?"

Did she not get here with me when I was teleported?

She did get stronger recently, but I don't know if it was enough to cross dimensions.

Especially when there was a seal made by the System to keep them as far as possible from each other.

Well, she's strong enough to take care of herself. I'm the one most likely in danger anyway.

"I can't help but notice that you all, Violet and Noah, look very different from each other."

Some of the old Endermans teleported on my bed while I was away, clearly enjoying the softens of the mattress.

The last time I checked the Crystal with Alexa, it told me that the Ender body was the pinnacle of what the Crystal could create.

But if that's the end, then why do they all look so different and have different powers?

"Can you elaborate?"

Wait, so they know how to use the Crystal as well?

Maybe I should ask them to teach me instead of Noah, to get a different perspective.

That was a lot of information in one go, what I'm I supposed to do with this new found knowledge?

She changed so much because of me?

Why did she choose me in the first place?

Was she really that entertained by me, or did Noah send her to keep an eye on me?

I didn't know what to think anymore, so I asked more questions afraid of the true answer.

"So are you saying that she sees me as an item?"

I knew that as well, I just didn't want to face the truth.

She was the definition of a stalker if you think about it.

"Wait a minute. Why do you think she dosen't know she loves me? Didn't you say that your species make children and raise it together? Aren't they choosing their partner out of love?"

Now most of the Elders turned away in embarrassment.

Some of them were embarrassed to say this, while others didn't care.

Clearly this was a problem that wouldn't be solved in one day, and I already had enough problems on my plate.

"Then why did you say that it's dangerous for Endermans to have strong emotions?"

That new information froze my brain for a moment.

"And who did he fall in love with?"

If Violet got so big and powerful to protect me from danger.

What kind of danger was Noah trying to protect his loved one?

The Elders looked at each other not knowing if they should continue.

"You've already told me so much, what's the point of stopping now?"

After a few more glances, they decided to spill the beans.

That was shocking but it also made a lot of sense.

Is this why he calls them the extended family and the real one?

That would be rough to hear, so I would keep my mouth shut.

But then, why was he chained up to those obsidian pillars?

I assumed that he was punishing himself for that happened in the Overworld.

I saw it more as a symbol since those chains couldn't keep him in place.

But if he loves the Void, then that action would make no sense.

I was missing some crucial information, and I had to find out as soon as possible.

"Ok dear Elders, things got a lot more complicated then I thought. And I need your help with something that could save the Overworld."

An unknown spark was suddenly lit in their eyes.

POV: Violet

I was teleporting from island to island while being invisible so the others won't bother me.

My human suddenly disaperead when he was trading, and I felt that he was here in The End.

But no matter how much I looked I couldn't find him!

It was so hard to get in here as well, I was unconscious for a few weeks from using all the energy.

But I couldn't stop now, if Father is the one who has him, he was in manse danger, I needed to save him no matter the cost.

Suddenly, I felt my soul being pulled.

"Found you!"

Then I teleported away.