Chapter 251. After the war

I entered a huge obsidian room with a square table in the middle.

Everyone was already sitting at it, waiting for my story.

I looked around the room and its minimalist design, then at the people at the table.

From their position, I could tell, they already formed some factions.

Bobby and his general were representing the Stone Kingdom.

Steve, Alex, Merry, and Aisha had a sad expression, but they were most likely for the Sandstone Kingdome.

Daniel, with an irritated expression and an unknown face, was representing the Coral Kingdome.

Froggy and Flora were the surprise guests but most likely represented the Witch Clan.

And there was one more empty space, which I assumed belonged to the Mad Prince and his faction.

"Hello everyone! I'm happy to see you all. I hope I didn't miss too much while I was gone. I would also like to know how much time has passed since I kind of lost the track of time.

"You've been gone for 2 and a half months Trader. It's not that long, but you missed a few events."

Bobby was patiently explaining to me.

"I can tell. I have to say that I'm impressed with what you've managed to accomplish in such a short amount of time. Once I saw the 3 headed dragon outside, I thought that I was gone for a long time."

Once I mentioned the Monster Lord, everyone tensed up, and Aisha looked extremely angry.

"We have to thank you for dealing with the Monster Lord. I don't think we would've done it so well without you."

"How did it appear?"

"It seems that the 3 Monster Lords merged into one, and its strength was unmeasurable afterwords."

That sounded like a pain to deal with.

"Well, I'll ask for more details later since all of you are tired and curious about what I did while I was away. But before that, let's get the rest of the group as well since I don't feel like repeating myself."

Then I took out my mace and gathered some energy while activating the space break enchantment.


I hit the space on my right, and a crack appeared, which showed the Nether.

Not wanting the crack to heal too quickly, I imagined 2 golden hands holding the edges, which seemed to do the trick.

"Alexa, it's me, Trader! Please get the Mad Prince here since we'll have an important meeting. Actually, get your Allay as well since I don't want to tell the story twice."

After I yelled into the Nether, I sat back down and looked at the people who were still shocked at what just happened.

Their reaction made me smirk, and Bobby was the first one to wake up and see my face.

It was a good thing that I learned how to use my tools better.

A few moments later, the Mad Prince and the Second in command were teleported to my crack, and they were taken aback by the situation as well.

"Come in. It won't close any time soon, but I don't want to waste any more energy than necessary."

The blue angel flew past without a problem, and the Brutes soon followed.

After everyone got comfortable in their seats, the golden hands disappeared, leaving the space to heal itself.

"As you can all see, my trip wasn't truly a waste. I managed to learn how to use my weapon better, and gather some additional information about the upcoming threat."

Once they heard about the threat, they all got serious.

"I have to be honest here, we don't stand a chance against the Ender Dragon, no matter if we prepare for 1 year or 100."

The mood quickly went down.

"That's quite the negative view you have Trader. While you were gone, we've managed to grow quite a bit. I, as the president of the Coral Kingdom, can promise you that in a year, we can easily make a weapon that could kill a 3 headed Wyvern."

Wow, Daniel got quite the promotion while I was away, and the others seemed to trust his word as well.

"The Nether Kingdom would like to help as well, to wash our hands of the shame of letting the Phantom Lady get away."

What happened while I was away?

"I didn't say that because I don't think you can grow, I actually think you can with such an amazing alliance. But the dragon you just fought was defeated by me with one attack. Now the Ender Dragon is a much bigger creature that could've killed me with just a thought, but the only reason I'm alive, is because the beast was pinned to the ground by an arrow made of Bedrock, it didn't move for a few hundred of years, and my friend Violet was there to teleport me out of the danger. I didn't stand a chance."

Everyone was left speechless.

If I couldn't deal any damage to her, who could?

Bobby was the first to break from the shock, most likely from experience.

"Trader, I think you need to go into more detail on what happened. Maybe you missed something that we could use."

Well, the smartest minds in 2 dimensions are in this room, so maybe they could think of something that I missed.

So, I explain in the beginning how I was someone summoned, not by the System but by another being from the End dimension.

Then I told them about my Trading skill and how they teleported me to the End after I completed it.

From there, I explained who Noah was and what I did while I was there, up until the meeting with the dragon, where Noah betrayed me and angered the Ender Dragon enough to get out of the trap while flying to kill me.

By the end, everyone had a serious expression on their face, trying to process the news that just got.

To my surprise, the first one to speak was Second in command.

"So you're telling us that our ancestors are alive but chose not to come back because they deemed that dimension as a worthy punishment?"

I don't know if they could really get back as thwy wished, since the System didn't have problems with the other Endermans because they were kids and not part of the problem.

While the Elders were not in the same situation.

