Chapter 260. World without color


I finally took a break after working nonstop on this monster project while also ruling over a country.

Now that the novelty was gone, I felt that it was just a headache to take care of so many people in this problematic world.

And the worst part about this, I couldn't even blame Trader for it, since I did it with my own 2 hands!

How I wish I had his freedom right now, but without the responsibilities.

I'll see what I can do after this whole mess Is over.

The past few months were a nightmare, and it reminded me of my college days with sleepless nights for impossible projects, only for the teacher to give me a bad grade because he didn't like the font I used for them.

But that was the past, the simple life, while the present has a lot more at stake.

After countless experiments, we managed to create 4 types of monsters, or as Merry likes to call them, Super Pets.

The dogs were one of the more interesting test subjects, since they looked more like wolves from my world than this.

Our tests showed that they were as dangerous as a soldier with enchanted diamond armor.

And when they worked together, the dangers increased even more.

I was quite proud of them, and with Steve's help, we managed to grow quite a number of wolves.

The next ones on the list were the horses, or as I like to call them, the Bicorns.

I could say that they had a future to live in the outside world. They are fast, powerful, and very intimidating. If you manage to get one to guard you on your travels, you'll never be robbed again.

As long as they recognize you as their master, you can be the best warrior the world has ever seen!

And we have 10 of them!

If you couldn't tell, they were my favorite part of the project, and Steve didn't even need to interfere that much with them.

Next on the list is the Mad Prince Panter.

The result of combining the strongest soul humanity could produce, against the most agile body we could make.

It was an ugly experiment, but we needed to use it, even though it was hard to contain it.

I thought the Mad Prince would have the same problem since I didn't think his cages were better.

But it seems that he found someone that solved that problem!

That traitor!

And lastly, the final monster we created, the Fire Dragon.

Steve had to mutate a strong soul to specifically inhabit this body, and that was quite a sight.

I first thought of creating a Wordern since, in the game, it was stronger than the Dragon, but Steve pointed out that a being that powerful would not bow down to us, and it would only become a future disaster.

In the end, we decided to create the Dragon, not with the purpose of fighting, but to support the hero.

We knew that after a certain threshold of strength, the dragon would be smart enough to have its own ego, and I don't think it would take too kindly to be forced to die for us in such a short amount of time.

So we made it more like a battery for Merry since she would be our main attack.

After all, she was strong enough to go on toe to toe with the 3 headed dragon.

Of course, she didn't know about that, since I'm sure she would be against this plan.

That's why we had to give the dragon a few other perks, such as its fire breath and the ability to fly.

Merry took the dragon for a few test, and she loved it.

But today was supposed to be the big day when the army and the monster squad would merge, making it stronger or much weaker, depending on the humans.

It's a good thing the hero was such a smooth talker.

Suddenly, a familiar golden door appeared in front of me, and I could see Alex and Steve with a worried expression.

"Get here, the Void decided to invade the Overworld!"

When I heard that, my eyes were wide with surprise, and I could bearly fight back when I was dragged into the white planes.

This wasn't the first time I was here, so I was familiar with the huge Comand block and the smaller one.

I tried to use it last time, but wasn't allowed to my displeasure.

But they had the power in this dimension, so I could only listen to them and stay put.

Now that I was back here, I saw that everything was the same, except for a big screen that showed the Fortress from a bird's view.

I could see how a huge portal was opened, and it kept pouring waves of monsters one after another.

They were so many, that some of them died trampled before they got to the swords.

The humans were frozen in shock, but the golems, being machines, quickly went to action, getting rid of the creepers and the other bothersome monsters.

After a few moments, the animals woke up and decided to counterattack, soon followed by humans.

This was a disaster!

"Why are they here? Weren't we supposed to have a whole year to prepare?"

That's why we decided to attack them a few months earlier to take them by surprise.

Why did the opposite happen?

"I'm as confused as you Daniel. But I can only see 2 reasons why the Void decided to attack. Either she's already healed, or she feels threatened by our progress, deciding to attack while she's still wounded."

The wounds she got from the Bedrock arrow were severe enough to keep her in one place for hundreds of years.

That's the statement she made when she was filled with anger, so I don't think she was lying.

So, when she mentioned that it would take a year to heal, especially when she was filled with anger.

I tended to belive her.

For starters, if she attacked us because she felt threatened, that would mean she was watching what we were doing for a while and understood it, so our element of surprise was out the window.

Not only that, but it is most likely that she would choose to attack before we were ready, and since we're already finished with the project.

That would only mean that Trader was the one not ready for the fight.

"We have to get in contact with Trader, where is he right now?"

"Looks like you came to the same conclusion as me. Unfortunately, Trader is now in the Nether, and I have no way of getting in contact with him. I forgot to give him a Chat."


In the most important moment, the key decided to isolate itself.

