Chapter 34: Elder San

Inside the office of the city lord's mansion, a middle-aged man and an old man were examining an unremarkable stone lying on the desk.

"Elder San, do you think what's written on the report is true? No matter how I look at this thing, it doesn't seem to have the ability to teleport people," Xenos asked the old man beside him.

Apart from its black color, it was not much different from a regular pebble one would find on the roadside.

"Ehm... My Lord, the report states that the stone is supposed to glow slightly and have tiny runes around it... But looking at this stone, it doesn't possess those characteristics at all... I'm just as clueless as you, My Lord. Unless the boy Fax made a mistake," Elder San stroked his beard, deep in thought.

"Hmm, I don't think so. Fax wouldn't make such a nonsensical mistake," Xenos said, still confident in his subordinate's abilities.

"It shouldn't be a mistake. There must be an explanation for this. For example, perhaps this item didn't work because it was far away from the place it came from... Yes, that must be it."

Xenos's eyes lit up. He had heard of similar items, although he had never seen one himself. He had learned about them through books and stories from other people.

"If that's the case, then that place must be truly amazing. Just the fact that it can enhance your cultivation by killing monsters would make anyone eager, not to mention obtaining items."

"You're right. If another kingdom were to learn about this, they would surely flock to that place like locusts."

"By the way, Elder San, have we received a reply regarding the report we sent to the capital?"

"Unfortunately, not yet, My Lord."

Upon hearing this, Xenos could only smile wryly.

"Well, that's to be expected. I'm sure the report is still sitting on someone's desk."

"And also, Elder San, I've already told you that it's okay to call me by my name. You are like a father to me, so it's more than fine to address me by my name."

Elder San had been a servant and protector who had been with Xenos since childhood, caring for him after his parents died in an unknown incident. His father was the brother of the current king of the Oland Kingdom.

For someone with royal blood, Xenos had led a tragic life. Nonetheless, he was grateful that his lineage allowed him to become a City Lord, even if it was in a barren place.

"My Lord, I cannot do that. After all, I am still a servant of the royal family."

Suddenly, a bird they used to relay messages flew in through the window and landed on his desk.

Xenos removed the paper from the bird's foot and read it. His expression turned gloomy after finishing it.