Chapter 250. Betrayal

The Ender Dragon yelled in pain as the arrow produced more and more flames.

Not only that, but it seems that my mace was connected with the arrow as well.

Is this a failsafe that the System put in case I met the Ender Dragon?

But why did it start now? We were talking for quite a while and I didn't have any intention of harming her.

The space began to tremble once again like something was about to break.

Is this all because of my mace?

I put the weapon back into my inventory, hoping that this madness would stop.

But that turned out to be the biggest mistake I made since I came to this world.

"Finally! You let your guard down stupid dragon!" betrayed me!

"How can I betray you when there was nothing to betray"

Why was I saying this?!

This is the opposite of what I wanted to do, but I lost complete control over my mind and body.

I'll kill yo-AAAAHHHHH!

The flame on her back got brighter resulting in more pain.

I was still not in control of my body, but I was grinning with satisfaction like a madman.

Suddenly, a purple hand appeared around me, holding me tight.

What did you do to her? Stop it this instant!

Noah appeared on the scene with an angry face, ready to kill me on sight.

Kill him!!

The dragon yelled back.

And now I had control over my body once again, but I couldn't get out of the purple hand, no matter how much I struggled.

We can't do that, we'll lose the key to the arrow!

Noah tried to reason with her.

If we didn't kill him now, I would die from the flames!

But the dragon was still filled with anger.

I'll create him a body, so you can take the soul out and place it there. Before the ownership of the key is transferred, I'll take control of it.


Was that his plan from the beginning?

He's the only one who can control my body, so he must've set me up!

I had to tell her. Otherwise, I would be killed.

"Wait, I wasn't the one who activates the arrow! Noah can control my body at will. He's the one who orchestrated all of this!"

I tried to plead my case.

You dare make such lies after you've been caught! Do it, Noah.

The Enderman smiled and created an ugly brown block that had pulsing veins here and there.

I did not want to live in that body.

Another arm grabbed me, but this time, it caught my soul and lifted it out of my body, making me scream in pain.

I felt like my mind was going dark, and I couldn't do anything.

I didn't have any more lives, and because of me, the dragon would be unlisted at her full power to ravage the Overworld.

A faint voice kept calling from the distance, but I was slowly losing everything.


Somebody appeared in the middle of the Gods, grabbed my body, and somehow my soul before teleporting closer to the chaotic space.

"Hunter, wake up! You have to open a portal to the Overworld. The space is breaking down, and a link is being formed, but I'm too weak to make the final connection. You need to use your mace!"

I was feeling pain, my mind was fuzzy, but I was shocked at most with the mention of my name.

It's been so long since I've heard it, that it feels strange to hear it.

You won't get away with this traitor!

The dragon was still mad, and I wasn't in my body yet.

I looked closer at my savior and realized that it was Violet.

I had so many questions to ask her, but I didn't have the time.

So I clumsily swam to my body while Violet tried her hardest to protect me.

Once I was back, I made sure to take out the mace right as Noah was trying to take over my body once again.

But this time I was ready and fought back.

Violet grabbed me and teleported from one place to another as the pressure was rising in the Void.

We couldn't continue like this, or we would be killed.

"Bring me to the unstable space, I'll open the portal!"

I didn't know the coordinates to the Overworld, but at this point, we couldn't afford to stay here any longer.

After a few more jumps, she managed to bring me close enough for me to act.

So I gathered half of the energy I had in my storage and activated the space braking enchant.


A huge explosion was heard throughout the whole Void, and the space was broken like glass.

What I did was not an easy matter. With half of the energy I got from the Wither, I managed to break the space in the Nether.

But while I was in here, I managed to gather the energy equivalent to 100 Withers.

And I used half of that to break the seal between The End and the Overworld. Something even the Ender Dragon couldn't do.


I could hear the dragon yell in fury and then she stood up and climbed the Bedrock arrow until she was finally free.

This whole time she was in pain, but her haterade was so strong, that it was enough to push her through it.

Everyone was mortified to see this.

Noah was even panicking and began to concentrate the beams of the Crystals at her wound to heal it.

But the dragon was not going to stop with this.

Instead, she opened her wings and was getting closer to us at concerning speeds.

"We got to leave."

Violet grabbed me and teleported us through the portal.

I was blinded by light for a few moments, and then I saw a familiar scene that told me that I was in the Overworld.

Unfortunately, I couldn't enjoy the moment for too long, since I saw that we were teleported in the middle of a battlefield.

It seemed that we were in a pillar of light, that came from a temple that I didn'trecognise.

