He Would Be Her Forgotten And Unattainable Dream

Liliana was not in the mood to argue with Asher. She slid down from the alcove seat and immediately turned around to leave. The hem of her long skirt fell gracefully around her legs.

Liliana's action deepened Asher's frown. Staring at her back, he blurted out, "Are you that eager to leave?"

The dissatisfaction in his voice was too obvious.

Liliana inadvertently paused her steps but, she refrained from turning around. Her heartbeat was too chaotic. She didn't dare to face Asher right now.

"What do you want, Mr. Shen? I think we don't have anything more to discuss."

The slight tremor of Liliana's voice didn't escape Asher's notice. He was more upset about the unfounded fear than how she changed the way to address him.

Tilting his head, Asher carelessly flicked the back of his left hand. His eyes slowly traveled from the sole of Liliana's flat shoes to the small waist hidden by her loose pale blue dress up to on top of her head.

Asher's eyes were focused on the red oak cabinet sitting at one corner of the hallway. The mirror attached to the cabinet reflected Liliana's anxious expression without her noticing it.

"Mr. Zhao said you didn't even return to check on your belongings. You just told him to ship everything to the penthouse?"

Liliana kept her gaze straight ahead. She bit her lower lip, trying to calm the turbulence in her heart. Her shaky voice echoed softly in the quiet hallway.

"Mr. Zhao is an efficient housekeeper. He'd know to pack everything that belongs to me. It's not an issue whether I went to check or not."

Liliana clasped her hands together, willing herself to be poised until Asher left. She really didn't want to show how timid she felt right now in front of him.

Asher would be her forgotten and unattainable dream. Liliana didn't need more reasons to be hesitant. She needed to get rid of the last of her feelings as soon as possible.

With one hand in his pocket, Asher took one step closer to Liliana.

"Why does it sound like an excuse?"

Liliana frowned. She shot him a question back, "Why does it matter to you?"

Another step closer.

"What if Mr. Zhao accidentally forgets something? Wouldn't it be bad?"

"I've checked the boxes. All that's supposed to be mine is inside them," replied Liliana in exasperation. Her expression turned darker when her frustration overtook her anxiousness.

Another step closer.

Asher was really one step away from Liliana now. He could perfectly see the beauty mark on her right ear's helix, slightly hidden by her luscious dark hair.

"You're lying. You don't check everything," Asher breathed out, his voice turned lower.

"What do you...?!"

Liliana abruptly turned around only to be shocked by how close they were. She immediately took a step back, her legs gave away in the next second.

Closing her eyes, Liliana braced herself for the fall. Her senses returned at the familiar touch enveloping her waist.

When Liliana opened her eyes again, Asher's devilishly handsome face was magnified in front of her. He supported her waist with only one hand.

"...let go!"

Agitated, Liliana pushed Asher's chest. The earthy and sensual scent of sandalwood invaded her nostrils, reminding Liliana of how familiar that scent was with her. Her heartbeat accelerated again.

Asher's daze darkened at the sight of her panicked face. He silently watched Liliana back away. At this distance, it was impossible for him to reach her at arm's length.

"Mr. Shen, conduct yourself. Whether I lie or not... it's not your problem," Liliana's breath hitched. She grasped her chest, still looking straight at Asher, "We're going to divorce soon. Remember that."

"Is that how you're going to behave?" Asher growled. The whites in his eyes started to redden, "How quickly you treat me like a stranger."

Liliana squared her back. She retorted, her voice an octave higher, "In the four years of our marriage, haven't you been treating me the same?"

Asher was stunned so was Liliana. She didn't expect to yell those words at him.

His cold mask cracked but, it was not Liliana's concern.

Seizing the opportunity, Liliana's turned around and ran away from that place. Her figure quickly disappeared at an intersection before the echo of her footsteps faded.

Asher remained standing at the same spot. He begrudgingly pushed down the irritation that kept overflowing from his heart, something that he didn't understand.

Liliana had really forgotten something important, that was what Asher deduced. He purposely didn't mention what it was to her.

A few days ago, Asher returned to a half-empty bedroom, the one he shared with Liliana. Only his possessions remained in the vast bedroom.

Mr. Zhao and the other maids had packed everything that belonged to her in dozens of boxes, including the luxury bags and gowns that she rarely used. Hundreds of her books were also there.

Those boxes had been shipped to Venture Suites where Liliana was supposed to live now.

At that time, Asher was given something by Mr. Zhao.

"Young Master, I found something that belonged to Young Madam. Please forgive me for not spotting it early."

When Asher looked at Mr. Zhao's hands, a red leather-bound book was held by the older man. The L alphabet was carved cursively on a corner of the book.

"It's fine. Just send it to her," Asher didn't place any importance on the sight mistake.

"Perhaps, it is destined to be left behind, Young Master."

Under Asher's confused gaze, Mr. Zhao put the book on the bedside table. After giving him a bow, the older man swiftly left the bedroom.

At first, Asher didn't pay attention to the book. Until his curiosity took over his thinking.

"Mr. Shen."

The stern voice pulled Asher out of his reverie.

Turning around, he saw Dylan coming closer from one intersection. The sense of displeasure was too apparent in the younger man's expression.

"Dylan," Asher curtly greeted him. He had always sensed how this man dislike him.

Dylan narrowed his eyes. When he spoke, a threat was laced in his voice.

"You've done my sister wrong all this time. Since you'd divorce soon, don't pester her anymore. Sister Lili doesn't deserve to be treated like that by you."

Before Asher could respond, Dylan immediately left, leaving the heightened tension in the air.

Asher frowned. The young man's words left a bad taste in his mouth. The image of Liliana's forgotten diary resurfaced in his mind.