I opened my eyes and moved my body, not feeling too much of a difference.
"Are you ready?"
"I guess?"
"That's good, try to block this with your hand."
Then Alex proceeded to slash my arm with my Netherite sword and reached to my bone in one swing.
I began to yell in pain as the wound was healing at visible speeds.
"I thought that sword was supposed to be the final test!"
"Yeah, but Steve suggested starting with the strongest weapon from the beginning since it would be more efficient this way."
I'm so going to punish those kids when this is over.
"At least we know that Alex's idea worked. You unconsciously used your iron skin as soon as the sword touched you, and the improved regeneration worked quite well."
Steve said in a monotone voice like he couldn't see the hatred in my eyes.
But he was right.
If it was my old body, the sword would've easily cut through my arm and even caught on fire.
I think anything below an enchanted diamond sword can't scratch me anymore.
The regeneration was amazing as well, and I think my pain was dulled since I recovered quite quickly.
I don't know if that's a good thing, but I was thankful for it.
"Next time, don't attack me by surprise. One simple mistake, and I can lose my life, I only have one!"
"Oh, you don't have to worry about that. As long as you are in this plane, you'll basically immortal."
Stave gave me some shocking news like it was nothing.
"Can't we just bring the Ender Dragon in here and fight it until it runs out of energy?"
"Unfortunately, that would be too dangerous for us. From the records of the last fight, she has more energy overall, and her specialty is chaos, which means that we are beaten on both fronts."
Well, that didn't sound good.
"How did the System win in the first place?"
"While the core of the System is not meant to fight, it's still a high-level God that was programmed to be a final boss against any kind of threat. So if it was at its full power now, it wouldn't necessarily lose. Plus if we brought the Dragon here, she would just destroy the Command block, and that would be the true end for us."
"How am I supposed to defeat her then?"
"There's 2 ways you can defeat her. By making her spend all of her energy, or find the central point, like the command block, and break it."
"Well, she's connected to a whole dimension filled with energy, so I doubt I'll outlast her in that regard. As for the second suggestion, I guess that it could be done. I just don't know where her weakness would be. She probably has it somewhere hidden like the System!"
But apparently, I didn't have to worry about that.
From what Steve told me, the Ender Dragon wasn't the smartest tool in the shed when they first met. So when they fought, she fought with her real body, while the System used an avatar.
Now, the final arrow that struck her to the ground had one job, and that was to slowly kill or transform the dragon into something that the System could accept.
But, Noah came into the picture and managed to stop this process, but not erase it.
Since the arrow was stuck in her for a while, she actually formed a core in her body that couldn't be moved anymore.
The problem was that we didn't know the location of the core.
"Well, I guess it's better than nothing. Let's do the rest of the tests then."
For the next few minutes, I ran, jumped, dived, and even flew to get as much data on this body as possible.
What we got was pretty interesting.
It seems that I can absorb the ambient energy in the air, and use it to harden my skin to the level of an iron block.
If I was on the surface and didn't have enough energy to mentain it, then it would use my hunger, which was a good substitute.
Now there were also some downsides to it.
I could only use the energy from the Overworld, I was getting hungrier faster, and I was slower than the previous body.
In the end, I could say that it was an overall improvement, but not good enough to pick up a fight with the Ender Dragon and survive.
So this body was put to the side, and Alex made me a new one.
Like the previous one, it looked exactly like me, but when I switched to it, I instantly felt the difference.
"It felt so light, so full of energy! But I also feel very hungry."
"Here are some golden carrots to have the best effect. Now can we start with the test?"
"I shouldn't feel any pain right?"
"Not unless you're running out of energy and become mortal once again."
This experiment could be painful and deadly if it didn't work, but I couldn't deny my curiosity either.
So I gave her the green light.
Like last time, she took out my Netherite sword and only slashed at my arm.
But the sword cut through me, leaving a trail of flames behind.
"It worked! I'm a genius!"
Alex jumped from side to side happy that the experiment was a success.
What happened?
Well, while we were brainstorming ideas on what we could use, I told her my knowledge on the ridiculous powers my home world had In shows and anime.
Some of them, Steve said, would require too much energy to make or would be too complicated.
But others caught their attention and told me that it could be done.
So what powers did I have now?
Well, let's say that I'm a logia user, and my body is made of fire.
From what I know, I should only be able to get hurt by water attacks and energy-based attacks, which unfortunately, the dragon has.
But this wasn't the final body, just a test to see if it could be done.