All around us, I could see a huge maze made of obsidian, filled with traps and monsters.

On the ground, there were people equipped with enchanted armor and even iron golems that were fighting what seemed to be a 3 headed dragon.

But in comparison with the Ender Dragon, it felt like a cute puppy.

Unfortunately, the dragon was still too powerful for the people. And I think I would've had some problems as well if I didn't have my mace.

So, to solve the problem I made a huge sword with my stored energy and split the monster into 2 like it was nothing.

Even I was shocked by the power of the sword, since I didn't have a lot of practice with it.

"Violet, teleport me to the ground, we need to warn the others."

Without saying anything, she grabbed me, and we were now on the ground with the shocked soldiers.

Surprisingly I was quite close to Merry, so I quickly warned her to order the troops to leave this place as soon as possible.

But it was too late.

Out of the portal, came a huge clawed hand that crashed the obsidian temple like it was nothing.

Everyone inside was dead, and the pillar of light was slowly losing it's power.

Just as I thought the portal would close and cut the dragon's arm off, she grabbed the edge of the portal with her other hand and tried to open the portal even bigger with brute force.

And the crazy part about it, it was working.

She was slowly making the portal bigger.

But her attempt was stopped when multiple light pillars came from the rubles of the temple.

They all took the shape of a golden angel, and by some miracle, they all merged into one and created a huge angel that was as big as the portal.

It seems that the light had an effect on the dragon since she screamed in pain and retreated her hand into the Void.

Just as the portal was about to close, she looked with the eye on her forehead at me.

In one year, I would be ready to fight and destroy your world.

And the portal closed, leaving everyone stunned in silence.

"What was that?"

A voice yelled from the rubles of the temple.

And unfortunately, I knew who it belonged to.

"Daniel! I'm glad that you are alive. Long time no see, how are you doing?"

More people came out of the rubles confused at what just happened.

Most of them weren't even sure if the war was over.

"Trader is that you? Where have you been this whole time? We could've used your help with the preparations for the war."

Daniel continued to complain, but I ignored him and searched for familiar faces in the crowd.

I saw Bobby, Froggy, Merry, Steve, Alex, and quite a few others.

This was the first time I'd seen so many familiar faces in one place.

How long was I gone for?

The base looks amazing, and I don't even want to think how much obsidian they used.

Was I gone for a whole year?

"Hello! Earth to Trader, are you there?"

Daniel snapped me back to reality, as more people gathered around me.

"So where have you been Trader? And who is your new friend?"

Bobby asked with a concerned voice, but I could see the smile on his face.

I turned around and saw that Violet was still with me and quite visible to the world.

She has grown quite a bit since the last time I saw her, and I think she has 2 additional wings on her back.

But even with her scary look, I could tell that she was bearly standing on her feet.

"Are you ok Violet?"

She looked at me with a tiered look.

"Yeah...I'm just a little tired."

Then she fell face first towards me, which forced me to catch her.

Otherwise, she would've gotten hurt.

But oh boy, was she heavy.

After I carefully placed her on the floor, I looked at the people surrounding me who had their weapons out.

"Please put your weapons down, she's not a Monster Lord. She's the one that saved me from the Ender Dragon."

Everyone looked skeptical at her, and I could understand why after they had just survived a fight with the 3 headed dragon.

But Bobby knew me long enough to realize what was the problem, or at least trusted me enough on my decisions.

"Sorry Trader, but we can't have a monster like her just walking amongst us. We'll l put her in prison first and decide what to do with her later. You also have to explain yourself where you have been in the past few months."

Bobby took the charge, and everyone was satisfied with his decision.

I was just glad that they didn't try to kill her while she was asleep.

I was also impressed by the influence Bobby managed to gather while I was away.

With the new ordered given, the soldiers looked one at each other, clearly not wanting to touch the monster.

Even though she was asleep, her claws were very sharp, and her aura was very intimidating.

I let out a loud sigh.

"Let me try something."

With my mace out, I tried to imagine a huge slab underneath my friend.

And luckily, the result came out easy.

Once she was on the golden slab floating comfortably, I decided to change the shape to one of the bed for maximum comfort.

The others looked at what I did with their jaw dropped and Daniel was really mad at me for some reason.

"What are you now, a Golden Lantern? Just throw the monster in the cell and get to the meeting with the others."

I think I struck a nerve for him, but I did as I was told anyway, since I didn't want to put her into any more danger.

After I placed her in the biggest cell, and made sure that nobody would hurt her, I went to the meeting.