"You could say that. I didn't manage to talk for too long with them, but from the short lessons they gave me, they are truly belonged to the golden age."

"Then we don't stand a chance, even if they didn't have the Dragon. Noah alone is enough to deal with all of us, and I don't want to think of what other weapons they have."

It seems that Second gave up quite fast, which took me by surprise.

"No, if the Elders were on the same page as Noah, then they wouldn't try to communicate with you, so that means they wouldn't fight in this war, or at least not willingly. What troubles me, is the reason why the Ender Dragon decide to wait 1 year to attack?"

The Mad Prince spoke, and his question made me wonder as well.

Why did she say that?

She wasn't pinned in one place anymore, and she was powerful enough to destroy the System's barrier even if it wasn't weakened.

"I think the arrow did more than pin her in one place. You mention that she was cursed to become a cubic being like us, so she had to fight constantly to maintain herself. But now that she's free, she would try to heal and then attack us."

What the Mad Prince said made sense, maybe we could use that.

"What are you suggesting then Mad Prince?"

Daniel asked while narrowing his eyes.

"We should launch an attack while she's still wounded."

Everyone got up from their chair and was ready to yell at him, but he raised his hand.

"I know that you have Mad in your name, but are you actually that crazy? Trader didn't stand a chance while she was like this, and you want to attack unprepared?"

Yelled Merry.

"I didn't say that we would attack right away. But I suggested we should launch an attack in about 6 to 8 months. With this, we would have some preparation, and take the enemy by surprise."

Some looked angry, while others contemplated this answer.

"But even with this plan, the only thing that matters is if Trader can get stranger in such a short amount of time. I don't know about Alex and Steve, but Trader has a track record of getting stronger at un unprecedented speeds. Now Trader, do you think you can do it this time as well?"

Everyone was looking at me now, which put quite the pressure.

Unfortunately for them, their pressure was nothing in comparison to what I had in the End, so I was getting sleepy instead of tense.

"I have a few ideas on what I could do, but I won't promise you anything."

Everyone nodded their head in understanding.

"Well, that's the best we could get out of you. Now that's sorted out, let's see if this whole mess was worth it or not."

Daniel shifted all the attention to Steve and Alex, who seemed to be silent the whole meeting.

"The ritual was interrupted right at the end, so it was a failure."

Steve said with a monotone voice, which resulted in the whole room letting out curses and depressed sighs.

"But, we now know the location of the body, and we can get there with no problem!"

Alex quickly intervened to lift the mood, which worked, but the others were too tired to react anymore.

"Then it settled, you guys and Trader would go after the System's body and find out anything that could help us win this fight. While the rest of us would clean up the place and organize ourselves. Any objections?"

Nobody spoke back, so we all got up and left to our own task.

I wanted to talk with Bobby and ask what happened while I was gone, but he was the busiest person in the room, so I decided to leave it for another day after making sure that nobody would mess with Violet while I was away.

Before I left with the duo, I opened another crack in space for the Mad Prince and Second to get back home.

Alexa decided to stay and follow us to the System's hidden headquarters.

Once we were outside the maze, I finally asked the location of the headquarters, since the maze had too many ears.

"The purpose of our ritual, was to find the location and create a portal towards it, but it seems that the defense system was better then anticipated and it took us longer that we wanted. Becouse of that, the space in the Overworld got so unstable, that the Lady Phantom escaped, and the seal with The End was weakened."

Oh wow, so this whole mess was their fault?

I wanted to be mad at them, but I usually tended to make those mistakes, so I didn't have the right to judge them.

Plus, their mistake is what saved me life so I couldn't even be angry about it.

"Ok, well deal with that later, but where do we have to go now?"

"We found out the location of our destination is in the middle of the planet, more exactly, beyond the Bedrock floor."

How did I not think of that?

I knew that the Bedrock layer could be destroyed in the Nether, so why didn't I think to do the same in the Overworld?

Well the idea of having a base on the moon or the sun was still a plausible one.

"Let's get down then, I know how to broke those blocks, so it shouldn't be a problem."

"There's no need to worry about that. Becouse of the ritual, we gained more access to what the System had in the past, and one of those perks is to remove Bedrock blocks at will."

That was awesome to hear, but unfortunately I still had to dig a staircase down, since they wanted to conserve energy.

When we reached the Bedrock, I made a small room and let the 2 to do their magic.

Both of them held hands and enchanted something in unison for a few minutes.

Suddenly the Bedrock began to tramble and then collapse into the light.

That's right, beneath the Bedrock wasn't the Void but a powerful light that made me belive we had a sun in our planet.

"So what now?"

The 2 of them looked at me and jumped off shocking me.

"Alexa, please tell im not the only one who thinks they're crazy."

I let let out a sigh, and equipped the Elytra.

Then I jumped into the light.