Chapter 32: The First Subordinate, Cambion

[Congratulations, host, on acquiring the Cambion. Would you like to summon it?]

"Yes, summon it."

From the picture, Argon observed that Cambion was a demon wielding a spear as a weapon.

Suddenly, a wormhole materialized in front of him, and shortly after, a red creature emerged from it. Argon examined Cambion's status.


Race: Demon

Cultivation: Late Stage Qi Gathering Realm]

Upon arrival, Cambion immediately kneeled down.

"Subordinate Cambion, greets Your Lord," Cambion said with a poker face.

"Rise... From this moment on, you will stay here and assist me in defending this place."

Cambion's appearance resembled that of a human, with the exception of his red skin and fierce eyes that exuded madness and destruction.

Furthermore, Argon couldn't help but notice Cambion's remarkable armor and weapon, particularly his spear. The spear emanated a palpable killing intent that sent shivers down Argon's spine.

"System, what distinguishes normal dungeon monsters from subordinates?" Argon inquired in his mind.

[Normal monsters are confined to their designated floors, while subordinates have unrestricted access to any floor. Additionally, subordinates can exit the dungeon and freely roam the outside world, whereas normal dungeon monsters can only remain outside for a day.]

"Wait, does that mean dungeon monsters can leave the dungeon?"

[Yes, but I caution the host against impulsive actions, as it would only provoke outside forces given the dungeon's current capabilities.]

"Thank you for your concern, system. Rest assured, I am aware of that."

After all, Argon wasn't foolish enough to launch an attack on the outside world with his current strength. While he could patiently wait for people from the outside to enter his dungeon, he found it too slow.

Now that he had the option to venture outside and attack, he would seize the opportunity.

[Host, you are attributing emotions to the system. I must clarify that the system lacks emotions. However, if the host perishes, it would be troublesome to find another host.]

Upon hearing the system's response, Argon could only offer a wry smile.

"System, are there any treasures or skills that can help me alter my appearance?" Argon inquired, his desire to explore the outside world intensifying upon realizing his ability to venture beyond the dungeon.

[Indeed, there are. Would the host like me to provide a list of available items and skills?]

"Yes, but limit the list to items costing no more than 300 soul coins."

In an instant, a transparent screen materialized, displaying a comprehensive list of items and skills. Argon quickly scrolled to the bottom.

After some time, he became captivated by a particular mask item.

[Mask of Deception]

Price: 300 soul coins

Description: A mask capable of changing your appearance, scent, and cultivation. Please note that its effects are limited to creatures up to the Qi Gathering realm. Any beings beyond that level will be able to see through the illusion created by the item.]