I'm guessing this is also the main reason I'm here since they are too important to leave the post.

"Ok, I'll do it. Open a portal to the Nether."

Both of them nodded, and then a red door appeared and opened itself, letting me see the Nether.

I quickly passed through, feeling the heat of the dimension washing over me.

"Alexa! It's me, Daniel! The Void is attacking the Overworld, so call out for Trader!"

I yelled as loudly as I could, making the Pigmens from the nearby hill stop and look at me.

Fortunately, I didn't attack anyone so they didn't see a reason to attack me as well.

But time slowly passed, and I was getting more impatient and nervous.

Did something happen in the Nether as well?

Should I go to the main base of Alexa?

What about the Mad Prince? Should I text him as well?

Just as my mind was coming up with new plans, the space in front of me began to bend, and a blue ally with a huge crown appeared in front of me.

"You're asking If I need something! Bring out Trader right now so he can defend the Overworld like everyone else!"

Even I was surprised with how impatient I was.

But Alexa didn't seem to be bothered by that. Instead, it responded with the same monotone voice.

And just like that, it disappeared, leaving me confused about what just happened.

After a few moments of nothing, I decided to leave the Nether since the heat was making me light-headed.

Once I passed the small portal, I felt better, and I took a few breaths to prepare for what was about to come.

"Did you get Trader?"

Steve asked without looking away from the screen.

The army was now fighting back, and even gained some ground, which was good to see.

Some of the more powerful soldiers decided to preserve their strength for the stronger enemies, keeping the monsters close to the portal but not close enough for them to be endangered when the Death Arrows that are going to hit.

"I talked with Alexa, and it told me that it would warn Trader about it."

If the battle continued like this, I don't think we'll even need to use our secret weapons.

Unfortunately, I don't think we'll have it that easy.

"He's most likely going to use the portal in the Nether then. That would be smarter than going through a whole army of monsters."

Right! We didn't have only one way to the End.

I forgot that since the attack started from here.

We all sat in silence for hours, as the fight continued.

The monsters kept coming like there was no end to them, and the soldiers were getting tired as time passed.

They weren't powerful, but they had numbers on their side.

But creating this many monsters, consumed energy.

Energy that could be better used to make stronger monsters than those ants.

After a few tiring hours, the Void seems to reached its limit, or at least for the first phase.

Soon came the Monster Lords, back from the dead and hungry for revenge.

"They still have the same amount of energy, but there's no light behind those eyes."

Spoke Alex with a calm voice.

So they were dumb brutes, not a problem anymore.

Later came the final boss, the 3-headed dragon with some black mist that was wreaking the army like it was nothing.

Suddenly, I got a notification from my Chat, telling me to release the Arrows.

"Don't worry hero, I see the problem as well."

Steve told me the coordinates, and opened a portal for the signal to go through.

Meanwhile, I took another tablet and put the exact coordinates and the time for the realese.

After one final click, the Death Arrows were lunched and to my plesent surprise they worked quite well.

Unfortunately, that feeling didn't last for too, as the monster came back like it was nothing.

But the black fog lessen which meant that we still had a chance.

The battle continued, Merry finally activated her enchantments which made her closer to a God then a monster.

She punched the 3-headed dragon left and right leaving holes in its body that made me wonder if my arrowes were even needed at this point.

But the 3-headed dragon, soon showed the strength of the 3 Monster Lords.

It opened a portal and teleported high above the sky, then one of the heads began to glow with purple light, and a huge mountain of gravel apperead above the base.

This was going to kill everyone on the battlefield if it landed!

I looked at Steve and he nodded his head.

Suddenly the dragon that was supposed to be wounded suddenly got up and flew towards the falling mounting of gravel.

Just as it made contact.


A huge explosion accurate, which erased the falling mountain and the darkness nearby, with a huge shock wave.

Everyone was shocked into silence, with only Merry was shouting in despair.

The sacrifice wasn't for nothing, as all the energy stored inside the dragon, was now rushing towards the hero, given her enough strength to deafet the 3 headed dragon once and for all.

"What is Trader doing?!"

Alex yalled in shock, which made me turned around.

There I saw the huge Comand block emitting more and more light like it was about to explode.

Then something unexpected happend, Alex and Steve looked at the screen with a look of horror.

"I'm sorry Daniel, we can't save you from this."

I turned around to see what scared them so much, only to see the screen frozen in a gray colour.

Then the white planes became gray, and I couldn't move anymore.


I opened my eyes, still in shock.

I didn't feel anything, and I was dead!

How I'm I supposed to fight something that I cannot see or understand?

Another life of mine was gone, leaving me on the last chance.

"Can I stay here until the disasters settles?"

But nobody was there to answer my question.

Instead, the world turned gray and the pulsing heart suddenly stopped.

I was once again trapped in one place, and I saw that awful message as I gave my last breath.