Chapter 33: Add 2000 Goblin/Hobgoblin Riders

Argon looked at the stack of 1300 soul coins in front of him, contemplating his options.

"If I purchase two of these masks, I'll have seven hundred soul coins remaining. That should be sufficient to acquire a substantial number of monsters for the dungeon."

With seven hundred soul coins, he could obtain at least two thousand goblin riders, reaching the peak stage of the building base realm. Additionally, he could upgrade Ghorm to the Opening Qi Realm.

Without hesitation, Argon made the decision and bought two Mask of Deception, one for himself and one for Cambion. The masks appeared unremarkable, crafted from skin, but emanated a creepy aura.

"Cambion, use this mask to change your appearance into that of a human," Argon instructed, handing the mask to Cambion.

Argon then wore his own mask, focusing on the desired appearance. In an instant, his features began to transform.

Soon, his intimidating and menacing humanoid dragon appearance gave way to that of a refined young master.

Cambion, on the other hand, adopted the guise of a middle-aged bodyguard.

"Cambion, accompany me. But before we venture out, I need to upgrade Ghorm and utilize all my remaining soul coins to acquire goblin rider monsters."

"Yes, my Lord," Cambion acknowledged.

Without wasting another moment, Argon and Cambion teleported directly to Ghorm.

Ghorm sensed the sudden presence of two individuals before him, initially perplexed by the sight of two humans. However, he swiftly knelt upon recognizing Argon as the young human.

"Welcome, my Lord," Ghorm greeted with reverence.

"I'm surprised that you recognize me," Argon remarked.

"The presence and connection between the dungeon monsters and Your Lord cannot be concealed by mere illusion, my Lord," Ghorm explained respectfully.

"That's reassuring. It means no one can impersonate me and deceive the dungeon monsters."

"In addition, I'm here to elevate your cultivation to the Opening Qi Realm... and add two thousand goblin riders. With the humans having left the dungeon, I anticipate their return with greater numbers and stronger cultivators. We must be prepared," Argon informed Ghorm.

"Thank you, my Lord."

Argon proceeded to upgrade Ghorm's cultivation and acquired two thousand goblin riders as planned.

After completing these actions, Argon and Cambion vanished through a wormhole that Argon had created. As the dungeon master, he possessed the ability to create wormholes for teleportation, courtesy of the system.

Meanwhile, Ghorm swiftly issued orders to the two thousand goblin riders, instructing them to disperse throughout the forest.  -------------