[Bonus Chapter] His Unexpected Appearance

[Please check the paragraph comment. I attached a photo as a reference if needed ;)]


Because of Asher's sudden appearance, the Xin family's dining room was caught off guard. He walked inside with Old Lau next to him.

Thomas and Katherine stepped forward to personally greet Asher before Albert and Selena did the same. The young generation only stared in silence.

Liliana pursed her lips, not knowing how should she act right now.

"Sister Lili, are you okay?" Dylan whispered in concern. He noticed the change in Liliana's expression.

Liliana gave him a grateful smile. She admitted frankly, "Just surprised."

Dylan put his arm across Liliana's back. He gently squeezed her shoulder as if trying to give her support. The young man didn't see the cold look thrown by Asher for a second.

"What an honor to have you here, Asher," Thomas put on his best smile, "Aren't you supposed to be in your family banquet? How's Old Madam Shen doing?"

"Pardon my intrusion. I brought gifts here to celebrate New Year," Asher responded politely, "My grandmother is healthy. Perhaps, you should ask Liliana because she spent most of her time with her."

Liliana frowned. She was displeased when Asher suddenly brought her into his conversation with her father.

Thomas kept on smiling amicably, "Liliana isn't one who likes to share anything about her. Well, since you're here, come join us for the meal. We haven't met in a long time."

"Sure," Asher nodded. He didn't point out how Thomas abruptly changed the topic.

Thomas looked in the direction where Deanna, Esther, Liliana and Dylan were seated. Albert and Selena sat on the opposite side together with Katherine whose seat was the closest to Thomas'.

"Anna, give your seat to Asher. You can sit next to your aunt. Esther, change with Liliana," ordered Thomas.

Deanna was unsatisfied but, she didn't dare to go against her father. She knew the importance her father placed on Asher. It had always been like this even before his marriage to Liliana.

Esther just quietly sat up. She was always the silent one among the siblings.

Thomas scrunched his brows when he saw Liliana continue sitting on the chair. Esther stood next to her, waiting to exchange their seats.

"Liliana, move now," Thomas restrained himself from speaking more firmly, "We can't begin our banquet if you keep sitting there. Let Esther sit in your place."

Liliana couldn't avoid showing her clear displeasure. She really didn't understand what was happening now.

Every eye was looking at Liliana aside from Asher. He was now seated in Deanna's previous place, seemingly unbothered by the tension surrounding the dining room.


"Just let Sister Lili sit here," Dylan voiced his irritation. He stared daggers toward Asher, "Dad, they don't have to sit together anymore. Won't they divorce soon?"

Dylan's words silenced Thomas. Katherine frowned. She looked at Dylan and moved her mouth, trying to silently tell him to behave but, the young man pretended not to see.

Liliana took in a deep breath. Without standing, she locked her gaze on Thomas. Her initial confusion and fear changed to a resolution. Her next words stunned everyone.

"Yes, we're going to divorce soon. I don't have to sit together with him anymore."

Thomas hissed, "Liliana, don't be stubborn. Do you insist to make trouble right now?"

Thomas really didn't know what made this daughter of his change so much. She frequently talked back to him, unlike how timid and docile she was before.

Liliana even dared to go against him during their family banquet. Fortunately, the other relatives were not present.

When the tension was rising, Asher's voice broke the silence. He glanced at Liliana before his eyes moved back to Thomas.

"It's true. I don't have to sit with Liliana. Uncle Thomas, please sit down. I feel bad to hinder your family's banquet."

Hearing that, Thomas' face sank. Asher didn't call him 'Father-in-law' as usual. His words also implied there was a distance between him and the Xin family.

Thomas laughed awkwardly, "Well... it seems like you've changed your way to address me. May I say that I'm quite hurt?"

Asher just gave Thomas a faint smile. He was disinterested to answer that question.

After Deanna moved to sit next to Selena on the other side of the dining table, Thomas gave a signal for everyone to start eating. Liliana breathed out in relief seeing that the situation improved slightly.

During the meal, Thomas engaged in a conversation with Asher. The divorce topic wasn't brought up anymore.

From time to time, Katherine, Albert and Selena chimed in too. They were interested to hear more about what the capable young master envisioned for the future.

Liliana remained quiet throughout the meal. The dishes were crafted by renowned chefs but, everything tasted so unpalatable for her.

"Sister Lili, eat more. You're too skinny," muttered Dylan in distress. He clipped more marinated beef slices and put them onto a small plate next to Liliana's rice bowl.

Liliana teased him, "Says someone who's still growing. You're the one who should eat more."

While Liliana was eating, she didn't notice Asher kept looking in her direction despite doing it subtly. She tried her best not to draw any attention, only to be given one by her soon-to-be ex-husband.

Once the meal ended, Liliana quickly excused herself. She couldn't stand being in the same room as Asher anymore.

Liliana went to the end of the hallway, far from the dining room. Sitting on the alcove window seat, she threw her gaze out to the backyard.

The annex where she used to live appeared in her line of sight. With the silver-streaked gray sky hanging above, the small building looked as lonely as how she felt before.

'I miss Mom.'

Liliana was inclined to leave as soon as possible but, Dylan secretly mentioned earlier that he wanted to show her something. She didn't want to upset one of the very few people in this family that was genuinely cared for her.

Tap. Tap.

The coming footsteps echoed heavily in the quiet hallway, picking Liliana's attention. Her heartbeat accelerated because of how familiar they sounded.

"...what are you doing here?"

As expected but, much to her displeasure, Asher appeared again in front of Liliana. He lowered his gaze to her who was still sitting on the alcove seat. His posture was as rigid as always, silently pressuring the people around him.

"Can't I meet my wife?" replied Asher in a flat tone.

Liliana sneered. She asked mockingly, "Don't you mean, your soon-to-be-ex-wife?"

Asher narrowed his eyes. A glow of fury lit up in them.