"Ok, let's continue with the tests then. Take this iron sword and try to attack those wooden blocks while activating your powers."
Suddenly, a tree appeared in front of me like it had always been there.
Not seeing a reason to wait, I swung my sword at the trunk while activating my powers, and it let a deep cut in the wood.
Not only that, but the wood soon caught on fire, turning the tree into nothing, just in a few minutes.
Unfortunately, the sword couldn't handle the power and melted after one use.
"So you have something stronger than a fire aspect, but you also need a stronger weapon to hold it. Your mace should be strong enough."
We tried a few more tests.
When I used the mace, I could conjure things made of fire instead of light, which meant that I could change the element my projections, If I had a body that could control energy.
I also managed to fly, but it wasn't that comfortable and it would take a lot of practice if I wanted to use it in a fight.
I could shoot fireballs and transformers into pure flames at the cost of my clothes and even destroy rocks with my fist if I wanted to.
"Want to do the final test?"
"What other test there is?"
"Of course, you're going to fight the angel."
"The only reason I survived for so long, was because of my armor! And I can't use my powers if I have my armor on."
The reason we made a body like this, is becouse it would be better then having armor.
Plus, the netherite armor seems to absorb my flames, which made it even harder.
"No, the reason you survived for so long is because of your special mace. And you can use it more effectively now with your new body. And don't worry, we'll put the angel at the lowest setting, so it would be like fighting a lower God who has no powers."
She's saying this like lower gods are not gods at all!
The Wither was a lower God, and he wiped out a whole city with one move!
"Ugh, just don't make it too hard."
"I'll see what I can do."
Alex said that, as she walked towards the smaller command block.
Once she activated it, the familiar angel appeared in front of me, with an empty gaze.
It was quite unsettling to see, but I still took my mace out and created a 3 block sword.
The angel didn't summon its sword. Instead, it raised its fist and ran quickly at me.
Unfortunately for the angel, this body was also boosted with speed.
If I ran normally, my speed was similar to a haste 2 potion, and if I entered in my fire mode, I would be on equal grounds to a haste 4 potion.
But even with this advantage, that was the same speed for the angel.
We quickly ran all over the white plane, where I tried to slash or dodge the angel, but the being of light always knew how to dodge my attacks and hit with scary precision.
The only reason I didn't lose in the first few minutes of the fight was because it couldn't hurt me.
Since it was restricted to not using it's energy attacks, it couldn't do anything to me in my fire form, instead, it took damage when it attacked.
Alex and Steve wanted to stop the fight, since they got enough data for the next body, but I stopped them from doing that since I saw this as the perfect opportunity to train my fighting skills.
All this time, I've been fighting using tricks or unknown weaknesses against my enemy, but with this, I could safely learn how to fight.
Sure, I won't be a master in just a few months, but I should be able to teach my body how to react to godly attacks.
"Can you change the shape of the angel?"
"We can change its size but not the shape. The System was very keen on keeping this form for some reason."
"Then make it it's full size."
"Are you sure about that? Its punches would be much heavier."
I was hesitant for a moment, before giving the signal to continue.
Suddenly, the angel grew so huge that my neck hurted to look at it, and I didn't have a neck.
Its attacks were slower than before, but they were still fast enough to pose a danger to me.
While in theory, it couldn't kill me once I became a flame. Becouse of its sheer size, the wind pressure was strong enough to extinguish my flames.
I had to fight more creatively when I realized the disadvantages I had.
So I first made wings of flames on my back, to fly away from the problem, but then remberead that I could conjure only one thing at the time.
Making my wings a great tool for maneuvering in the air, but not so much for attacking.
So my next course of action, was to make a giant sword of flames and ride on top like a hoverboard.
It was kind of fun to crash my sword into the giand angel, but the fun didn't last for long since the energy consumption was way to high for me to maintain for lomg periods of time.
After a few hours of fighting like that, I decided to stop, and almost fell down from exhaustion.
"That was an interesting fighting style. I think we can create something that would make it easier for you. But first, let's change you to a new body."
Before I could shut my eyes to get some sleep, my soul was lifted from the mortal flesh and left hanging in the air.
But now that I wasn't in my body, I didn't feel tierd, and I was quite afraid of those implications.
The fire body was stored away, and my soul was shoved into a new one.
This one felt more flexible, more fluid and much more calm.
"Since the Void does not get along with water, how about we try a full body made of it."
I feel like those months would be very long for me.